Smoke Jaguar Opord, Operational Assessment & Battle Tracking
Posted 09 January 2015 - 02:51 PM
Posted 10 January 2015 - 05:04 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 10 January 2015 - 05:05 PM.
Posted 10 January 2015 - 05:56 PM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: Given the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance's and it's dramatic impact (24 Clan Worlds lost in 5 days, while only 4 new worlds taken) on the current balance of power between the Clans and Inner Sphere Houses, today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal it's own available forces to first ensure successful Defensive efforts while second, maximizing opportunities to sequence attacks to retake Irece, liberating it from recent Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Mercenaries and associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Labrea while retaking Irece from Inner Sphere aggression in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra.
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity remains the concerted actions of the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance or ISMA (228, MS, Lords, QQ, EMP et al) as many of these units enter the last or next to last day on 7- day contracts. Where all storms can be weathered, it is important to remember that this amalgamation of exceptionally skilled and led Mercenary Units is of a highly transitory nature. It is understood that many of these Units are on a 7-day contract and that a number of them are already actively planning for the upcoming lapse of their contract with the FRR and their transition to the next opportunity to assert their Unit impact on MWO's CW. Thus first priority must be toward refusing FRR a legitimate breach in our defenses on the planet of Idlewind. Next, the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control is our border with Kurita Space, specifically defend Labrea from any Kurita aggression (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the planet of Juazeiro (because not only top-tier Kurita but elite ISMA/FRR units can drop to the defense of Irece making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defense of Idlewind, then Labrea, followed by an attack on Juazeiro, and completed by an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination are best represented by the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or interested Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designers apply for access to this resource. Additionally this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. In anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be determined later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction Units in order to ensure they remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. While PGI has not yet indicated this is an option, it does follow that once Units begin to have to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a Faction Reserve Bank could be a very useful follow-on capability.
COMAND AND CONTROL: While this thread will provide a point from which to deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In game chat may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day as required. The current TeamSpeak channel and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership coordination of tactical action will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth, refining it to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift three 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against three 12-man Comp Teams from the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Labrea. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
1038hrsEST - In a surprising turn of events there has been a Clan host (60+) overwhelming hasty Inner Sphere defenses on the Clan Wolf world of Kirchenbach.
At a time of day when there is normally zero Clan activity (observation and reporting over the last 5 days of weekday CW) FRR attackers are today being grown out of their at least 53% beachhead on Kirchenbach.
I joined the fight when it was already down to 53% and the 42 Attacker and 60+ Defender queue had already reduce RFF presence to 53%.
The first two JGx-supported drops were against vacated defenses. The Boreal fortifications fell in 4:27 and the Sulfurous fortification fell in 5:29.
The third drop was against a Solo Team that included 228 leadership (non-B33f leadership). Clan Wolf (CYT Hindenburg) led an efficient and effective attack resulting in the liberation of a third sector. Currently RFF holds four sectors and I am queued for a fourth
1112hrsEST - A fourth attempt at to Counterattack in support of Smoke jaguar FID to Clan a Wolf failed as our Solo Team was countered by aN FRR 5-man led series of spoiling attacks culminating on repeated raids of our drop zones. A tough fight but one that took nearly the entirety of allotted time thus using up a portion of the Enemy's finite resources.
1214hrsEST - The Smoke Jaguar attack on Irece has begun. Numbers of Attackers initially outstripped IS Defenders by 48 to 32. While defender numbers have generally risen to the low 40's, Attack numbers have consistently been greater than defenders for much of the last hour. Unfortunately there is not so much of an advantage that we were unlikely to have claimed uncontested sectors.
1243hrsEST - A JGx-led Hold action on the Smoke Jaguar Planetfall sector succeeded with heavy attrition on both sides. xCico led defenders with more than 3200 damage. Unfortunately Attacker numbers have begin to tail off with Inner Sphere Defenders likely to begin claim uncontested sectors.
OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT - it now appears Kurita is fully engaged on at least two fronts CSJ and House Steiner - http://thesilentseventh.enjin.com/cw Kurita having occupied 12 of 15 Sectors on the Steiner world of Cebalrai and Steiner now holding 4 of 15 Sectors on the Kurita world of Accrington. The opportunity is ripe to clear and hold Irece while the vast bulk of Combine forces are occupied.
2100hrsEST - Dropping for Attacks (in an around #RealLife) has contributed to the currently held 5 of 15 Sectors on Irece. Both Smoke Jaguar and Kurita forces are arrayed and synchronized in anticipation of the final 2-hours prior to Ceasefire. One sector remains lost to Kurita invaders on Labrea with Smoke Jaguar having liberated 5 of 15 sectors on Irece. Steiner / Kurita border worlds remain a hotbed of Combine and Commonwealth military action.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 10 January 2015 - 06:07 PM.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:43 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 13 January 2015 - 08:10 AM.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 01:10 PM

Posted 11 January 2015 - 02:51 PM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: Given the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance's and it's dramatic impact (24 Clan Worlds lost in 5 days, while only 4 new worlds taken) on the current balance of power between the Clans and Inner Sphere Houses, today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal it's own available forces to first ensure successful Defensive efforts while second, maximizing opportunities to sequence attacks to retake Irece, liberating it from recent Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Mercenaries and associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Labrea while retaking Irece from Inner Sphere aggression in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra.
