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Should I Come Back?

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#1 RoboPatton


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:43 PM

I'm one of those founders that walked away. The game lost some of the luster for me with the whole second & third & etc "$ packs." I got tired of throwing money at mechs (or being asked to). The clan invasion felt like a money grab to me, instead of an "event" like I was hoping for.

I desired more modes, maps, (game content) etc... and it looks like that's coming along now. I've heard people saying PGI is turning a new leaf, that its worth check out again.

So, is it?

*Please don't mistake me for being a "Troll" or trying to stir the crap. I'm just being honest (maybe to a fault). And yes I know its a "free" game, and if I had the time to commit I could just find out, but I want the perspectives/opinions of others.


Edit -day2 (pasted from below, but nobody seemed to read it)
Thanks for all of the replies. I did like the community here. I see that's still intact.

I do understand Selling mechs is the major source of income for PGI, don't get me wrong, and I am fine with that. It was just the quick succession of packs-- the fact that the number of mechs was outpacing what I would have liked to have seen go into "content", is what made me lose confidence in where it was going.

I'll give it another shot...

Edit 2 -day 3(from page 2, since nobody noticed it either.)

Well... played most of the weekend, and kinda got hooked again. Not really sold on CW right now, since I'm not in a Unit or anything. When I was lucky enough to join up pug vs pug, or filling in for that missing unit guy, I had fun.

I wish the drop in combat was entwined with CW, even if it gave less faction-reward stuff. It would be cool if the -Units- fought each-other for "key planets" and pugs battled over lesser "fringe" worlds, or something along those lines. Or just force players to join a unit? Idk... devs gotta figure out something there. Getting pub-stomped is just, plain not fun.

Despite that, the game is better than I left it. The combat is still fun, voip is cool. I'm happy to be playing again. Never thought I'd see the day where you could "earn" mech bays and freebies, I like that. I remember when it was all AC/2 boats on a jagger, and ppc spam on a Stalker, now it seems like laser boats are the thing for CW matches. I'm sure that'll change some day too.

Started listening to community pod casts from NGNG, with Russ and other devs, and that's really what sold me into coming back. The talk about adding pve, single player (tanks were mentioned?), forward scout missions, the game coming to steam...

I think I'll stick around for a while...

Edited by RoboPatton, 10 March 2015 - 07:51 AM.

#2 Roughneck45


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:52 PM

I took a long break as well, still on hiatus really.

CW is pretty fun. Lots of flaws still, and can be hard to find a game, but if you haven't tried it yet I think its worth a shot.

It might not keep you into the game but its worth trying.

Edited by Roughneck45, 06 March 2015 - 01:55 PM.

#3 EgoSlayer


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:53 PM

View PostRoboPatton, on 06 March 2015 - 01:43 PM, said:

I'm one of those founders that walked away. The game lost some of the luster for me with the whole second & third & etc "$ packs." I got tired of throwing money at mechs (or being asked to). The clan invasion felt like a money grab to me, instead of an "event" like I was hoping for.

I desired more modes, maps, (game content) etc... and it looks like that's coming along now. I've heard people saying PGI is turning a new leaf, that its worth check out again.

So, is it?

*Please don't mistake me for being a "Troll" or trying to stir the crap. I'm just being honest (maybe to a fault). And yes I know its a "free" game, and if I had the time to commit I could just find out, but I want the perspectives/opinions of others.


Community Warfare Beta has launched - so the actual invasion and faction vs faction combat is in place now. But it currently has limited maps.

Quirks have been implemented to add another play balance factor.

Several new maps have been released.

But the basic gameplay is still team combat, either death match or some basic objectives (Conquest/Assault/CW). So if that is what lost it's luster, you are not going to find much new because that is the core game play. If you enjoyed it then come back and give it a try.

There are always going to be Mech packs - that's what keep the servers online and if that's in issue then this F2P game isn't for you.

Edited by EgoSlayer, 06 March 2015 - 01:54 PM.

