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Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Youtube Archive Availalbe Now

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#21 XX Sulla XX


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:52 PM


Posted Image

1. Can we get a balance push to make at least some variants of all mechs viable and normalize the mechs outliers at the top and bottom? Like the like the Timber Wolf, Dire Wolf, Storm Crow, Vindicator VND-1X, Commando COM-1B, Locust LCT-1M

2. Is Solaris coming?

Edited by XX Sulla XX, 13 April 2015 - 09:52 PM.

#22 kayjay


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:54 PM

1. Many of us got two King Crabs, two Centurions and two Atlas as the bonus reward for purchase of several packages. We cant sell the second one and there is really no reason to have duplicate chassis. only benefit is you can elite quicker using 2x on each mech as the XP stacks. Any way these could be sold or traded for a chassis of equal MC ?

2. CW loyalty points are only granted if you win a CW battle (or get a turret walk). Seems to me there should be some loyalty points awarded to the losing side - from the Battletech universe point of view there are lots of doomed efforts and sacrifices plotlines.

#23 Revis Volek


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:57 PM

Now that 360 degree torso twist is in the game will mechs like the RVN and other be getting it?

#24 Matthew Ace


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:57 PM

1) Since terrain hitboxes is not a priority, can we at least have a weapon clearance indicator for each weapons mounted? It would telly the range on your crosshair range indicator with that on the weapon, with an accuracy of 1 or 2m. It would save a lot of wasted fire.

2) LRM5s are still able to core out targets with impunity while LRM20 is next to being unused due to its spread. Would you consider standardising the spread size on all LRMs to LRM10 or 15 so that LRM20 then have the advantage of more concentrated damage while the LRM5 can be used for suppressive fire? If not, are you keen on exploring alternatives?

3) When will the velocity change for all Clan autocannons come in?

4) Will the Awesome ever get similar level of armor buff to Zeus, considering in lore all variants of Zeuses, at least circa 3050, they have 20% less armor than Awesomes. (P.s. don't nerf the Zeus, it's very viable).

5) Will the urbanmechs get a second quirk pass especially with regards to heavier autocannons and movement?

6) Would you consider expanding kill counts to include Solo Kills / Kill most damage dealt / Killing Blow on players stats and EOM screen? This would get players a mote comprehensive view of their performance as well as make players who managed to deal most damage but someone else landing killing blow to feel a sense of usefulness, hence improving player happiness.

Edited by Matthew Ace, 14 April 2015 - 02:12 AM.

#25 Hawk819


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:58 PM

When can we expect the Mauler, Black Knight, and Cyclops BattleMechs? Also, any chance that the Wolfhound and Bushwacker will make an appearance in the game.

To Sean, I damn near had your butt with my Panther against your Mad Cat. Looking forward to another chance at nailing it to the wall.

#26 CrushLibs


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:00 PM

To help offset the HUGE IS advantage in Zerging CW since most IS lights can go 150-170kph with good firepower vs 107 Kph clan lights can we please put some effort to fixing lag shields or hitbox issues on IS mechs ???

#27 Surn


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:00 PM


Who ate all my chunky peanut butter?


What is Walker Texas Ranger's first name? There is some debate.

Edited by MechregSurn, 13 April 2015 - 03:02 PM.

#28 Deacon Rapier


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:05 PM

Hey Russ,

I just wanted to pose a couple quick questions:

1. Will there be any more rebalancing of Weapon Quirks?

It seems like in an effort to balance out the Clans, the IS mechs have become extremely overpowered, as an example, it is now uneven when you have two 12 mans go toe to toe from the IS and Clans. Examples: the ERLL for the IS can reach across entire maps, including killing Omega from outside of the gates on Cybertron. How will this be addressed

2. Will there be any more CW faction rewards?

This is especially for Loyalist units, who stay with one faction permanently, and also applies on the opposite effect for the Mercs who depend on good pay for their services.

3. Will there be a new system to allow for better ability to take planets, especially after what happened during the last Pubic CW event when the clans won almost all of their matches, but lost a dozen planets?

Thanks for this!

#29 Felio


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:06 PM

It seems like the reason there aren't enough players in the CW bucket is that there aren't enough players in the CW bucket. How do you break this cycle? We've seen a few incremental steps, but have you considered any more sweeping ideas?

