--Unit/Friends List Maintenance (In Client)
1. "Last Played/Logged In" date displayed next to each person in your friends list and your unit list. - Useful for maintaining your friend and unit lists.
2. Friend Categorization - I'd like to be able to create custom categories to organize my friend/uni lists, categories like "CW Drop Callers", "Good Player", "Tier 13 Scrub", "Prone to TK", "Alpha Company", "Bravo Company" (y'know stuff to organize people in the lore unit structures of BattleTech), etc. Then, when a person is online, the unit/friend lists are separated out into my categories (offline maybe I don't care since, what does it matter what category they're in).
28. [UNIT] names displayed on friends list (+invites). - credit Tarogato
21. An AFK tool for the friends list. - credit to Lorian Sunrider
- Member Management - Sortable list. I can't even begin to guess what the default order of the list is, but of the columns there, it doesn't appear to sort on Pilot Name, Player Rank, nor even Status.
- Make sure add more columns to the Member Management list, namely PSR, KDR, WLR, avg. Damage/Match.
1. "Last Played/Logged In" date displayed next to each person in your friends list and your unit list. - Useful for maintaining your friend and unit lists.
2. Friend Categorization - I'd like to be able to create custom categories to organize my friend/uni lists, categories like "CW Drop Callers", "Good Player", "Tier 13 Scrub", "Prone to TK", "Alpha Company", "Bravo Company" (y'know stuff to organize people in the lore unit structures of BattleTech), etc. Then, when a person is online, the unit/friend lists are separated out into my categories (offline maybe I don't care since, what does it matter what category they're in).
28. [UNIT] names displayed on friends list (+invites). - credit Tarogato
21. An AFK tool for the friends list. - credit to Lorian Sunrider
- Member Management - Sortable list. I can't even begin to guess what the default order of the list is, but of the columns there, it doesn't appear to sort on Pilot Name, Player Rank, nor even Status.
- Make sure add more columns to the Member Management list, namely PSR, KDR, WLR, avg. Damage/Match.
--Unit/Friends List Maintenance (External)
4. Off-line unit maintenance. The unit leader(s) should have access to a site that provides the ability to kick people from their unit, change ranks of people in the unit, setup "message of the day", AS WELL AS, provide information on each person in the unit: Tier, KDR, WLR, Last Played/Logged In, Avg. Damage/Match, Unit Rank, amount donated to unit coffers, etc. Once you get above 20 or 30 people doing this can become tedious and it's really necessary that PGI provide actual tools to do this.
38. Chat messages need to have time added so i can see did someone ask me to join CW 2 min ago or 1 hour ago - credit Ace Sellin
4. Off-line unit maintenance. The unit leader(s) should have access to a site that provides the ability to kick people from their unit, change ranks of people in the unit, setup "message of the day", AS WELL AS, provide information on each person in the unit: Tier, KDR, WLR, Last Played/Logged In, Avg. Damage/Match, Unit Rank, amount donated to unit coffers, etc. Once you get above 20 or 30 people doing this can become tedious and it's really necessary that PGI provide actual tools to do this.
38. Chat messages need to have time added so i can see did someone ask me to join CW 2 min ago or 1 hour ago - credit Ace Sellin
--Logging/Record Keeping
5. A goddamned game log. A text log, generated locally on each player's PC (when they've enabled it), that shows who shot at you, from where, what they shot at you, range, what hit, for how much, where, if there was crits, and who you shot at, where, range, etc., etc. With craptastic hit registry, HSR confusion and just the general 'mudiness' of some maps it's damned hard to tell if you were crit'd out by a single ERLL somehow, OR, if there was some other joker shooting at you. Edit: Also, maintaining the text chat from the game would be really cool here too. This would go a LONG WAY to help US THE PLAYERS, help you PGI troubleshoot various things.
15. A setting you can turn on in controls that will automatically take a screenshot of both screens of the match results at the end of the match. - Credit Togun505
16. Add the following information for end of match: Average Damage for both sides, total 'mech weight for both sides.
26. Tiers displayed in game on the match results screen for those who opted in. - credit Tarogato
27. Stats API so that we don't have to log into our accounts to have a 3rd party programme collect them. - credit Tarogato
35. Oh, and then there's the website, where you can check out your mech stats, and they are sorted in no logical order whatsoever AND you can't filter them or sort them yourself. So, if you want to rank your mechs top to bottom in K/D ratio, wins / loss, or whatever - nope, that's apparently too complicated. And that one I asked for well over a year ago, got a "we're looking into that" response, and then nothing, of course. - credit oldradagast
86. REPLAY and have it server side and you have all your match you can go back and watch in spectator mode. Can't imagine saving the input of 24 guys to the main server would degrade gameplay and god knows id like to go back and watch my games with all the bells and whistle a replay has like pause, free movement, rewind, slowmo etc etc. Dimento's Notes: This isn't "minor" or "stupid", but I'm adding it, it's been 4 years so... Anyway, I'm keeping this separate from #5, simply because they are actually two different things. One is generated and maintained server side, the other, the text log file is generated client side and is used for other things. - Credit to DAYLEET
5. A goddamned game log. A text log, generated locally on each player's PC (when they've enabled it), that shows who shot at you, from where, what they shot at you, range, what hit, for how much, where, if there was crits, and who you shot at, where, range, etc., etc. With craptastic hit registry, HSR confusion and just the general 'mudiness' of some maps it's damned hard to tell if you were crit'd out by a single ERLL somehow, OR, if there was some other joker shooting at you. Edit: Also, maintaining the text chat from the game would be really cool here too. This would go a LONG WAY to help US THE PLAYERS, help you PGI troubleshoot various things.
