i came here to the forums found a Topic on Command Console & Targeting Computers,
came up with a Topic of my own, little did i know i made some bad assumptions,
and luckily was set straight by fellow Forum Warrior, Thanks Asakara,
(That Topic is Below if you want to see how i Failed)
So i rewrote this topic with more information,
with the prospect of getting more CC & TCs into Mechs,
so below is my Ideas, Please enjoy, Thanks,
=Current Command Console & Targeting Computers=
so i noticed i really dont rum a CC on my IS Mechs, and not much more than TC1 on my Clans,
so i looked to see why exactly that was, well heres what i found and what i think the problem is,
Current Command Console,
Use= Only Heavy and Assault,
Weight................................. 3Ton......(like TC-Mk3)...
Slots.....................................1Slot......(like TC-Mk1)...
Zoom distance.....................+5.25%...(like TC-Mk4)...
Sensor range.......................+6.0%.....(like TC-Mk5)...
Time to gather target info....-20.5%....(like TC-Mk1)...
Current Targeting Computers
Use= Light, Medium, Heavy, & Assault,
STATS.................................TC Mk1.....TC Mk2.....TC Mk3.....TC Mk4.....TC Mk5.....TC Mk6.....TC Mk7....
Weight................................. 1Ton.........2Ton..........3Ton..........4Ton..........5Ton...........6Ton...........7Ton....
Zoom distance.....................+4.5%.......+6.5%........+8.5%........+10.5%......+12.0%......+13.5%.......+15.0%.
Sensor range......................+2.25%.....+3.25%......+4.25%......+5.25%......+6.0%........+6.75%.......+7.5%....
Time to gather target info....-22.5%......-32.5%......-42.5%.......-52.5%.......-60.0%.......-67.5%.......-75.0%...
Projectile speed...................+4.5%.......+6.5%........+8.5%........+10.5%......+12.0%......+13.5%.......+15.0%..
Beam weapon ranges..........+2.25%.....+3.25%......+4.25%......+5.25%......+6.0%........+6.75%.......+7.5%....
Beam weapon max ranges...+2.25%.....+3.25%......+4.25%......+5.25%......+6.0%........+6.75%.......+7.5%....
Increased crit chance...........+7.5%.......+8.25%......+9.25%......+10.25%....+11.0%......+11.75%.....+12.25%.
As it is there doesnt seem to truely be much use in a CC or TC2-7,
ya you could use them but its almost always better to take other Equipment,
more Weapons, HeatSinks, a BAP, even more Ammo would help as well,
=New Command Console & Targeting Computers=
with this im mind and since most everyone runs Targeting Computer Mk1,
but few seem to run higher Targeting Computers due to their benefits,
Perhaps its time to rework all the targeting computers,
New Command Console
Use= Only Medium, Heavy, & Assault,
Weight................................. 3Ton......(as TC-Mk3)...
Slots.....................................1Slot......(as TC-Mk1)...
Zoom distance.....................+16.0%...(as TC-Mk4)...
Sensor range......................+16.0%....(as TC-Mk4)...
Time to gather target info....-32.0%....(as TC-Mk4)...
Projectile speed...................+6.0%.....(as TC-Mk3)...
Beam weapon ranges..........+6.0%.....(as TC-Mk3)...
Beam weapon max ranges...+6.0%.....(as TC-Mk3)...
Increased crit chance...........+12.0%...(as TC-Mk3)...
(Zoom, Sensor, & Time-to-Target-Info are based on TC Mk4)
(Projectile-Speed, Beam-Range, & Crit are based on TC Mk3)
New Targeting Computers
Use= Light, Medium, Heavy, & Assault,
STATS.................................TC Mk1.....TC Mk2.....TC Mk3.....TC Mk4.....TC Mk5.....TC Mk6.....TC Mk7...
Weight................................. 1Ton.........2Ton..........3Ton..........4Ton..........5Ton...........6Ton...........7Ton...
Zoom distance.....................+4.0%........+8.0%.......+12.0%.......+16.0%......+20.0%......+24.0%......+28.0%.
Sensor range......................+4.0%........+8.0%.......+12.0%.......+16.0%......+20.0%......+24.0%......+28.0%.
Time to gather target info....-8.0%.........-16.0%......-24.0%........-32.0%......-40.0%.......-48.0%.......-56.0%.
Projectile speed...................+2.0%........+4.0%.......+6.0%.........+8.0%.......+10.0%.......+12.0%......+14.0%.
Beam weapon ranges..........+2.0%........+4.0%.......+6.0%.........+8.0%.......+10.0%.......+12.0%......+14.0%.
Beam weapon max ranges...+2.0%........+4.0%.......+6.0%.........+8.0%.......+10.0%.......+12.0%......+14.0%.
Increased crit chance...........+4.0%........+8.0%.......+12.0%.......+16.0%......+20.0%......+24.0%......+28.0%.
=So Discuss=
should Command Console & Targeting Computers be changed to reflect these changes?
as they would make both much more useful and usable for their tonnage with these values,
Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?
For the Original Topic,
Edit- Spelling,
Edit2- New TC & CC,
Edit3- Full Reworking,
Edit4- Reworking Finished,
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 23 February 2015 - 05:15 PM.