Do you think you'll be able to talk in 2015 about plans for a solo campaign and co-op play?

#30 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:06 PM

When are we going to be able to put camo patterns on our invasion (I) and other mechs that cannot be changed ?

#31 Tina Benoit

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:11 PM

View PostVarhait, on 13 April 2015 - 02:46 PM, said:

Resistance Badges. Yes, i know it's not a big deal, but this situation concerns me. So, if you dont mind, i will duplicate post here as a question. Greetings PGI, On March 17 you injected Inner Sphere Resistance faction content packs. It is great, the new skins looks very impressive, colors and hanging items are also useful, sometimes. But! Few days later you injected the Resistance collection badges and many players cannot understand why these badges Posted Image Suddenly turned into these Posted Image It looks like a case of unfair advertising. I mean it was YOUR decision to show these awesome badges on the Resistance collection page from the start of the sales. I know some people who bought Resistance collections only for the badges, this isn’t so much compared to 260$ for the gold skin. I think it is obvious that they are very disappointed by this sudden change and their confidence in MWO is shaken. What you gonna do with this? Leave the situation as it is and why, or you will consider results of the poll and keep the promise about resistance badges(I mean, return the ones from resistance page, the promised content) ? Poll Topic

We can answer this now actually:

We're going to be releasing these old versions of the Resistance Badges, on top of letting you keep the new ones which you currently have.
We don't have an exact ETA on this yet but we'll try to release them to eligible Resistance owners in the next patch.

#32 Vincent V. Kerensky


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:11 PM

I have a few questions for Russ. Fourth time some of these are posted as they did not get a response the last three times, even with all the other questions combined....

I have also added a few more questions! Yay!

General questions;

* New modules? Food for thought; Elemental Power Armor Star?

* IS vs Clan Light 'Mechs. Hitboxes and speed. Any comment on that? Right now we are seeing quite a few IS Light 'Mechs rushing in CW and not stopping at all. IS Light Mechs seem to have magical hitboxes which ties it in with speed and hit registration. Comment?

* Additional voice acting? Will more voice acting to the game? "Power curve optimal.... Dropchecks complete... All systems nominal... Drop sequence commencing", "Gyro overload" and stuff like that? And with that, actual Gyro Overloads, Death from Above and such?

* What are your comments on the community calling for even more nerfing of Clan Technology? Lately there has been a lot of individual opinions in the IS camp that Clan Technology should not necessarily be nerfed but that IS Technology should be boosted or IS Mechs be given even more powerful quirks. What are your thoughts on that?

* IS Quirks. Just checked out some of them... Even if you have given the 9S a "minor" debuff, there are certain 'Mechs you now release that can do a very -very- similar job... Please, do check the quirks before you decide to go live with them. Also, comments on this?

* Clan Quirks. I know that the low quirk values are just for testing but what do you honestly think about range quirks for Machine Guns? Clan 'Mechs are suffering, namely the Adder, Ice Ferret, Nova and Gargoyle. Why not focus on giving proper quirks to these 'Mechs first? Comments on this? Also, what about repairing Clan Machine Gun critical hits?

* Camo Specs and colors. General sale? And when will the Wave 2 Clan Mechs have all Camos available?

* Iconic 'Mechs. Like the Hatamoto-Chi, Emperor or Venom. Would love to see some of them added to the mix and I am certain the Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation would love to see these too. Specially the Hatamoto-Chi.

* Second line 'Mechs. IIC variants that is. Will we see them?

CW questions;

* Dropships! Union Class? Overlord Class? Thoughts on bringing them in?

* Mercenaries. Please elaborate. I have asked and submitted in my questions earlier about a PGI run MRCB (Mercenary Review and Commissioning Board) or it being run perhaps by Loyalist units. Thoughts?

* Unit Coffers. When will we be able to use our money? Transfer money to other units and buy stuff? Comments?

* Population issues in CW seems to continue to be an problem. The huge event really beat us Clans back. Thank you for the feedback on this on the forums, however do you have any more feedback to give us on this? We kinda got quite sore about the results (specially when we won 53% of the battles an gained -zero- planets.)