15. A setting you can turn on in controls that will automatically take a screenshot of both screens of the match results at the end of the match. - Credit Togun505
16. Add the following information for end of match: Average Damage for both sides, total 'mech weight for both sides.
26. Tiers displayed in game on the match results screen for those who opted in. - credit Tarogato
27. Stats API so that we don't have to log into our accounts to have a 3rd party programme collect them. - credit Tarogato
35. Oh, and then there's the website, where you can check out your mech stats, and they are sorted in no logical order whatsoever AND you can't filter them or sort them yourself. So, if you want to rank your mechs top to bottom in K/D ratio, wins / loss, or whatever - nope, that's apparently too complicated. And that one I asked for well over a year ago, got a "we're looking into that" response, and then nothing, of course. - credit oldradagast
86. REPLAY and have it server side and you have all your match you can go back and watch in spectator mode. Can't imagine saving the input of 24 guys to the main server would degrade gameplay and god knows id like to go back and watch my games with all the bells and whistle a replay has like pause, free movement, rewind, slowmo etc etc. Dimento's Notes: This isn't "minor" or "stupid", but I'm adding it, it's been 4 years so... Anyway, I'm keeping this separate from #5, simply because they are actually two different things. One is generated and maintained server side, the other, the text log file is generated client side and is used for other things. - Credit to DAYLEET
--CW Improvements
6. Means of predefining drop decks for CW. We pick which 'mechs we want in each drop deck, they're valid as long as they meet the weight restrictions and are valid load outs. Then we can simply select drop deck A, B, C, etc.
8. How long are we going to have to deal with that "1:00" minute flash bug on ghost drop in CW?
6. Means of predefining drop decks for CW. We pick which 'mechs we want in each drop deck, they're valid as long as they meet the weight restrictions and are valid load outs. Then we can simply select drop deck A, B, C, etc.
8. How long are we going to have to deal with that "1:00" minute flash bug on ghost drop in CW?
--General Client Responsiveness
7. A means of not going through all the damn splash screens when loading this game. After the first 10000 times we've logged in we know all about Nvidia's relationship to the game, we know PGI produced it, for F's sake, just let us log into the damn game already... we don't need to be clicking and pressing space repeatedly EVERY single time we log in.
10. Please let me skip straight to a match if I log in after being dropped out of one, an automatic reconnect setting that you could turn on in the options menu so you could go straight into a match without waiting for the mechlab to load would be awesome. - Credit to Satan n Stuff.
7. A means of not going through all the damn splash screens when loading this game. After the first 10000 times we've logged in we know all about Nvidia's relationship to the game, we know PGI produced it, for F's sake, just let us log into the damn game already... we don't need to be clicking and pressing space repeatedly EVERY single time we log in.
10. Please let me skip straight to a match if I log in after being dropped out of one, an automatic reconnect setting that you could turn on in the options menu so you could go straight into a match without waiting for the mechlab to load would be awesome. - Credit to Satan n Stuff.
--In Game Communications
36. VOIP self testing functions. Seriously, so many pugs trying to communicate, but we can't hear them..... - credit Big Tin Man
40. Chat enabled while searching for match - credit Talorien
36. VOIP self testing functions. Seriously, so many pugs trying to communicate, but we can't hear them..... - credit Big Tin Man
40. Chat enabled while searching for match - credit Talorien
--In Game Immersivness/General Game Play
9. How long do we have to deal with constipated drop ships that can't get 'mechs out the drop gate without getting stuck like so many multi ton'd dingle berries?
14. Crouching - Credit armyunit
30. Who was doing that unit/faction sheet music? Opting to have those scores played instead of what we have as an option. Dimento's note: Or add the ability to allow the players the ability to select what music we want played...- credit Afuldan McKronik
37. Rear view cameras and wing mirrors. - credit Random Carnage
42. 10k CBill reward for being Ready when match launches - credit Talorien
44. Also, better target pop-ups for UAVs. That you can be standing under one and never know that it is there is pretty pathetic. - credit Trauglodyte
47. Bonus points for "jettison ammo", "Crouch", "Passive/Acvtive Rdar", etc. - credit to 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie
50. Add in grid overlay on the drop screen (the one where you see the enemy list first time and prepare for drop). There is a map on the bottom right. Put the grid overlay on top of it so people can coordinate and plan their strategy better while waiting. Some don't know all grids out of their mind.
Especially useful when dropping with coordinated groups in CW. - credit to TexAce
60. Bring back the old glowing eyes on the Atlas, and put them on a toggle. - credit to Sir Wulfrick
63. At nighttime, we have absolutely no external lighting from the mech. So, why not add headlights? It may not do a lot for gameplay, but it certainly would improve nighttime immersion. - credit to Matt2496
64. Active vs Passive radar implementation Dimento's Note: Matt2496, you may want to elaborate on this point a bit. - credit to Matt2496
65. More cockpit screens that actually work. - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: Potential VR support in the future that moves non-essential HUD elements to the screens (things like heat sinks remaining and their location, internal component HP, ammo locations, hell even your throttle and direction) when using VR, an extra toggle to move *ALL* HUD elements to the screens, and non-VR options for such settings as well.
68. A heat scale that actually makes sense. Why is 30 heat capacity with the 'correct' dissipation values so bad? Still waiting on an answer on that one. Kassatsu's note: Don't think these last two qualify as 'stupid' or 'minor', but whatever. - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: No more ghost heat.