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity remains the concerted actions of the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance or ISMA (228, MS, Lords, QQ, EMP et al) as many of these units enter the last or next to last day on 7- day contracts. Where all storms can be weathered, it is important to remember that this amalgamation of exceptionally skilled and led Mercenary Units is of a highly transitory nature. It is understood that many of these Units are on a 7-day contract and that a number of them are already actively planning for the upcoming lapse of their contract with the FRR and their transition to the next opportunity to assert their Unit impact on MWO's CW. Thus first priority must be toward refusing FRR a legitimate breach in our defenses on the planet of Idlewind. Next, the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control is our border with Kurita Space, specifically defend Labrea from any Kurita aggression (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the planet of Juazeiro (because not only top-tier Kurita but elite ISMA/FRR units can drop to the defense of Irece making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defense of Idlewind, then Labrea, followed by an attack on Juazeiro, and completed by an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination are best represented by the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or interested Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designers apply for access to this resource. Additionally this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. In anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be determined later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction Units in order to ensure they remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. While PGI has not yet indicated this is an option, it does follow that once Units begin to have to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a Faction Reserve Bank could be a very useful follow-on capability.
COMAND AND CONTROL: While this thread will provide a point from which to deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In game chat may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day as required. The current TeamSpeak channel and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership coordination of tactical action will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth, refining it to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift three 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against three 12-man Comp Teams from the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Labrea. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
1038hrsEST - In a surprising turn of events there has been a Clan host (60+) overwhelming hasty Inner Sphere defenses on the Clan Wolf world of Kirchenbach.
At a time of day when there is normally zero Clan activity (observation and reporting over the last 5 days of weekday CW) FRR attackers are today being grown out of their at least 53% beachhead on Kirchenbach.
I joined the fight when it was already down to 53% and the 42 Attacker and 60+ Defender queue had already reduce RFF presence to 53%.
The first two JGx-supported drops were against vacated defenses. The Boreal fortifications fell in 4:27 and the Sulfurous fortification fell in 5:29.
The third drop was against a Solo Team that included 228 leadership (non-B33f leadership). Clan Wolf (CYT Hindenburg) led an efficient and effective attack resulting in the liberation of a third sector. Currently RFF holds four sectors and I am queued for a fourth
1112hrsEST - A fourth attempt at to Counterattack in support of Smoke jaguar FID to Clan a Wolf failed as our Solo Team was countered by aN FRR 5-man led series of spoiling attacks culminating on repeated raids of our drop zones. A tough fight but one that took nearly the entirety of allotted time thus using up a portion of the Enemy's finite resources.
1214hrsEST - The Smoke Jaguar attack on Irece has begun. Numbers of Attackers initially outstripped IS Defenders by 48 to 32. While defender numbers have generally risen to the low 40's, Attack numbers have consistently been greater than defenders for much of the last hour. Unfortunately there is not so much of an advantage that we were unlikely to have claimed uncontested sectors.
1243hrsEST - A JGx-led Hold action on the Smoke Jaguar Planetfall sector succeeded with heavy attrition on both sides. xCico led defenders with more than 3200 damage. Unfortunately Attacker numbers have begin to tail off with Inner Sphere Defenders likely to begin claim uncontested sectors.
OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT - it now appears Kurita is fully engaged on at least two fronts CSJ and House Steiner - http://thesilentseventh.enjin.com/cw Kurita having occupied 12 of 15 Sectors on the Steiner world of Cebalrai and Steiner now holding 4 of 15 Sectors on the Kurita world of Accrington. The opportunity is ripe to clear and hold Irece while the vast bulk of Combine forces are occupied.
2100hrsEST - Dropping for Attacks (in an around #RealLife) has contributed to the currently held 5 of 15 Sectors on Irece. Both Smoke Jaguar and Kurita forces are arrayed and synchronized in anticipation of the final 2-hours prior to Ceasefire. One sector remains lost to Kurita invaders on Labrea with Smoke Jaguar having liberated 5 of 15 sectors on Irece. Steiner / Kurita border worlds remain a hotbed of Combine and Commonwealth military action.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 10 January 2015 - 09:07 PM.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 13 January 2015 - 08:10 AM.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 11:55 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 13 January 2015 - 08:09 AM.
