Smoke Jaguar Opord, Operational Assessment & Battle Tracking
Posted 06 January 2015 - 04:07 PM
I much enjoy reading your logs, they're very entertaining. =]
You might be interested to know that the assault on Idlewind was actually initiated by two unnamed pugs. From approximately 08:00 EST to 12:00 EST there were lone two pugs in queue for Idlewind at all times. I joined queue along with a member of QQ in hopes of getting more pugs to come along and seed a match, and twenty minutes later were were joined by a 9-man of Carrion Crows. The siege thus began, despite Idlewind being only a tertiary objective for the Republic. We really should be concentrating on Liezen, but the Smoke Jaguars are much more satisfying opponents. They don't whimper like dogs when they lose.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 04:26 PM
we need to take irece and idle below 50% for 3h otherwise we are losing them...
Posted 06 January 2015 - 04:42 PM
bedevere42, on 06 January 2015 - 03:52 PM, said:
Heh, should the call of the clans change to "Join Us! Cause we're not Davion..."
I think of it in an American College Football analogy... you either love Notre Dame or you love EVERY opponent while they are playing Notre Dame, there is no middle ground in this analogy. No "fence-sitters."
When it comes to Smoke Jaguar recruiting and retention, we have already reached our niche market of MWO gamers predisposed to taking up the Smoke Jaguar Banner. Now we much focus on enticing / rewarding with good hospitality / in-game cooperation those Mercenary Units that see fit to take up our "Smokey" cause for a time... All the while knowing that they will fight their best while under our banner but that in the nature course of a Mercenary Units progress they will move on to greener pastures after a 7, 14, or 28-day contract.
BUT that if we dealt fairly, amicably and honorably with them while they were under our Banner, that particular Unit is more likely to return again to our cause.
It has been my firm belief since late November, that MERCENARY RELATONS was the one and only key to a Clan's ability to reach Terra. Quality of gamer and number of gamers, both reside decisively in an aggregate Mercenary grasp to either facilitate or hinder the Clan quest to liberate Terra.
A wide niche of Mercenary Solos and Units are open to Clan contracts.
A subset of these are open to a Smoke Jaguar contract.
A minimally overlapping subset will only ever take a contract that is diametrically opposed to Davion, for a whole host of reasons both MWO-personal and lore-based.
Portraying Clan Smoke Jaguar as a Clan most likely to and best positioned to first break through to Davion Space will net Smoke Jaguar no few potential contracts.
It won't appeal to all... but appealing to a distinct market niche is never a poor decision when working Faction Recruiting and Retention IMHO.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 04:48 PM
Tarogato, on 06 January 2015 - 04:07 PM, said:
I much enjoy reading your logs, they're very entertaining. =]
You might be interested to know that the assault on Idlewind was actually initiated by two unnamed pugs. From approximately 08:00 EST to 12:00 EST there were lone two pugs in queue for Idlewind at all times. I joined queue along with a member of QQ in hopes of getting more pugs to come along and seed a match, and twenty minutes later were were joined by a 9-man of Carrion Crows. The siege thus began, despite Idlewind being only a tertiary objective for the Republic. We really should be concentrating on Liezen, but the Smoke Jaguars are much more satisfying opponents. They don't whimper like dogs when they lose.
Well met, good Taragoto!
And I have enjoyed working to counter the work of FRR's infamous Solos and the steadfast Kurita attackers on Irece... admittedly the wins more than than the losses thus far today.
And my thanks for adding "The Rest of the Story" for good Idlewind.
I look forward to who gets to write her last chapter after tonight's ceasefire!
Keep your powder dry and your mount/Mech always at the ready, good Sir.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 06 January 2015 - 04:50 PM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:37 PM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 07:59 PM

Edited by Tordin, 06 January 2015 - 08:00 PM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 08:00 PM
Posted 07 January 2015 - 12:27 AM
Posted 07 January 2015 - 12:38 AM
Tomorrow I may run a much more abbreviated version of CW "Battle Tracking"... and who knows, maybe someday soon PGI may judge it appropriate and feasible to give better form and function to MWO CW "Battle Tracking" than my admittedly thin attempt here.
Thanks for following along.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 07 January 2015 - 12:46 AM.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 09:26 AM
11:00EST - With 12-hours remaining until Ceasefire, Smoke Jaguar has neither gained nor lost any sectors and no one is queued for either Attack or Defense of today's Smoke Jaguar operational targets. A very clean slate on which to begin the day's assessment and tracking effort.
12:00EST - No sectors have been liberated and no sectors are imperiled. 4 Smoke Jaguar Liberators are in queue against the Kurita world of Caripare against 3 Defenders.
1:23EST - Dropped three times on Caripare. Planetfall established, sector secured. Continued drops to ensure and widen Smoke Jaguar sector control. A 9-man Laio TCAF element has proven to be the largest and most effective enemy force thus far encountered.