82. Some of this is not "easy" or "minor", BUT, I was reminded of it and wanted it added to the list: According to various lore and etc. accounts several 'mechs had the ability to turn 360 (not just the Urbie), and/or had the ability to 'arm flip' allowing their arm weapons to fire at targets towards their rear. We should have those 'mechs (Rifleman being one that readily comes to mind) have some accommodation to that. A clickable button to whip the 'mech 180 degrees to its rear, or the same sort of 360 torso twist option the Urbie has, either or.
85. Working COLLISIONS and Knockdowns - Dimento's Notes: Again another HOLY S*** WTFBBQ moment, something I complain about, daily, in game with lights jamming themselves up assault 'mech's asses, preventing them from being able to back up and completely untouchable - credit to Lugh
90. toggle tag and machine gun - Dimento's notes: Seriously you want a toggle for machine gun? Isn't that a weapons firing group? Maybe elaborate, not sure what you're asking for on the MG, BUT DEFINITELY understand the TAG toggle. - credit to EurakaLi
91. force-able close archer bay door asap after fire(or any other mech that have door and work the same) when locked and fireing-lrm,there 4 second cd on it I want it to close when not in use at close range combat situation...
(currently it stay open when u locked on somebody engaged and pressing the close door don't seem to work) - credit to EurakaLi
93. Able to tell which leg is destroy more easier(why I have to wait that yellow doll every time?), it should be as easy to tell as lose a arm,sometime those smoke on leg is not enough and everyone paint black.. - credit to EurakaLi
103. Area of affect damage when a 'mech dies due to over heating, our engine loss. The damage should be comparable to an arti strike.
9. How long do we have to deal with constipated drop ships that can't get 'mechs out the drop gate without getting stuck like so many multi ton'd dingle berries?
14. Crouching - Credit armyunit
30. Who was doing that unit/faction sheet music? Opting to have those scores played instead of what we have as an option. Dimento's note: Or add the ability to allow the players the ability to select what music we want played...- credit Afuldan McKronik
37. Rear view cameras and wing mirrors. - credit Random Carnage
42. 10k CBill reward for being Ready when match launches - credit Talorien
44. Also, better target pop-ups for UAVs. That you can be standing under one and never know that it is there is pretty pathetic. - credit Trauglodyte
47. Bonus points for "jettison ammo", "Crouch", "Passive/Acvtive Rdar", etc. - credit to 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie
50. Add in grid overlay on the drop screen (the one where you see the enemy list first time and prepare for drop). There is a map on the bottom right. Put the grid overlay on top of it so people can coordinate and plan their strategy better while waiting. Some don't know all grids out of their mind.
Especially useful when dropping with coordinated groups in CW. - credit to TexAce
60. Bring back the old glowing eyes on the Atlas, and put them on a toggle. - credit to Sir Wulfrick
63. At nighttime, we have absolutely no external lighting from the mech. So, why not add headlights? It may not do a lot for gameplay, but it certainly would improve nighttime immersion. - credit to Matt2496

64. Active vs Passive radar implementation Dimento's Note: Matt2496, you may want to elaborate on this point a bit. - credit to Matt2496
65. More cockpit screens that actually work. - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: Potential VR support in the future that moves non-essential HUD elements to the screens (things like heat sinks remaining and their location, internal component HP, ammo locations, hell even your throttle and direction) when using VR, an extra toggle to move *ALL* HUD elements to the screens, and non-VR options for such settings as well.
68. A heat scale that actually makes sense. Why is 30 heat capacity with the 'correct' dissipation values so bad? Still waiting on an answer on that one. Kassatsu's note: Don't think these last two qualify as 'stupid' or 'minor', but whatever. - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: No more ghost heat.
82. Some of this is not "easy" or "minor", BUT, I was reminded of it and wanted it added to the list: According to various lore and etc. accounts several 'mechs had the ability to turn 360 (not just the Urbie), and/or had the ability to 'arm flip' allowing their arm weapons to fire at targets towards their rear. We should have those 'mechs (Rifleman being one that readily comes to mind) have some accommodation to that. A clickable button to whip the 'mech 180 degrees to its rear, or the same sort of 360 torso twist option the Urbie has, either or.
85. Working COLLISIONS and Knockdowns - Dimento's Notes: Again another HOLY S*** WTFBBQ moment, something I complain about, daily, in game with lights jamming themselves up assault 'mech's asses, preventing them from being able to back up and completely untouchable - credit to Lugh
90. toggle tag and machine gun - Dimento's notes: Seriously you want a toggle for machine gun? Isn't that a weapons firing group? Maybe elaborate, not sure what you're asking for on the MG, BUT DEFINITELY understand the TAG toggle. - credit to EurakaLi
91. force-able close archer bay door asap after fire(or any other mech that have door and work the same) when locked and fireing-lrm,there 4 second cd on it I want it to close when not in use at close range combat situation...
(currently it stay open when u locked on somebody engaged and pressing the close door don't seem to work) - credit to EurakaLi
93. Able to tell which leg is destroy more easier(why I have to wait that yellow doll every time?), it should be as easy to tell as lose a arm,sometime those smoke on leg is not enough and everyone paint black.. - credit to EurakaLi
103. Area of affect damage when a 'mech dies due to over heating, our engine loss. The damage should be comparable to an arti strike.
--Mechlab Improvement
12. The ability to SAVE FREAKING MECH LOADOUTS! - Credit to Aresye
25. Mechlab - Modules - The module type should be:
Mech Modules
Weapon Modules
For whatever silly reason, you people decided that it'd be "keen" to sort the type alphabetically I suppose?