Posted 12 January 2015 - 09:13 AM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: With the ongoing dissolution of the First Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance (MERCSTAR, 228, Lords, QQ, EMP, et al) the FRR threat to the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind is greatly diminished. However caution must still be applied as it is assessed that with concerted effort by a preponderance of FRR House Units, FRR leadership could still mount a very credible threat to Idlewind, however this Attack would require investment of a very substantial portion of the FRR military, requiring large-scale abandonment of Defensive and Offensive efforts along its borders with Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. Given Clan Smoke Jaguar inability to threaten an FRR world in return, it is assessed that FRR leadership views Idlewind as a tertiary objective behind Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear worlds in contention. Unless there is dramatic Clan Smoke Jaguar provocation of FRR (or a Mercenary Group wiling to take an FRR contract specifically to harass Clan Smoke Jaguar forces through attacks at Idlewind) it is assessed that Idlewind will remain a tertiary FRR objective for the near to mid-term.
Today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal it's own available forces to first ensure all Defensive efforts are secured and second, and subsequently to maximize offensive opportunities on the Kurita world of Caripare, liberating it from recent Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Mercenaries and associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Juazeiro while liberating Caripare from Inner Sphere tyranny in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra.
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity continues to shift (with the dissolution of the 1st ISMA) to House Kurita Front Line Units, particularly NS, 36th, AVGR (these last two have been heavily engaged in Kurita defensive efforts on Teniente yesterday) and the recently Kurita-contracted Mercenary Company of the Golden Keshik. While Clan Smoke Jaguar's first operational priority remains the defense of Idlewind, likely threat to Idlewind has dissipated along with the lessened membership of the 1st ISMA. The single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control remains CSJ's border with Kurita Space (at least until CSJ Units reach Davion Space), specifically defense of Juazeiro from Kurita aggression (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the planet of Caripare (because not only top-tier Kurita but also a wide variety of elite Inner Sphere Units can drop to the defense of Teniente making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defense of Idlewind, followed by the defense of Juazeiro, next the liberation of Caripare, and priorities are completed by an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination are best represented by the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or interested Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designated appointees apply for access to this resource. Additionally this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. In anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be determined later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction Units in order to ensure they remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. While PGI has not yet indicated this is will even be considered as an option for CW Phase 3, it does follow that once Units are required to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a "Faction Reserve Bank" could be a very useful follow-on economic enhancement capability.
COMAND AND CONTROL: While this thread will provide a point from which to deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In-game chat may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day as required. Current TeamSpeak channels and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership CW coordination will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth to the effort, refining it to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift three 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against three 12-man Comp Teams from the FRR on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Juazeiro. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
1153hrsEST - CSJ attack or defend queues remain empty at the moment. Over the last 2-hours the only activity has been on Calipare where attacker and defender queues topped out at 3 and 4 respectively. While CSJ Attacker numbers will likely see an increase as RDL and Alpha Legion come on line in an hour or so, real-life events may preclude even this.
ASSESSMENT: The longer it takes to begin the investment of Enemy forces at Calipare... the greater the likelihood Kurita might seize the initiate and dictate military engagement on the Smoke Jaguar planet of Juazeiro. As we have found in the past once a Smoke Jaguar world is imperiled, it has proven challenging to both maintain defense of the imperiled world while transitioning to an effective and eventually successful effort to liberate a Kurita world.
RECOMMENDATION: Units should provide notice internally that once gamers are available, a CW focus on Calipare is highly advisable.
1239hrsEST - Just monitored 24-Inner Sphere Defenders Ghost-drop 7 times onto the Liao planet of Beid. These speed-drops took back 7 hard-earned sectors from otherwise-engaged Davion invaders. Davion retains two sectors on Beid but the 24 IS defenders remain in queue and are no doubt in the process of seizing the last two Sectors from House Davion even now.
RECOMMENDATION: The utility of off-hour Ghost Drops to secure lost defensive sectors must not be undervalued. Surely everyone better enjoys a competitive match, but a Factions cause on a given planet can be made or broken in under an hour by determined use of one or two teams focused on speed-dropping and reclaiming sectors lost in earlier combat with the enemy. I find it more difficult to successfully Ghost Drop while on the attack since there currently appears to be a greater Inner Sphere willingness to string to the Defense rather than to hazard and Attack in order to prevent an Enemy from a successful Ghost Drop.
1632hrsEST - Usually by this time of day Smoke Jaguar is fighting to secure a Planetfall sector on our border with. Kurita, not so today. Kurita forces dedicated to our border are now coming online and the Attacker queue for Juazeiro is climbing steadily and there remains a single Smoke Jaguar defender in queue. We need to pull together at least a Solo 12-man team to contest some of the looming Ghost Drops by the Combine.
1641hrsEST - The number of Kurita Attackers queued against Juazeiro has held steady for at least 15-minutes now. Odds are it is a Kurita 9-man waiting on just a few more Solos before the Ghost drops begin.