2:27EST - Drops continue against stiff Inner Sphere ristance on Caripare. Latest counts of Attackers and Defenders is 24 to 30 respectively. Drops are rapid and mostly attrition based.
3:10EST - The heroic struggle to liberate Caripare continues. Three small unit and Soloist teams of 12 are currently in game against three sets of defenders. Still no FRR activity on Idlewind. One sector lost on Juareiro.
4:36EST - An afternoon of aggressive assaults on Calipare has seen Smoke Jaguar controlled sectors increased to three. Idlewind remains clear of Enemy activity. Of the eleven worlds (2 Attack, 9 Defense) that are visible to Smoke Jaguars, thus far today Calipare has seen by far the most action.
5:55EST - Fast-turn drops continue on Calipare. Multiple Smoke Jaguar Units have come on line and are heavily engaged in the fight. Sector Control has increased to four.
6:23EST - Today the Inner Sphere did not evidence as great an early surge of Attackers as it did yesterday. By this time yesterday three worlds had been lost (70% or more in Enemy hands) with a fourth being hotly contested. Today only one world is beyond 70% occupied by Forces from the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance.
7:44EST - Combine Forces have surged this past hour taking at least 2 sectors on Calipare unopposed. Remaining sectors are being aggressively challenged. Smoke Jaguar continues to see very little opposition at either of its defensive efforts against Kurita or FRR. The greater preponderance of Smoke Jaguar activity remains centered on Calipare.
ASSESSMENT: While it is possible that the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance currently in the employ of the FRR is heavily invested against Clan Ghost Bear and Wolf today. It remains a distinct possibility that mercenary forces will be freed up for an surprise attack against Idlewind at some point in the next 90-minutes. EVERY Smoke Jaguar unit should maintain vigilance over the CW map ensuring queued attackers against either of our two worlds in contention tonight are met with a decisive response.
RECOMMENDATION: A good case can be built that we should piecemeal response to our own defenses, permitting Enemy forces to waste valuable time and resources there before we respond with overwhelming force (ensuring we hold the planets below 35% taken.) Such a strategy would siphon off considerable enemy resources from current attacks agains Jade Falcon, Wolf and Ghost Bear.
8:41EST - Fully engaged in Calipare drops. Very little wait time, 2, 3 minutes between the last 3 matches. Smoke Jaguars meeting stiff resistance. Planet continues to transition between 4 and 5 Sectors under Smoke Jaguar control.
9:10EST - 228 has entered the fray on Calipare. Against a stolid Defense, 228 forces persevered and wrestled sector two from Smoke Jaguar control. Calipare currently sets at 26% with 4 sectors under Smoke Jaguar control. Defensive efforts against Kurita and FRR remain unopposed.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 07 January 2015 - 06:14 PM.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 12:01 PM
Posted 07 January 2015 - 01:01 PM
A force is also ready to drop on Jauzierio if the need arises.
Current reports show the majority of our forces are en route....see you on the battlefield Trothkin!
Edited by DarthRevis, 07 January 2015 - 01:23 PM.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 05:15 PM
Posted 07 January 2015 - 10:22 PM
It feels like our CSJ playerbase is becoming weak or we honestly need those prior to NA-primetime to start the aggression earlier on their assaults or something. The matches past that period seem to "limp" towards the finishline (plus, Kurita was all over the planet (that we all were attacking) tonight just as well).
Posted 07 January 2015 - 10:50 PM
Deathlike, on 07 January 2015 - 10:22 PM, said:
It feels like our CSJ playerbase is becoming weak or we honestly need those prior to NA-primetime to start the aggression earlier on their assaults or something. The matches past that period seem to "limp" towards the finishline (plus, Kurita was all over the planet (that we all were attacking) tonight just as well).
They only started attacking it 1.5-2 hours before cf. We had 11 guys trying to get into que in the last couple mins to stop it but could not pull in another person in time.
Our opinion, some bad decisions have been made over the past couple days.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 10:52 PM
Mickey Knoxx, on 07 January 2015 - 10:50 PM, said:
Our opinion, some bad decisions have been made over the past couple days.
Yea, that could be improved. May need to drag a few more for that or the occasional update and/or plan for everyone. That shouldn't really happen.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 11:34 PM
Deathlike, on 07 January 2015 - 10:52 PM, said:
Yea, that could be improved. May need to drag a few more for that or the occasional update and/or plan for everyone. That shouldn't really happen.
While the MWO forums has the widest visibility to the Smoke Jaguar player base, it is far from secure.
I will refine tomorrow's Operational Assessment and Battle Tracking Thread to include a Base Plan with two straightforward Branch Plans.
It is Clan confidence to post a Base Plan openly on the forums, where ALL can read it... yet it will be up to Unit Commanders and Solos to carry forth the plan as provided or if they sense value in using my pro-offered and publicly available plan as a simple ruse in order to thwart the Inner Sphere's current advantage in the number of mercenary Units, they may do so.