Yes, I absolutely acknowledge this is very 'minor' BUT, it gets annoying because natural tendency is that the order will match the layout on the lab section:
'Mech Modules
Weapon Modules
29. "Save configuration" button in mechlab, so we can swap between builds with only a 2-3 clicks. - credit Tarogato
31. Account wide camo unlocks... - credit to Narcissistic Martyr
41. Able to make mechs 'favourite' on Thumbnail and to sort by favourites (better than ready deck of 4 and can hide unused mechs) - credit Talorien
49. An actual global chat while you're in the mechlab. - credit to Cabusha
52. Be able to sell special mechs. - credit Gattsus
53. Have have icons showing the installed modules on mechs. - credit Gattsus
56. Be able to level up mech skills from the loadout page. - credit Gattsus
57. When selling omnipods, be able to tell the hardpoints they have. - credit Gattsus
58. Mechbay-like GUI for selling items and for mech skills. - credit Gattsus
72. Something that made modules easier to find or just a strip all modules from mechs option. - credit to dario03
74. The ability to designate some of your mechs as favorites and filter for them afterwards. - credit to DerMaulwurf
76. Oh, and finally show us the actual values in the MechLab... Dimento's notes: Can be a bit more specific on that?
Update from Aeon Veritas: What I meant was that it would be advantageous to see the actual values of the weapons and modules when they are mounted to the mech.
As example: right now when you look at the stock HBK-4G in the MechLab and examine the vaules of the AC20 you see the optimal range displayed as 270m and bellow a remark that there is a quirk listed which says +25% Ballistic range.
I would really favor to see the actual optimal range of 337,5m displayed.
I created a topic with poll some time ago regarding this matter.
http://mwomercs.com/...ues-in-mechlab/ - credit to Aeon Veritas
78. Easy and visible way to discern which weapon went to what slot on mech and a way to designate their position E.G. I have Banshee-3M It has 3 LPL's + 1 SL on LT and 2 LPL + 1 SL on RT.
I wish I could define their placement as to specifically set both SL on lower torso while my LPL bein on high mounts. - credit to lazytopaz
79. Same thing goes with general loadout setup. When I mouse over some part of my weaponry I'd like to have it highlighted both in loadout and on mech at the same time. - credit to lazytopaz
87. Actual heat disparate rate in mech lab(it not rocket science) and other minor detail so I don't have to go to a external website and rebuild it everytime to check my heat /builds - credit to EurakaLi
From TheArisen, he asked about filters, which are touched upon in a few of the previous suggestions, HOWEVER, he's got a whole post on the subject, worth looking at: http://mwomercs.com/...echlab-filters/
12. The ability to SAVE FREAKING MECH LOADOUTS! - Credit to Aresye
25. Mechlab - Modules - The module type should be:
Mech Modules
Weapon Modules
For whatever silly reason, you people decided that it'd be "keen" to sort the type alphabetically I suppose?
Yes, I absolutely acknowledge this is very 'minor' BUT, it gets annoying because natural tendency is that the order will match the layout on the lab section:
'Mech Modules
Weapon Modules
29. "Save configuration" button in mechlab, so we can swap between builds with only a 2-3 clicks. - credit Tarogato
31. Account wide camo unlocks... - credit to Narcissistic Martyr
41. Able to make mechs 'favourite' on Thumbnail and to sort by favourites (better than ready deck of 4 and can hide unused mechs) - credit Talorien
49. An actual global chat while you're in the mechlab. - credit to Cabusha
52. Be able to sell special mechs. - credit Gattsus
53. Have have icons showing the installed modules on mechs. - credit Gattsus
56. Be able to level up mech skills from the loadout page. - credit Gattsus
57. When selling omnipods, be able to tell the hardpoints they have. - credit Gattsus
58. Mechbay-like GUI for selling items and for mech skills. - credit Gattsus
72. Something that made modules easier to find or just a strip all modules from mechs option. - credit to dario03
74. The ability to designate some of your mechs as favorites and filter for them afterwards. - credit to DerMaulwurf
76. Oh, and finally show us the actual values in the MechLab... Dimento's notes: Can be a bit more specific on that?
Update from Aeon Veritas: What I meant was that it would be advantageous to see the actual values of the weapons and modules when they are mounted to the mech.
As example: right now when you look at the stock HBK-4G in the MechLab and examine the vaules of the AC20 you see the optimal range displayed as 270m and bellow a remark that there is a quirk listed which says +25% Ballistic range.
I would really favor to see the actual optimal range of 337,5m displayed.
I created a topic with poll some time ago regarding this matter.
http://mwomercs.com/...ues-in-mechlab/ - credit to Aeon Veritas
78. Easy and visible way to discern which weapon went to what slot on mech and a way to designate their position E.G. I have Banshee-3M It has 3 LPL's + 1 SL on LT and 2 LPL + 1 SL on RT.
I wish I could define their placement as to specifically set both SL on lower torso while my LPL bein on high mounts. - credit to lazytopaz
79. Same thing goes with general loadout setup. When I mouse over some part of my weaponry I'd like to have it highlighted both in loadout and on mech at the same time. - credit to lazytopaz
87. Actual heat disparate rate in mech lab(it not rocket science) and other minor detail so I don't have to go to a external website and rebuild it everytime to check my heat /builds - credit to EurakaLi
From TheArisen, he asked about filters, which are touched upon in a few of the previous suggestions, HOWEVER, he's got a whole post on the subject, worth looking at: http://mwomercs.com/...echlab-filters/
--Skill Tree Improvements
17. Skill Tree - Either remove Pinpoint, make it cost 1XP (in case they can't make it 0XP), or replace it with something that actually works that you have already figured out as a skill or module upgrade. - credit KodiakGW
34. How about a Pinpoint skill that does something other than waste 3,000 XP? - credit oldradagast
70. When you go into the skill tree screen, how about showing just the mechs you have? Or even, the ones you have actual skill points to spend.