We need to not just respond but we HAVE to seize back the initiative and ensure tonight's fighting is over Smoke Jaguar liberation of Caripare and that we don't get bogged down ONLY on trying to prevent the loss of Juazeiro.
2056hrsEST - Despite losing the initiative to Kurita earlier this evening, CSJ simultaneous over whelmed the Combines-led Inner Sphere defensive and counterattack forces on Juazeiro, as well as liberated the Kurita planet of Caripare.
ASSESSMENT: Tonight was the first break in a week from the Battlefield impact of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance. It had earlier been assessed that the greater bulk of constituent Mercenary Units were only on 7-day contracts with FRR and that each would very likely leave FRR after that week was up. Both assessments proved true as the Clans lost no worlds today while seizing three Inner Sphere worlds. It is assessed that the purpose of the 1st ISMA had been successfully achieved and that it has now dissolved. Reporting indicates that while 228 and perhaps QQ remains with RFF for now, MERCSTAR has returned to Clan Ghost Bear, EMP has contracted with Clan Ghost Bear as well, and Lords has joined its Banner to those of Clan Wolf. It is likely many of these Units are again on 7-day contracts and very probable that at some point in the future we will see a "Second" ISMA rise from the ashes left behind on so very many battlefields in fiery wake of the 1st ISMA. Rough estimate is that 27 Clan worlds were lost directly to ISMA operations and/or the chaos it's operations wrought on Clan efforts to coordinate.
RECOMMENDATION: Smoke Jaguar successes of late have pierced almost to the heart of the Combine. Today's attack on Cyrenaica will pave the way for an envelop net of Luthien, the Combine's capital planet. Every effort should be expended to ensuring a successful attack develop against Cyrenaica today. Time invested in patiently waiting for Attack queues to launch a match / ghost drop will have been well spent as it will compel Kurita toward defense rather than an effort to seize the unitive with a Combine attack on our worlds.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 13 January 2015 - 08:11 AM.
Posted 12 January 2015 - 01:47 PM
1641hrsEST - The number of Kurita Attackers queued against Juazeiro has held steady for at least 15-minutes now. Odds are it is a Kurita 9-man waiting on just a few more Solos before the Ghost drops begin.
We need to not just respond but we HAVE to seize back the initiative and ensure tonight's fighting is over Smoke Jaguar liberation of Caripare and that we don't get bogged down ONLY on trying to prevent the loss of Juazeiro.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 12 January 2015 - 01:48 PM.
Posted 12 January 2015 - 02:18 PM
Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:06 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 14 January 2015 - 12:52 AM.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 10:22 AM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: External threat to Clan Smoke Jaquar have normalized with the event dissolution of the 1st Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance. Kurita once again constitutes the primary threat to CSJ. While a watch on Idlewind is required, it is assessed as very unlikely that any FRR threat will materialize threatening this CSJ rear area. Today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal it's own available forces to first ensure all Defensive efforts are secured and second to maximize offensive opportunities on the Kurita world of Cyrenaica, liberating it from Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Mercenaries and associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Teniente while liberating Cyrenaica from Inner Sphere tyranny in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra.
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity has shifted (with the dissolution of the 1st ISMA) to House Kurita Front Line Units, particularly the NS, 36th, AVGR, 11th and 9th and the recently Kurita-contracted Mercenary Companies of the Remnants and Golden Keshik. While a Clan Smoke Jaguar operational imperative remains the defense of Idlewind, the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control remains CSJ's border with Kurita Space (at least until CSJ Units reach Davion Space), specifically defense of Teniente from Kurita aggression (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the planet of Cyrenaica (because not only top-tier Kurita Units but also a wide variety of additional elite Inner Sphere Units can drop to the defense of Teniente making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defenses of Idlewind and Teniente followed by the liberation of Cyrenaica, with priorities-of-effort completed by an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination are best represented by the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or interested Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designated appointees apply for access to this resource. Additionally this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. SECURED assessments are available at the website provided above. In anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three, I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be recommended later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction Units in order to ensure they remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. While PGI has not yet indicated if a function like a "Faction Reserve Bank" will even be considered as an option for CW Phase 3, it does follow that once Units are required to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a "Faction Reserve Bank" could be a very useful follow-on economic enhancement.
COMAND AND CONTROL: While this thread will provide a point from which to deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In-game chat as well as common TeamSpeak servers may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day as required. http://www.smokealliance.com and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership CW coordination will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth as it informs CSJ MWO forum readers of a general intent and purpose to the day's CW activity. It is expected that this product will be refined to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift one 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against one 12-man Comp Teams from the FRR on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Teneinte. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
1113hrsEST - Outlook for an early attack on the Kurita world of Cyrenaica is favorable as 10 Attackers are currently in queue. Early assumption of a CSJ liberation effort on Cyrenaica will seize the initiative on the front with the Combine and should serve well to dictate the greater bulk of today's CW opportunities for CSJ.