#4 Signal27


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:56 PM

Speaking as someone who has played for a month, taken a break for several, then came back for a month, then taken a break for several more, and just now came back, I can say that the game is fun. But then, I don't get soured whenever PGI wants to charge money over certain things: I either buy them or I don't. So whatever money they charge for anything holds absolutely no sway over me (And, frankly, it shouldn't for you either - take or leave it, but don't whine about it. Talk is cheap, but what you do or DON'T spend out of your wallet speaks louder to a company more than spamming the forums ever can).

Anyhow, I'm playing the game seriously again, now that CW has been introduced even though its in VERY rough shape. I'm probably going to give the game another long rest after a period but the game definitely has improved since you last played.

That said, the pace of development of this game has been ABSOLUTELY GLACIAL when you think of all the money fans have been spending on it. I'd like to give PGI some slack since they are a smaller development studio but other games I play also have smaller development teams and they've managed a steady stream of content updates (Payday 2) more often than PGI ever has.

So in sum: Sure, come back and try community warfare. If it's not to your liking, give it another YEAR or so.

Edited by Signal27, 06 March 2015 - 01:57 PM.

#5 Zypher


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:57 PM

I say come back and try CW, don't spend any money of course until you have decided you like where the game is at. For me CW, while still beta and very limited, was refreshing from the solo queue. Granted I still solo drop in CW but it doesn't feel so much like COD with mechs, granted it has it's own issues, but again, for me it was refreshing.

#6 RoboPatton


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:02 PM

Thanks for all of the replies. I did like the community here. I see that's still intact.

I do understand Selling mechs is the major source of income for PGI, don't get me wrong, and I am fine with that. It was just the quick succession of packs-- the fact that the number of mechs was outpacing what I would have liked to have seen go into "content", is what made me lose confidence in where it was going.

I'll give it another shot...

Edited by RoboPatton, 06 March 2015 - 02:03 PM.

#7 Johnny Z


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:04 PM

All the basics of Battletech are in game now but under construction. They have yet to put the warrior in Mechwarrior. Lets hope they are working on that. (and before i get the "the basics are not nearlly all in game yet" what i mean is that the mechs, mech combat, faction warfare is all in, even dropships and eject is in now although no animation for eject yet.)

Mechwarrior Online is heading in the right direction from all appearances so I am slowly ranking up in House Davion faction to get a head start.

This sounds good? Then ya give it another try, but be patient, the "SOON" and the "BETA" stuff is still relevant I think. :)

Edited by Johnny Z, 06 March 2015 - 02:16 PM.

#8 lsp


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:13 PM

Play MWLL.

#9 Signal27


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:14 PM

View Postlsp, on 06 March 2015 - 02:13 PM, said:

Play MWLL.

With whom, though?

#10 Greenjulius


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:15 PM

I have been around since May 2013; not nearly as long as you founders, but a decent chunk of time. I stopped playing the game from August 2013 to February 2014, mainly because I dislike the F2P economy.

The free centurion brought me back in, and the free thunderbolt sealed the seal. I have been playing heavily since August 2014, and have become one of those whales that buys too much.

I enjoy the game and always come back because there have been so many updates and events. The events keep things exciting, while CW is maturing and giving us even more options for play.

I would at least recommend giving it a try again.

#11 ThrashInc


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:18 PM

You can get the best mechs in the game for cbills atm, not really any reason not to play.

Though if you are going to spend money on a mech, make sure to check the gift page as it is probably cheaper than an MC purchase and in the case of the direwolf, it's a better variant.

#12 Xetelian


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:19 PM

As far as I know you have to set the Forum and Title from in the game so technically you're already back?

#13 Mcgral18


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:20 PM

View PostSignal27, on 06 March 2015 - 02:14 PM, said:

With whom, though?

Whoever's online at the time.


Yesterday there was a half dozen of us having some fun in Whales and Maulers.
The I went to test the ShadowCats out. Fun little things.

Weekend events can get you 30 players per server; or whatever the server cap is. Generally just a handful on random evenings.

#14 Mawai


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:31 PM

If you enjoyed the basic combat of MWO in beta then that hasn't changed that much.