It's freaking stupid having to search every time the mech you are leveling on that ginormous list. A lot of clicks for no apparent reason. - credit to Dibujor
17. Skill Tree - Either remove Pinpoint, make it cost 1XP (in case they can't make it 0XP), or replace it with something that actually works that you have already figured out as a skill or module upgrade. - credit KodiakGW
34. How about a Pinpoint skill that does something other than waste 3,000 XP? - credit oldradagast
70. When you go into the skill tree screen, how about showing just the mechs you have? Or even, the ones you have actual skill points to spend.
It's freaking stupid having to search every time the mech you are leveling on that ginormous list. A lot of clicks for no apparent reason. - credit to Dibujor
--Weapon Improvements
18. Put in Clan AC Cooldown and Range modules. We have UAC and LXB. Really, we are taking about a couple of lines of code. Copy/paste mostly. - credit KodiakGW
32. Please add IS AC/2 Cooldown module Dimento's note: I don't personally agree with this, BUT, I'll add it 'cause, reasons. - credit to Virtual Riot
69. The part about the weapons: Autocannons that are actual autocannons instead of battleship guns. Could also change up how lasers work as well, with shorter durations, faster refire times and less damage per shot to maintain their current DPS. Ripple-fire and soft locks on SSRMs. Kassatsu's note: Don't think these last two qualify as 'stupid' or 'minor', but whatever. - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: Less poke and shoot gameplay using anything but specialized builds designed for it. More of that 'big bad mechs taking and dishing out beatings' feeling due to the lower spike damage potential and heavier reliance on sustained damage over time.
81. Clan U/AC's 5 need some rework. C UAC 5 vs UAC 5. Clanner will do lot less damage, takes longer to shoot and dmg is spread through 3 bullets. Only thing appealing is the fact that it visually looks cool. Other than that... as much as I love the dakka I utterly despise it in Clan version. Dimento's note on this: I totally disagree, and the fact that the Clanners get MOAR disorienting rattle and 'splosion flashes has a definitive strategic/tactical value, BUT, putting it in the list 'cause, REASONS - credit to lazytopaz
Redacting "things" that have balance implications.
Redacting "things" that have balance implications.
--HUD Improvements
3. NON-loss of text you're typing when observing another player. Seriously one of THE MOST frustrating things that occurs extremely often.
11. Scrollbars for the chat windows - Credit to zagibu
13. improve the in game chat:
Have dis/re connects and kills are displayed separate from chat messages (Dimento Graven's comment: In fact, I'd keep team disco/reconnect messages ONLY in the TEAM channel. The enemy shouldn't get to "know" which of the enemy 'mechs are incapacitated from the get go.) - credit Groutknoll
14. A way to scroll back chat text (in game text log would be good for review at a later time) - credit Groutknoll
19. letting us see teammate's loadouts/damage ragdolls - credit Khobai
Option to change location of chat text (customizable game HUD, please) - credit Groutknoll
Option to in/de crease the amount of chat text displayed (customizable game HUD, please) - credit Groutknoll
Option to have global/team/lance chat text split in to different locations (ie all global messages go to 1 gui, team to another, and lance to a 3rd gui location) (customizable game HUD, please) Dimento Graven's comment: I remember when EverQuest's UI went fully user configurable, it DEFINITELY improved game play, more than 10 years ago AT LEAST) - credit Groutknoll
20. labeling waypoints on the compass heading bar so you can tell what waypoint youre heading to - credit Khobai
43. Someway to know what load out your team is running without wasting your time in chat. Example: just drove my Atlas in a game where even a couple of the Lights were running LRMs. Meant that I ended up having to push alone and got decimated because of it (that and the giant hipster douchebaggery that is the peak & poke fad). Would have been nice knowing all of that before I decided to go forward. - credit Trauglodyte
45. I'm still waiting on that lostech "target next friendly mech" - credit to 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie
46. GOD FORBID I know what condition their mech or loadout is.... - credit to 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie
48. Target of target would be freaking nice, too - credit to Trauglodyte
51. Have an icon for open/closed missile bays. e1itegamepro's notes on this: "There's a light in the cockpit that will turn red when the missile bay door is closed, yellow when it's opening or closing and green when it's opened." Dimento's response: Never noticed it, so probably it needs to be placed more 'visibly', and/or a HUD element would be nice. - credit Gattsus
54. implementing ctrl+arrows and ctrl+shift+arrows to move over/copy words in the chat. - credit Gattsus
67. Easier to read damage displays. What happened to the 'bar' displays from past games? I nearly always switched right to that version so I knew exactly how much HP was left on any given component on my target, rather than going "oh his CT is 'yellow', guess I'll go for his slightly more 'orange' legs". - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: Self explanatory I hope. You have a MUCH better idea of exactly how much HP any given component has rather than trying to figure out if that RT looks slightly more orange than the LT. Dimento's Note: Not sure I agree giving specific percentages on enemy paper dolls, HOWEVER, putting them on OUR OWN paper doll might be extremely useful. - credit to Kassatsu
73. A customizable hud would be great but I think just a few small changes would be great. For instance override should have a little symbol or indicator light by the heat meter and a message of override engaged pop up next to the heat level warning when that comes up.
Critical damage indicator moved to down by your paper doll. Could still have it pop up in its current spot when it first happens but then have it go down there, or just go away or have a option of making it go away.
And I think in the large indicator area, shrink the messages down a little bit and have 2 different spots for messages. One for incoming missiles and one for other warnings, like mode specific base under attack.
Here is a highly detailed professionally made image of the examples I talked about (from a old thread I had).