1318hrsEST - The number of Inner Sphere Defenders has outpaced CSJ Attackers for much of the past hour., directly resulting in CSJ losing one of its original two sectors liberated from Kurita tyranny. Aggressive defense of Sector One continues and serves to dictate pace, tempo and seize CSJ initiative for the days operations focusing on a Kurita planet thus safeguarding against attack by Kurita on the Smoke Jaguar world of Teneinte.
1544hrsEST - Smoke Jaguar offensive operations remain steady at two amalgamated Solo and Small Unit teams in action throughout much of the afternoon. The combat for sectors 1, 2 and 3 have raged back and forth, with neither side apparently wiling to cede a square meter of ground without intense resistance and fierce combat. Drops are near constant as those Smoke Jaguars on the Attack recycle for many sequential drops often with the same team composition. Tactics and expectations norming across the 12-mans are common and successful.
1748hrsEST - Smoke Jaguar forces on the Kurita world of Cyrenaica have been receiving steady reinforcements and are now intermittently able to field 2 Teams with 6 or more Smoke Jaguars already prepositioned to field a third Team of 12-Liberators.
2234hrsEST - Concerted effort across all Smoke Jaguar forces has ensured CSJ is on the verge of liberating the Kurita world of Cyrenaica. Many a valiant warrior has marched to battle under the amber-hued Cyrenaica skies this day... fewer are able to to share in the pride of another world glimpsing an end to Kurita tyranny.
ASSESSMENT: The ability to mass overwhelming numbers of exceptionally high quality MechWarriors in the last 3-hours of the current 24-hour Ceasefire format has been instrumental in the liberation of many Inner Sphere worlds. In a week when there are three 8-hour Ceasefire cycles, there will be a period of adjustment as planets will become much more vulnerable to early (EST) attack by House Kurita and CSJ will likely fail to capitalize on early (EST) windows of attack on Kurita simply due to fewer available defenders during the early morning and afternoon hours.
RECOMMENDATION: Units that normally participate in the EST "Primetime" window of combat should review the day's results from first and second windows of combat to better understand the ebb and flow of combat already conducted and then best evaluate where and how their combat power should be applied for their time gaming in MWO. It could be that two Smoke Jaguar planets had already been lost and that the third at risk planet of the day will need to be held at all cost. Or it could be that momentum is on our side and that Attack will need to be the order of the day, risking loss of a relatively minor planet.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 14 January 2015 - 12:48 AM.
Posted 14 January 2015 - 12:50 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 14 January 2015 - 12:51 AM.
Posted 14 January 2015 - 09:10 AM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: External threat to Clan Smoke Jaquar has normalized with the dissolution of the 1st Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance. Kurita once again constitutes the primary threat to CSJ. While a watch on Idlewind is required, it is assessed as very unlikely that any FRR threat will materialize threatening this CSJ rear area. Today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal available forces to first ensure all Defensive efforts are adequately secure and secondly to maximize offensive opportunities on the Kurita world of Meinacos, liberating it from Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Smoke Jaguar-contract Mercenaries as well as associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Caripare while liberating Meinacos from Inner Sphere tyranny in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra, though not necessarily the Clan that first reaches Terra (an important distinct exists here, though it is unknown at this time if PGI "Logistics" MWO game mechanisms will have impact in a Clans ability to liberate Terra.)
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity remains House Kurita Front Line Units, particularly the NS, 36th, AVGR, 11th and 9th and the recently Kurita-contracted Mercenary Companies of the Remnants and Golden Keshik. While a Clan Smoke Jaguar operational imperative remains the defense of Idlewind, the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control remains CSJ's border with Kurita Space (at least until CSJ breaches Davion Space), specifically the defense of Caripare from Kurita aggression (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the attack on the planet of Meiacos (because not only top-tier Kurita Units but also a wide variety of additional elite Inner Sphere Units can drop to the defense of Caripare making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defenses of Idlewind and Caripare followed by the liberation of Meinacos, with priorities-of-effort complete once an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts has been accomplished.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination are best represented by the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or soon-to-be-affiliated Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designated representatives apply for access to this resource. Additionally, this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. SECURED assessments are available at the website provided above. As a side note, and in anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three, I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be recommended later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction (inclusive of Mercenary) Units in order to ensure ALL Clan Smoke Jaguar Units remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. It must be remembered that as of now, PGI has not yet indicated if a function like a "Faction Reserve Bank" will even be considered as an option for CW Phase 3. However it does follow that once Units are required to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a "Faction Reserve Bank" could be a very useful follow-on economic enhancement in order to maximize gamer/Unit access to CW.