Either way it can serve as a point of departure for tomorrow's CW.
...besides, no good plan long survives contact with the Enemy, it should best serve as a common basis from which to deviate.
We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:56 AM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: Given the current membership of Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance's and it's dramatic impact on the current balance of power between the Clans and Inner Sphere Houses, today Clan Smoke Jaguar will more aggressively marshal it's own available forces to cover down on both Offensive and Defensive responsibilities.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Mercenaries and associated Clan defensive contributions) will liberate Itabaiana while defending Idlewind and Outer Volta from Inner Sphere aggression in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra.
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity is the concerted actions of the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance or ISMA (228, MS, Lords, QQ, EMP et al.) Where all storms can be weathered, it is important to remember that this amalgamation of exceptionally skilled and led Mercenary Units is of a highly transitory nature. It is understood that many of these Units are on a 7-day contract and that a number of them are entertaining the upcoming lapse or breaks of service to move on to the next opportunity to assert their Unit impact on MWO's CW. Given this the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control is our border with Kurita Space, specifically the contested planet of Outer Volta and to a lesser extent the planet of Itabaiana (because just as occurred last night elite ISMA units can drop to the defense of Itabaiana. Thus priorities of effort are the defense of Outer Volta, the attack on Itabaiana, the defense of Idlewind followed immediately by an all-hands effort to support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: This thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. In anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be determined later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction Units in order to ensure they remain solvent and retain offensive capabilities.
COMAND AND CONTROL: While this thread will provide a point from which to deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In game chat may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day as required. The current TeamSpeak channel and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership coordination of tactical action will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth, refining it to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift three 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against three 12-man Comp Teams from the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Outer Volta. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
11:00EST through 1:00EST - Only one sector remains lost to the Inner Sphere across all of Clan Space, Sector one on the Clan Ghost Bear World of Predlitz. Early effort should be made to secure a ghost win and reclaim this sector. I am currently in queue to do so and then transition to the Attack on Itabaiana.
3:48EST - Despite a concerted and rapid, multi-drop execution of a 12-man Kurita element from the 36th, Smoke Jaguar was able to repulse the initial invasion of Outer Volta . Currently there are more than 60 Smoke Jaguar Defenders facing off against 34 Kurita Attackers. Expectations are high that the final two Kurita held Sectors will fall within the hour.
TeamSpeak and message chain transitions are underway to shift Smoke Jaguar focus over to the attack on Itabaiana with a dual intent to both liberate Itabaiana as well as put already strained Kurita resources under increasing pressure.
4:21 through 9:40EST - With Idlewind and Outer Volta secure for the present, Clan Smoke Jaguar redoubled its efforts to liberate Itabaiana from House Kurita. Battles surged throughout many corners of this Itabaiana's main continent with Smoke Jaguar forces steadily gaining ground.
10:38EST - Decisive Kurita aggression on Outer Volta pulls key Units and Solos out of the Smoke Jaguar Offensive on the Kurita world of Itabaiana. While Outer Volta was preserved, early 43% gains on Itabaiana were lost as Inner Sphere defenders swarmed to the Combine's aid there. A highly effective Word of Lowtech 12-mean team was particularly effective in retaking lost Kurita sectors with exceptionally well coordinated Unit tactics on Itabaiana.
CEASEFIRE ASSESSMENT: Tomorrow Smoke Jaguar Units and Solos should expect renewed FRR activity on The Smoke Jaguar palaver of Idlewind. Internal competing requirements (read: Real Life) are assessed to have largely been responsible for the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance (ISMA) inability to work toward its tertiary objective of Idlewind. It can not be understated that concerted Steiner and ISMA offensives were successful on four Clan Worlds, regaining for the Inner Sphere a total of 21 Inner Sphere planets that had been lost to the Clans during the earlier portion of the Clan Invasion.
With tomorrow being Friday, it is highly likely that ISMA forces will reconstitute sufficient combat power to press home attacks against Idlewind. It is recommended that all Units and Soloist maintain a degree of CW map situational awareness with respect to Idlewind tomorrow. Immediate and aggressive response to any FRR gains on Idlewind should be made at the earliest opportunity tomorrow.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 08 January 2015 - 09:03 PM.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 10:04 AM
Simply said, we need to take ground, if we do not push forward we are failing. Falling back is out of the question. Defense should be secondary, I want to see some red go grey.
Edited by Amarus Cameron, 08 January 2015 - 10:05 AM.
Posted 08 January 2015 - 10:30 AM
...and if we had been as successful as the both of us intended these last two nights we would not have lost two planets to Kurita aggression spearheaded by the worthy and honorable NS.
Difficult times call for difficult decision.
Once the challenge represented by the inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance begins to ameliorate (which Unit member would not want to "Get their Clan On" once again?) Smoke Jaguar can transition back to its Lore-base All Attack All the time. Until then there is value in attempts to work smarter not harder.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 08 January 2015 - 11:35 AM.
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