And most everything else that was posted in my similar thread from a couple of months ago http://mwomercs.com/...t-changedadded/ - credit to dario03
75. Titles in the match…. you know: “guillotine”, “knight errant”, “liquid metal”, faction rank, owner of mech pack, etc. This is not necessary information during battle, and they obstruct vision. I want to see what mechs I’m going to face, I’m not interested in their titles. Displaying of titles should be toggleable.
Speaking of mechs and obstruction of vision, displaying of heroes names should be toggleable too. For example “HBK-GI” looks informative enough than: “GRID IRON LIMITED EDITION”. - credit to Ketzer08
77. a button or menu option to suppress the
**MASSIVE FLASHING RED** "Override" and "Critical Damage" HUD warnings. - credit to Wonderdog
80. And have this same highlight when setting up weapon groups. Dimento's notes: Yeah I don't know how I forgot this, DEFINITELY WTFBBQ, we should have the weapon's LOCATION displayed ON THE HUD when we're setting up our weapon groups!!! There's plenty of f'ing space, NO MORE, wasting 3 minutes in a new match shooting weapons trying to figure out where the hell it is!! -credit to lazytopaz
92. Command/Comm 'rose' to communicate status: UAV, enemy detected in G7 (ecm cannot R to show on mini map),under fire,someone behide us. pip point a location to show everyone to careful, like a red box on a dark edge you can circle it for a ecm sniper, able to have quick command quote like :"I was overheated!","I got no weapons left!" - credit to EurakaLi
95. Scalable mini-map. The current scale is hard set, and sometimes it'd be REAL good to widen the view, or zoom it in even further. - credit to Cathy for reminding me of this.
96. Update the mini-maps to be accurate of terrain and other objects on the map. For example, in Forest Colony, some of those HUGE rock spires out in the water, ARE NOT ON THE MINIMAP (or the strategic map either, I think). This can lead to some confusing issues where you're steering by the mini map for whatever reason and suddenly you look out the cockpit to see you've been walking into some very large terrain object that's not there in the mini map. - credit to Cathy for reminding me of this.
97. Allow everyone to see the name of our 'mechs. - credit to Lugh
98. In settings, a scrollbar switch for locally scaling sensor signatures (size of ally and enemy arrows, base and cap-point icons). - credit to DivineEvil
99. In settings, a scrollbar switch for locally scaling targetting reticle elements (text, target frames, tracking icons). - credit to DivineEvil
100. Blinking icons on GUI or Cockpit screens, replacing the obstructively large notifications of "CRITICAL DAMAGE", "INCOMING MISSILES" and "WEAPON JAMMED". - credit to DivineEvil
101. In the game GUI and on all score-screens, designating a destroyed player as "LOST", not as "DEAD". Destruction of a mech does not automatically mean death of the pilot, and Battletech is not about people dying heroically, but about combat resources being lost. - credit to DivineEvil
102. In settings, MainCamera focus option, allowing for game camera to follow Arm targeting reticle (like in Free-look mode, but without locking the torsos in place), or to follow torso crosshair (current default), however the player decides. - credit to DivineEvil
This from Lord Tsarkon - Goddang I LOVE this idea:

PLEASE we need this!
A REAL color blindness solution. Seriously PGI, I can't even begin to imagine the mental logic chain that ends up considering a means to helping color blind people see the target reticule better is to change the f'ing shape AFTER they've hit something. Seriously, if we could always see the cursor well enough to hit our targets, it doesn't matter what shape the damn thing is AFTER we've hit it.
Every time I think about this I get angry about stupid people...
3. NON-loss of text you're typing when observing another player. Seriously one of THE MOST frustrating things that occurs extremely often.
11. Scrollbars for the chat windows - Credit to zagibu
13. improve the in game chat:
Have dis/re connects and kills are displayed separate from chat messages (Dimento Graven's comment: In fact, I'd keep team disco/reconnect messages ONLY in the TEAM channel. The enemy shouldn't get to "know" which of the enemy 'mechs are incapacitated from the get go.) - credit Groutknoll
14. A way to scroll back chat text (in game text log would be good for review at a later time) - credit Groutknoll
19. letting us see teammate's loadouts/damage ragdolls - credit Khobai
Option to change location of chat text (customizable game HUD, please) - credit Groutknoll
Option to in/de crease the amount of chat text displayed (customizable game HUD, please) - credit Groutknoll
Option to have global/team/lance chat text split in to different locations (ie all global messages go to 1 gui, team to another, and lance to a 3rd gui location) (customizable game HUD, please) Dimento Graven's comment: I remember when EverQuest's UI went fully user configurable, it DEFINITELY improved game play, more than 10 years ago AT LEAST) - credit Groutknoll
20. labeling waypoints on the compass heading bar so you can tell what waypoint youre heading to - credit Khobai
43. Someway to know what load out your team is running without wasting your time in chat. Example: just drove my Atlas in a game where even a couple of the Lights were running LRMs. Meant that I ended up having to push alone and got decimated because of it (that and the giant hipster douchebaggery that is the peak & poke fad). Would have been nice knowing all of that before I decided to go forward. - credit Trauglodyte
45. I'm still waiting on that lostech "target next friendly mech" - credit to 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie
46. GOD FORBID I know what condition their mech or loadout is.... - credit to 80sGlamRockSensation David Bowie
48. Target of target would be freaking nice, too - credit to Trauglodyte
51. Have an icon for open/closed missile bays. e1itegamepro's notes on this: "There's a light in the cockpit that will turn red when the missile bay door is closed, yellow when it's opening or closing and green when it's opened." Dimento's response: Never noticed it, so probably it needs to be placed more 'visibly', and/or a HUD element would be nice. - credit Gattsus
54. implementing ctrl+arrows and ctrl+shift+arrows to move over/copy words in the chat. - credit Gattsus
67. Easier to read damage displays. What happened to the 'bar' displays from past games? I nearly always switched right to that version so I knew exactly how much HP was left on any given component on my target, rather than going "oh his CT is 'yellow', guess I'll go for his slightly more 'orange' legs". - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: Self explanatory I hope. You have a MUCH better idea of exactly how much HP any given component has rather than trying to figure out if that RT looks slightly more orange than the LT. Dimento's Note: Not sure I agree giving specific percentages on enemy paper dolls, HOWEVER, putting them on OUR OWN paper doll might be extremely useful. - credit to Kassatsu
73. A customizable hud would be great but I think just a few small changes would be great. For instance override should have a little symbol or indicator light by the heat meter and a message of override engaged pop up next to the heat level warning when that comes up.