COMAND AND CONTROL: The following link has proven accurate and timely in the past, when it has come to tracking a day's progress by Attackers: http://thesilentseventh.enjin.com/cw This thread will provide a point-from-which-to-deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In-game chat as well as common TeamSpeak servers may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day when required. http://www.smokealliance.com and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership CW coordination will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth as it informs CSJ MWO forum readers of a general intent and purpose to the day's CW activity. It is expected that this product will be refined to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift one 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against one 12-man Comp Teams from the FRR on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Caripare. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
1153hrsEST - The Smoke Jaguar attack queue for the Kurita planet of Meinacos has not generated a single attack in over five hours now despite timed seeding of the queue by myself and a few other early (EST) seeding. Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Jade Falcon Defenses remain clear of Enemy Attackers for now. Drops in support of Clan Wolf on the planet of Star's End have been well-supported by CSJ warriors.
1732hrsEST - After an afternoon dropping in support of Clan allies, the attack queue for Smoke Jaguar finally begins to fill. First match is kicking off now.
2104hrsEST - Drops are fast and for the most part successful. BSM, DERP and a host of Solo gamers have seized initiative along the Kurita border and are taking the fight to the Combine on the planet of Meinacos.
CEASEFIRE ASSESSMENT: Tonight Meinacos was liberated at near 100% Sectors held by Smoke Jaguar forces. It is clear that hostilities along the Kurita borders with House Steiner and House Marik are drawing away a significant portion of Elite House Kurita Units from the worlds targeted by Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Smoke Jaguar. Until such time as there is a return to normalcy with House Steiner and/or House Marik, this dynamic is likely to continue with House Kurita operations against the Clans severely curtailed. Loose collections of disassociated and non-communicating Defenders culled from across the Inner Sphere will continue to constitute the bulk of Kurita defensive forces for the foreseeable future.
CEASEFIRE RECOMMENDATION: With FRR looking toward other conflicts, it is assessed that the planet of Idlewind is secure in the near-term. Given divided Kurita focus, Smoke Jaguar forces have proven more than capable of spearheading the defense of one Smoke Jaguar while serving as shock troops for the liberation of a Kurita world each night. it is recommended that Smoke Jaguar Leadership take this opportunity to reassess their collective and individual Unit engagement criteria for Defensive Actions outside of Smoke Jaguar Space. While CSJ valiantly serve in Defensive efforts far from Smoke Jaguar Space, specific focus should be increasingly applied to those Clan worlds most likely to be preserved with but sufficient additional Clan Defensive effort.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 14 January 2015 - 10:48 PM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 09:21 AM
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: External threat to Clan Smoke Jaguar remains normalized with the dissolution of the 1st Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance (no indication of a 2nd ISMA can yet be discerned.) Kurita once again constitutes the primary threat to CSJ. While a watch on Idlewind is required, it is assessed as very unlikely that an FRR threat will materialize to threaten this CSJ rear area. Today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal available forces to first ensure all Defensive efforts are adequately secure and secondly to maximize offensive opportunities on the Kurita world of Kilmarnock, liberating it from Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Smoke Jaguar-contract Mercenaries as well as associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Cyrenaice while liberating Kilmarnock from Inner Sphere tyranny in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra, though not necessarily the Clan that first reaches Terra (an important distinct exists here, though it is unknown at this time if PGI "Logistics" MWO game mechanisms will have impact in a Clans ability to liberate Terra or if there will be any CW event that would constitute a "Battle of Terra" a series of 100, First-in-First-out 12 v 12's of Solos and Units for example.)
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity remains House Kurita Front Line Units, particularly the NS, 36th, AVGR, 11th and 9th and the recently Kurita-contracted Mercenary Companies of the Remnants and Golden Keshik. While a Clan Smoke Jaguar operational imperative remains the defense of Idlewind, the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control remains CSJ's border with Kurita Space (at least until CSJ breaches Davion Space), specifically the defense of Cyrenaica from Kurita aggression (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the attack on the planet of Kilmarnock (because not only top-tier Kurita Units but also a wide variety of additional elite Inner Sphere Units can drop to the defense of Caripare making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defenses of Idlewind and Cyrenaica followed by the liberation of Kilmarnock, with priorities-of-effort complete once an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts has been accomplished.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination are best represented by the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or soon-to-be-affiliated Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designated representatives apply for access to this resource. Additionally, this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. SECURED assessments are available at the website provided above. As a side note, and in anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three, I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be recommended later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction (inclusive of Mercenary) Units in order to ensure ALL Clan Smoke Jaguar Units remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. It must be remembered that as of now, PGI has not yet indicated if a function like a "Faction Reserve Bank" will even be considered as an option for CW Phase 3. However it does follow that once Units are required to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a "Faction Reserve Bank" could be a very useful follow-on economic enhancement in order to maximize gamer/Unit access to CW.