Thank you.

Star Captain Vincent V.
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Edited by Vincent V., 14 April 2015 - 02:57 PM.

#33 Psychosmurf96


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:13 PM

1) The Urbanmech was a fan request mech that seemed to go well. Any chance that there will be more fan demanded mechs in the future?
2) Many Chassis go unbought in the store due to viability issues. What do you feel are the biggest offenders to this and what are the plans to fix this?

#34 Viken


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:14 PM

I understand that it wasn't a promise, but in previous town halls, Russ has mentioned the possibility of a Premium Private Match option for Stock Only on mechs. Has there been any work done on this yet?

Also, are there plans for a spectator/observer mode for private matches as well? This would assist in a number of areas such as: Player made content containing Tournaments, Tutorial Videos, Tips and Tricks, Bugging/Debugging, and other things.

PS: Thank you for the Urbanmech. Really.

#35 SpiralFace


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:14 PM

A few different questions that I have:

- Can we look forward to non-CW game improvements coming down the pipe beyond the retooled smaller maps? Or is the primary focus still on CW improvements. ( Game mode adjustments, spawn point adjustments, etc.)

- Will there be more "non-weapon" based quirks introduced to help chassis out beyond just weapon quirks? (Ammo per ton quirks, Sensor quirks, Target retention quirks, etc.)

- Can we look forward to any improvements / re-tuning when it comes to mech equipment? There are a lot of things that people would like to see improved. (Bringing Class 1 JJ's in line with others, Incentivize the use of higher JJ numbers, better distribution of abilities on Clan Targeting computers, ECM dynamic retooling?)

- Is there anything in the works to further reinforce the "Role Warfare" and "information warfare" pillars of the game? Many people find it very shallow and lacking any depth or diversity under the current systems.

Edited by SpiralFace, 14 April 2015 - 10:36 AM.

#36 Jack Corban


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:15 PM

"It is the belief of the Stock 'Mech Community that the presence of an integrated stock game-mode within Mechwarrior Online would provide a deep, tactical expansion to the MWO experience. Many of this game's players, including a large number of Founders, crave the true, tactical BattleTech experience that MWO could offer with such a feature. In addition, a stock-only game-mode would have numerous benefits on the new player experience and provide a fun, immersive avenue of gameplay independent from the twitch, low-Time-To-Kill experience currently in MWO.

What is the official PGI opinion on such a game-mode?"

Edited by Jack Corban, 14 April 2015 - 05:41 AM.

#37 Triordinant


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:15 PM

What's the ETA for the PvE co-op and single-player content?

#38 Panzerkampfwagen IV


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:17 PM

Is it planned to adjust the hitboxes for the stormcrow and the timberwolf at any point in the future? Clan mechs have been labeled OP with much of the playerbase calling for nerfs, but from my experience playing solely IS in CW, most Clan mech are balanced/underpowered other than these two offenders. If the hitboxes for these two mechs were adjusted to bring them in line then we could have a rational and honest look at the IS v Clan power curve.

Also, are there any plans to revisit quirks on mechs that were "left behind" due to their high standing pre-quirk that have now fallen by the wayside? (Eg: Shadowhawk and Jenner)

Edited by Asian Tupac, 13 April 2015 - 03:20 PM.

#39 Anakha


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:18 PM

Quirks have done little to help the combat effectiveness of many of the poor performing clan mechs. They seem to be extremely small and provide no combat impact. Will you consider allowing these mechs to upgrade to Endo Steel internal structure and/or allow them to remove some jump jets to help their overall performance in the future?

When will we see some improvements to clan ultra auto cannons? Either an increase in velocity or a decrease in shell count or a combination of the two?


#40 Varhait


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Posted 13 April 2015 - 03:21 PM

View PostTina Benoit, on 13 April 2015 - 03:11 PM, said:

We can answer this now actually:

We're going to be releasing these old versions of the Resistance Badges, on top of letting you keep the new ones which you currently have.
We don't have an exact ETA on this yet but we'll try to release them to eligible Resistance owners in the next patch.

Thanks Tina. Gonna share this news with others. Hope it won't take long.

Edited by Varhait, 13 April 2015 - 03:21 PM.

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