Critical damage indicator moved to down by your paper doll. Could still have it pop up in its current spot when it first happens but then have it go down there, or just go away or have a option of making it go away.
And I think in the large indicator area, shrink the messages down a little bit and have 2 different spots for messages. One for incoming missiles and one for other warnings, like mode specific base under attack.
Here is a highly detailed professionally made image of the examples I talked about (from a old thread I had).
And most everything else that was posted in my similar thread from a couple of months ago http://mwomercs.com/...t-changedadded/ - credit to dario03
75. Titles in the match…. you know: “guillotine”, “knight errant”, “liquid metal”, faction rank, owner of mech pack, etc. This is not necessary information during battle, and they obstruct vision. I want to see what mechs I’m going to face, I’m not interested in their titles. Displaying of titles should be toggleable.
Speaking of mechs and obstruction of vision, displaying of heroes names should be toggleable too. For example “HBK-GI” looks informative enough than: “GRID IRON LIMITED EDITION”. - credit to Ketzer08
77. a button or menu option to suppress the
**MASSIVE FLASHING RED** "Override" and "Critical Damage" HUD warnings. - credit to Wonderdog
80. And have this same highlight when setting up weapon groups. Dimento's notes: Yeah I don't know how I forgot this, DEFINITELY WTFBBQ, we should have the weapon's LOCATION displayed ON THE HUD when we're setting up our weapon groups!!! There's plenty of f'ing space, NO MORE, wasting 3 minutes in a new match shooting weapons trying to figure out where the hell it is!! -credit to lazytopaz
92. Command/Comm 'rose' to communicate status: UAV, enemy detected in G7 (ecm cannot R to show on mini map),under fire,someone behide us. pip point a location to show everyone to careful, like a red box on a dark edge you can circle it for a ecm sniper, able to have quick command quote like :"I was overheated!","I got no weapons left!" - credit to EurakaLi
95. Scalable mini-map. The current scale is hard set, and sometimes it'd be REAL good to widen the view, or zoom it in even further. - credit to Cathy for reminding me of this.
96. Update the mini-maps to be accurate of terrain and other objects on the map. For example, in Forest Colony, some of those HUGE rock spires out in the water, ARE NOT ON THE MINIMAP (or the strategic map either, I think). This can lead to some confusing issues where you're steering by the mini map for whatever reason and suddenly you look out the cockpit to see you've been walking into some very large terrain object that's not there in the mini map. - credit to Cathy for reminding me of this.
97. Allow everyone to see the name of our 'mechs. - credit to Lugh
98. In settings, a scrollbar switch for locally scaling sensor signatures (size of ally and enemy arrows, base and cap-point icons). - credit to DivineEvil
99. In settings, a scrollbar switch for locally scaling targetting reticle elements (text, target frames, tracking icons). - credit to DivineEvil
100. Blinking icons on GUI or Cockpit screens, replacing the obstructively large notifications of "CRITICAL DAMAGE", "INCOMING MISSILES" and "WEAPON JAMMED". - credit to DivineEvil
101. In the game GUI and on all score-screens, designating a destroyed player as "LOST", not as "DEAD". Destruction of a mech does not automatically mean death of the pilot, and Battletech is not about people dying heroically, but about combat resources being lost. - credit to DivineEvil
102. In settings, MainCamera focus option, allowing for game camera to follow Arm targeting reticle (like in Free-look mode, but without locking the torsos in place), or to follow torso crosshair (current default), however the player decides. - credit to DivineEvil
This from Lord Tsarkon - Goddang I LOVE this idea:

PLEASE we need this!
A REAL color blindness solution. Seriously PGI, I can't even begin to imagine the mental logic chain that ends up considering a means to helping color blind people see the target reticule better is to change the f'ing shape AFTER they've hit something. Seriously, if we could always see the cursor well enough to hit our targets, it doesn't matter what shape the damn thing is AFTER we've hit it.
Every time I think about this I get angry about stupid people...
--Main Client Improvements
23. Chat and invite notifications that are LARGE and more obvious than a little blinking button in an obscure corner location of the screen. Have a dang piece of the UI reserved that has a LARGE flashing light next to the words in LARGE text "INCOMMING MESSAGE" and another flashing light next to the words "GROUP INVITE". I still have times where that damn little "people" button is blinking and there's nothing that needs to actually be seen.
33. The Mech Ready List from the original UI
(NOT talking about CW's ready list... im talking about this:
Even found a great place to put this..