COMAND AND CONTROL: The following link has proven accurate and timely in the past, when it has come to tracking a day's progress by Attackers: http://thesilentseventh.enjin.com/cw This thread will provide a point-from-which-to-deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In-game chat as well as common TeamSpeak servers may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day when required. http://www.smokealliance.com and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership CW coordination will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth as it informs CSJ MWO forum readers of a general intent and purpose to the day's CW activity. It is expected that this product will be refined to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift one 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against one 12-man Comp Teams from the FRR on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Cyrenaica. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
0952hrsEST - Last night saw the most successful series of post-Ceasefire Smoke Jaguar Attacks since the beginning of Community Warfare. During the first 4 hours after last night's Ceasefire CSJ gained 9 sectors on the Kurita planet of Kilmarnock. Kilmarnock being the last planet safeguarding the Draconis Combine's Capital planet of Luthien from the CSJ Invasion Corridor. For the preponderance of these 4-hours, CSJ had sufficient participation to keep two 12-man Teams on planet while a number of Smoke Jaguars queued for a third team. Inner Sphere defenders only slightly outpaced CSJ Attackers, thus very few sectors were subsequently lost to Enemy Ghost Drops..
ASSESSMENT: The 20JAN's patch approaches with the expected move from one near-24-hour Ceasefire cycle per day to three-near-8-hour Ceasefire cycles per day. It becomes increasingly important to develop a Smoke Jaguar capacity to achieve decisive CSJ results throughout the day. The current CSJ strength of an overwhelming 3-hour surge just prior to the Night (EST) Ceasefire will assure at least one successful Attack and one successful Defense per day. It will be crucial for Clan Smoke Jaguar to retain this Night (EST) Ceasefire production as the foundation for CW success post-20JAN. To build on this foundation it will be crucial that CSJ work to ensure its worldwide membership can at a minimum ensure a successful Defense on one of the two remaining Ceasefire cycles. While on the third Ceasefire cycle, CSJ can look to "overlap" the success from the first two cycles, ever building toward a capacity to both defend and gain an increasing capacity to win Attacks during this final cycle. Soon three successful Attacks and three successful Defenses will come to exemplify the "Flawless Victory" of MWO... but CSJ must first leverage all of its strength, successful recruit and retain the best of its MechWarriors as well as be the destination of choice for a worldwide-selection of quality Mercenary Units before it can ever hope to attain the first ever MWO CW "Flawless Victory."
1059hrsEST - There has been no success (despite repeated attempts) trying to jumpstart a CSJ attack on the Kurita-held planet of Kilmarnock. Separately, all Clan worlds are currently secure with no more than 6-Enemy Attackers queued against any Clan world. Unfortunately, six Kurita MechWarriors are queued against the Smoke Jaguar world of Cyrenaica. If Kurita manages to seize the initiative on Cyrenaica by seizing 5 or more sectors, it will be a challenge for CSJ to secure Cyrenaica sufficiently to permit a transition to the liberation of the Kurita world of Kilmarnock.
1118hrsEST - Seventeen Kurita MechWarriors are currently queued against the 5 remaining CSJ sectors on Kilmarnock. The next sector lost to a Combine Ghost Drop should occurs within 10 minutes. It is estimated that as The Strength of the Dragon gathers, CSJ could lose all five sectors within the hour if left unopposed.
1314hrsEST - Been running non-stop Hold Actions for the last Smoke Jaguar Sector on Kilmarnock. The Enemy are a diverse collection of Inner Sphere representatives that are valiantly (though unsuccessfully) charging the ramparts of walls, anti-Mech and turreted fortifications that constitute our remaining Sulfurous Rift Planetfall base.
1340hrsEST - Reinforcements flow freely to both CSJ and The Inner Sphere defenders at Kilmarnock. Currently there are three Small Unit and Solo, Smoke Jaguar 12-man teams in combat with a like number of Inner Sphere defenders. CSJ has now picked up a second sector, Boreal Vault. No Enemy Units larger that 2 or 3 member have been reported as of yet. In the past Liao TCAF and Marik BWC have dropped in support of Kurita defense at this time of day. If large Units are encounter, it will be reported immediately.
1519hrsEST - A Combine Masterstroke is unleashed on Cyrenaica while CSJ combat power is decisively engaged in the attack on Kilmarnock. Before there can be a sufficient response 4 sectors are lost to the Dragon's latest Offensive maneuver being spearheaded by the 36th Dieron Regulars, The Hungry Ghosts. Personal testimonials were removed of one sector along the Boreal Vault being lost to an attrition-initiated, Generated-finished, three wave attack by the 36th. A second partial data recovery from non-mission-capable Kit Fox also provided mute testimonial to a fierce 30-minute Smoke Jaguar Counterattack to regain a lost sector in the Sulfurous Rift. Only one of 48 Jaguar Mechs survived past the conclusion of combat. By the time this second battle was complete, other Clan forces had regained two of the four lost sectors, greatly reducing zither number of Combine Planetfall resources (bases.)