- 12v12 instead of 8v8.
- in-game VOIP available though under utilized
- several new maps
- launch of Community Warfare beta
- lots of new mechs
- revised mechlab
- DX11
- FPS optimizations
- quite a few bug fixes

Personally, I would tend to just ignore new mech packs unless you are interested. PGI has to continue to make mechs and entice folks to pay money for them since it is the primary if not only way for them to keep the lights on. There is no truly free to play game ... they are optionally free to play but if everyone plays for free then they do not last long .. since the company running/creating the game MUST make money. Banks and venture capital companies don't offer up loans to subsidize folks playing a game on the internet ... they expect a return and that return is the money that some fraction of the player base decides to spend on the game purchasing mechs, premium time, consumables and cosmetic items.

So, if PGI constantly creating new mech packs and trying to sell them bothers you then this game will never be one you will enjoy. On the other hand, I find it pretty easy to ignore and over the years I have paid in a sufficient amount between founders, phoenix and clan wave 1.

#15 Strykewolf


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:35 PM

They seem to be heading in the right direction, though, not as fast as I'd like (Want now, dammit!! :P). Came back in Jan; liking what I see, overall. Lots of work left to do, however. ;)

#16 Alexandrix


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:38 PM

CW beta
some new mechs,a new map or two,few tweaks here and there.
It's basically still the same load as many weapons into one button press and alpha strike to win,CoD in robots game play as it's always been.so,if you dig that,then have at it.

#17 Yosharian


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 02:46 PM

The only thing I'm currently unhappy with is performance. Game still runs like ****. I have a good rig and I barely scrape 45 FPS in fights.

#18 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 05:06 PM

View PostRoboPatton, on 06 March 2015 - 01:43 PM, said:

I'm one of those founders that walked away. The game lost some of the luster for me with the whole second & third & etc "$ packs." I got tired of throwing money at mechs (or being asked to). The clan invasion felt like a money grab to me, instead of an "event" like I was hoping for.

I desired more modes, maps, (game content) etc... and it looks like that's coming along now. I've heard people saying PGI is turning a new leaf, that its worth check out again.

So, is it?

*Please don't mistake me for being a "Troll" or trying to stir the crap. I'm just being honest (maybe to a fault). And yes I know its a "free" game, and if I had the time to commit I could just find out, but I want the perspectives/opinions of others.


Edit- (pasted from below, but nobody seemed to read it)
Thanks for all of the replies. I did like the community here. I see that's still intact.

I do understand Selling mechs is the major source of income for PGI, don't get me wrong, and I am fine with that. It was just the quick succession of packs-- the fact that the number of mechs was outpacing what I would have liked to have seen go into "content", is what made me lose confidence in where it was going.

I'll give it another shot...

as you can see I've been on the ride for a while. And at one point, I did take a 3 month leave of absence from MWO due to a lot of the frustrating things that has gone on with development of this title.

However I always come back, mostly because this is still, one of the best Mechwarrior experiences on PC. Bar None.

A good bit has changed since you left. The biggest thing being that PGI has bought full rights to MWO back from IGP, and that communication and bug fixes and all have seen a huge leap forward since IGP was apparently blocking a lot of the community feedback.

the 2 mechs a month thing got tossed out the window in favor of mech packs, which doesn't bother me, as we still get aproximately 2 mechs a month, they just offer them up in preorder packs first, so you generally get an idea of the next 4 or so mechs to be released a few months in advance. It's not a bad route to go frankly. Despite that, I can see why some people dislike this model.

Community Warfare, one of the core pillars of MWO that many of us wanted right away has been released, though it's in a very, very beta state. It's 100% playable, but only has 2 modes and 3 maps currently. It's not bad, but it is NOT casual play friendly in the least, you can make it work, and the newly intergrated VOIP helps to a degree, but... yeah.

Overall, the game is sitting in a much better position than it had been, but it's far from perfect. I say come back for a month or more, see what you think.

#19 Creovex


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 06:13 PM

You should stay away. We took a vote when you were gone and unfortunately you name was on the list as "pick last for dodgeball"

#20 Milocinia


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 06:32 PM

Short answer = no.

Long answer = ...

Hitreg is just as bad.
TTK is lower than ever thanks to quirks.
CW is a waste of time because it's as flawed as the main NASCAR game is.

Would you like to know more?

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