39. Shortcut from main screen to Pilot Skill Tree of current Mech (put a button next to the purple XP icon!!) - credit Talorien
55. Have a class% indicator PER server rather than a global one. - credit Gattsus
61. Now that we have actual dropships in the regular queues, why not change the "Play Now" to "Launch" instead? Every other mechwarrior game had this. - credit to Matt2496
62. Add engineers to the mechlab. We have them in the academy, so why doesn't someone man the console in the mechlab? - credit to Matt2496
83. How about letting us set the group leader instead of random assignment when the current group leader leaves. Dimento's notes - I don't think it's random, it automagically defaults to the next person that has been in the group longest, HOWEVER, OMFGBBQ YES, being able to THOUGHTFULLY control group lead would eliminate so many grouping inconveniences! - credit to rook
84. Also, let us set lances and generally organize the group whatsoever. Dimento's notes - Yes, being able to set the lance structure you want when you have 5 or more people in your public group would be abso-friggin-loutely fantastic. The random crap that the MM does to groups can actually be VERY anti-team play. - credit to rook
88. Able to claims events rewards while in the game client, it's not enough to keep log in mwomercs.com and search for the location to claim my reward....and those reward will expires.... - credit to EurakaLi
89. Update the announcements so that the date/time automagically reflects local TZ's. - credit to EurakaLi
23. Chat and invite notifications that are LARGE and more obvious than a little blinking button in an obscure corner location of the screen. Have a dang piece of the UI reserved that has a LARGE flashing light next to the words in LARGE text "INCOMMING MESSAGE" and another flashing light next to the words "GROUP INVITE". I still have times where that damn little "people" button is blinking and there's nothing that needs to actually be seen.
33. The Mech Ready List from the original UI
(NOT talking about CW's ready list... im talking about this:

Even found a great place to put this..

- credit Lord Tsarkon

39. Shortcut from main screen to Pilot Skill Tree of current Mech (put a button next to the purple XP icon!!) - credit Talorien
55. Have a class% indicator PER server rather than a global one. - credit Gattsus
61. Now that we have actual dropships in the regular queues, why not change the "Play Now" to "Launch" instead? Every other mechwarrior game had this. - credit to Matt2496

62. Add engineers to the mechlab. We have them in the academy, so why doesn't someone man the console in the mechlab? - credit to Matt2496

83. How about letting us set the group leader instead of random assignment when the current group leader leaves. Dimento's notes - I don't think it's random, it automagically defaults to the next person that has been in the group longest, HOWEVER, OMFGBBQ YES, being able to THOUGHTFULLY control group lead would eliminate so many grouping inconveniences! - credit to rook
84. Also, let us set lances and generally organize the group whatsoever. Dimento's notes - Yes, being able to set the lance structure you want when you have 5 or more people in your public group would be abso-friggin-loutely fantastic. The random crap that the MM does to groups can actually be VERY anti-team play. - credit to rook
88. Able to claims events rewards while in the game client, it's not enough to keep log in mwomercs.com and search for the location to claim my reward....and those reward will expires.... - credit to EurakaLi
89. Update the announcements so that the date/time automagically reflects local TZ's. - credit to EurakaLi
--Game Mode Improvements
24. I should probably put this in its own thread, though I'm betting someone already has: The new game mode Domination. EXACTLY WHY did you silly people almost always put the goddamned capture point EXACTLY where all the battles for every other game mode were already, most of the time, taking place? Seriously, GET CREATIVE. Don't put the capture point in the Caldera in Caustic Valley and Terra Therma. THAT IS STUPID ANYWAY, no, put it in a corner, change spawn points to be equidistant and force the battle to be AWAY from where the F "Theta" happens to always end up on the various maps.
SERIOUSLY, these are huge expletive maps, and you ignore ALL the other options.
Aeon Veritas' notes: Even better, create multiple loadouts of spawn and objective locations and put them in the same random selection as the daytime of the map.
71. Conquest shows the kill counter like the other modes. Just put the kill counter up there next to the resource counters. Dimento's Notes: Add to Domination as well - credit to dario03
24. I should probably put this in its own thread, though I'm betting someone already has: The new game mode Domination. EXACTLY WHY did you silly people almost always put the goddamned capture point EXACTLY where all the battles for every other game mode were already, most of the time, taking place? Seriously, GET CREATIVE. Don't put the capture point in the Caldera in Caustic Valley and Terra Therma. THAT IS STUPID ANYWAY, no, put it in a corner, change spawn points to be equidistant and force the battle to be AWAY from where the F "Theta" happens to always end up on the various maps.
SERIOUSLY, these are huge expletive maps, and you ignore ALL the other options.
Aeon Veritas' notes: Even better, create multiple loadouts of spawn and objective locations and put them in the same random selection as the daytime of the map.
71. Conquest shows the kill counter like the other modes. Just put the kill counter up there next to the resource counters. Dimento's Notes: Add to Domination as well - credit to dario03
--Game Maps
59. I'd also like to recommend/ask to have ALL the old maps renamed and put back into the map rotation for more "flavor", ala:
OLD River City
OLD River City Night
OLD Caustic Valley
OLD Forest Colony
OLD Forest Colony Snow
Seems like a cheap and easy way to add "content"...
59. I'd also like to recommend/ask to have ALL the old maps renamed and put back into the map rotation for more "flavor", ala:
OLD River City
OLD River City Night
OLD Caustic Valley
OLD Forest Colony
OLD Forest Colony Snow
Seems like a cheap and easy way to add "content"...
--Match Maker Changes
66. A battle value system to balance team sizes, mechs, weapons and faction/tech differences. - credit to Kassatsu
Bonus: PGI will no longer need to try to buff specific weapons on specific mechs to ridiculous levels for no reason whatsoever.
Redacted for not being anywhere near "minor"
Redacted for not being anywhere near "minor"
Edited by Dimento Graven, 29 April 2016 - 06:23 AM.