Ok, so, I play mostly on weekends and on weekday mornings (I livestream weekdays, from around 5:30 EST to 8 or 9 AM). I don't play Skirmish, just not fond of it. I didn't change my play habits for the soon to be concluded European Invasion event (the rewards are worth chump change, I just consider them a nice extra for doing what I'd do anyway: play the game). But the event has given me some interesting data. Now, I'm just a single data point, so it could just be a fluke, but... I've maxed out the rewards for EU Assault and Conquest, maxed out NA Assault, and I sit at 14/24 for NA Conquest. I have to do a little bit of a double take on that last one.
Do American players really dislike Conquest THAT much? I mean, I think it's the best game mode currently. It encourages fighting, disincentivizes camping, upset victories happen (yes, you usually win by fighting, but I've seen plenty of games where the team getting out fought wins on points), and it generally offers better c-bill rewards. I've just found that Conquest offers an overall better play experience.
Edited by Escef, 30 July 2015 - 09:54 PM.