ASSESSMENT: A truly worthy and aggressive adversary, the DCMS High Command has structured an excellent plan to take advantage of Clan Smoke Jaguar's low population density in the late afternoon (EST). It appears from available reporting that the 36th (and possibly one other 10-man or more Unit) was response for jumpstarting the Combine's attack on Cyrenaica. While a mixture of combat and ghost drops gained the Dragon an initial Planetfall of 4- sectors (where attacker numbers were never observed above 26) by 1640hrsEST Clan Smoke Jaguar in conjunction with responding Clan defensive reserve forces were able to reclaim all sectors initially lost.
RECOMMENDATION: A thread to our fellow Clan Warriors should be initiated within the Clan option of the MWO forums, formally recognizing the timely assistance by Clan Wolf, Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Jade Falcon. From a 9-man Wolf Unit of exceptional skill to a veritable host of Clan Solos, the breaking of the Kurita's Planetfall fortifications made for a HIGHLY enjoyable afternoon (EST).
2134hrsEST - The PGI Town-hall began a half hour ago. The Urbie is on the way to relieve besieged Inner Sphere forces everywhere. Kilmarnock is still fluctuating between 4 and 5 sectors liberated. Perhaps the town-hall is impacting CSJ more than was originally thought.
CEASEFIRE ASSESSMENT: Despite Kurita's 36th Dieron Regulars' exceptionally well-timed and aggressively executed attack on Cyrenaica, the 4 sectors seized by the Combine were liberated again within three hours. If more Kurita Solos and small units had followed the lead of the 36th and transitioned fully to an attack on Cyrenaica, CSJ would have had to invest significant forces to retain this planet. These CSJ forces committed to the defense of Cyrenaica would be unable for attack and could have put in jeopardy the liberation of Kilmarnock.
Today also saw 228 and QQ join CSJ, while CI has joined House Steiner. MercStar remains with CGB. Movement of Mercenary Units remains a key element of information and will be noted here as appropriate.
CEASEFIRE RECOMMENDATION: A discussion should occur between CSJ and CGB Seniors with regard to UNSANCTIONED Mercenary Units attacking across the CSJ/CGB border. It is better an understanding be reached now (and the published widely) as opposed to left to fester for a week, drawing more and more Solos and Small Units into a conflict beyond their understanding.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 16 January 2015 - 12:18 AM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 01:54 PM
My deepest thanks to the host of Clan Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon and Wolf Solos and Units who responded to a Smoke Jaguar world imperiled. As it is normally CSJ who serves on distant Clan worlds in the afternoon (EST) [it seems the Dragon often slumbered during that portion of the day], it was most fortuitous that so very many our our Trothkin were able to "jumpinto the breech" with us this day.
Specific reporting as well as assessment is available at: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4102077
Posted 15 January 2015 - 08:40 PM
NVM, seems to be a solo effort by QQ to try and get pressure off FRR. Should be fun watching QQ get punted from the lack of support from he rest of us.
Edited by Mickey Knoxx, 15 January 2015 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 10:34 PM
Mickey Knoxx, on 15 January 2015 - 08:40 PM, said:
NVM, seems to be a solo effort by QQ to try and get pressure off FRR. Should be fun watching QQ get punted from the lack of support from he rest of us.
I am pleased that QQ saw fit to take up the Clan Smoke Jaguar Banner.
QQ joins us in Clan Smoke Jaguar for the time of their Mercenary a Contract, and indeed are welcome to return to CSJ for multiple contracts in the future. It is the Mercenary Way.
I look forward to liberating Combine worlds alongside this exceptionally COMP Unit, though I will not be joining them in their UNSANCTIONED-by-the-Smoke-Jaguar-Community aggression against Clan Ghost Bear.
During the darkest days if the 1st Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance, I often dropper in support of CGB... I still drop in support of CGB worlds imperiled by their enemies.
Can't say as I will change my support to CGB any time soon, regardless of this new development.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 10:43 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 15 January 2015 - 10:34 PM, said:
You all do know that collection of competitive units you refer too here never called themselves that ever, or anything for that matter...
Edited by Deadfire, 15 January 2015 - 10:43 PM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 11:55 PM
Deadfire, on 15 January 2015 - 10:43 PM, said:
You all do know that collection of competitive units you refer too here never called themselves that ever, or anything for that matter...
The name "1st ISMA" was my own choice. I chose it to best put a name on the "effect" being generated by the Units involved.
The "effect" of so many competitive units all taking contracts with one faction, not only swung momentum greatly in favor of FRR, it had a tendency to unhinge border dynamics throughout all of Clans and inner Sphere Space. Second and third order effects were quite impressive as the Inner Sphere took 27 planets back from the Clans during the week the 1st ISMA was in existence.
Such a collection of Mercenary Units was not a spontaneous creation, a degree of timing and prior coordination was involved. While some outlying Units may have sensed what was in progress and followed the key Units, the aggregate effect was quite dramatic, intended and highly likely to be repeated... 2nd ISMA.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 15 January 2015 - 11:56 PM.
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