Any News On Community Warfare?
Posted 14 December 2012 - 01:07 AM
Anyway, whatevers. One mans feature carebear is another mans (I am looking at you mods for closing discussions and queries, but not ECM/Light flame wars) RUMOUR MONGER.
Go figure. I guess it is RL Drink till You Drop then instead of Have a Drink after a Drop. I am just a bit tired so forgive me PGI, but I actually had fond hopes of doing a nice Friday evening of CW instead of listening to drunks trying to cadge a drink by naming me friend. I know you guys are pushed to the limit. But this is like politics. When opinions are being gagged, I cry ulterior motive. when there is not attempt to manage the rumour mill, I suspect my interests to be at risk. Sorry. Human nature. I will be charitable and assume there is simply no TIME to get everything done, but please try
Posted 14 December 2012 - 01:45 AM
Rifter, on 11 December 2012 - 07:41 PM, said:
CW needs the improved netcode and MM to be in before, CW needs a stable and reliable foundation.
I can't fathom the outcry if they would start implementing a rushed CW (probably bringing its own slew of issues) before they had fixed netcode and gone into MM phase 3. In almost every thread right now you can find a remark about "fix netcode / fix MM" and you really think CW needs to drop in at this point?
With the bipolar schizophrenic community in this forum, people would absolutely rage at PGI for not fixing all the game breaking bugs, matchmaking and netcode before introducing CW.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 01:48 AM
Taizan, on 14 December 2012 - 01:45 AM, said:
I can't fathom the outcry if they would start implementing a rushed CW (probably bringing its own slew of issues) before they had fixed netcode and gone into MM phase 3. In almost every thread right now you can find a remark about "fix netcode / fix MM" and you really think CW needs to drop in at this point?
With the bipolar schizophrenic community in this forum, people would absolutely rage at PGI for not fixing all the game breaking bugs, matchmaking and netcode before introducing CW.
I dont thik they can fix the netcode though thats why i said that. I dont understand why anyone thinks they can fix the netcode. PGI did the multiplayer for Duke Nukem Forever and its netcode has been ****** since it launched over a year ago and still is not fixed.
Why does everyone assume MWO is going to be any different?
Posted 14 December 2012 - 01:55 AM
Bryan Ekman, on 06 December 2012 - 07:42 AM, said:
I had a wonderful e-mail just two days ago from Neema. He's finished a bunch of major netcode improvements. They're going into test over the Xmas break, so provided they are in good shape, we'll see them in the game mid to late January (worst case). Unfortunately, this only addresses part of the issues with non-NA players. PGI/IGP are committed to offering regional servers, although timing is not finalized yet.
Hang tight, and we really appreciate your feedback.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 01:58 AM
Taizan, on 14 December 2012 - 01:55 AM, said:
I did see that post, but having played DNF i'll have to see it to believe it. If they can fix it then great ill be thrilled, i just dont expect it to be as easy as alot of people around here seem to think.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 02:08 AM
Rifter, on 14 December 2012 - 01:58 AM, said:
I did see that post, but having played DNF i'll have to see it to believe it. If they can fix it then great ill be thrilled, i just dont expect it to be as easy as alot of people around here seem to think.
Don't worry, I like to see things first before believing them as well - of course it is a complicated beast, but it is essential to have that done with before publicly presenting CW. Internally they may already be much further but not far enough to actually divulge any details to their customers.
I want CW as much as anyone else but currently the game itself still has too much basic issues going on which I'd rather see diminished before such a huge feature gets even announced.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 02:20 AM
Niko Snow said:
Closing this thread. I love Community Warfare as much as the next person does but this has already been established as being further than the immediate roadmap.
This right here really and truly has me worried.... Closing a thread about a future feature makes no sense unless something is wrong. If Garth can't answer anything and Staff members are locking threads about it, then what hope can we really have that it will ever be implemented. Lets not forget how he talks about the immediate roadmap (which they graciously posted for us) and it goes out to February, which in my eyes, shows that it will be at least March or probably further before we even get a hint of CW.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 02:33 AM
Lonestar1771, on 14 December 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
This right here really and truly has me worried.... Closing a thread about a future feature makes no sense unless something is wrong. If Garth can't answer anything and Staff members are locking threads about it, then what hope can we really have that it will ever be implemented. Lets not forget how he talks about the immediate roadmap (which they graciously posted for us) and it goes out to February, which in my eyes, shows that it will be at least March or probably further before we even get a hint of CW.
Yeah this is my issue as well. Why lock a post discussing a furure feature it makes zero sense.
Just tell us whats going on and let us make out own decisions about waiting it out or moving on.
I can tell you one thing right now. As of today 90 days after OB is still the timeline, im going to assume that this is still on track as no one has said anything about it being delayed.
If it gets to be jan and its not out thats cool, sometimes things take a little longer.
However if its gets to be feb and still no word or they then deicde to tell us at that time its going to be Q3 or Q4 im gone and never coming back, stringing people along just to keep them from leaving is not cool.
If they announced tommorow thats its going to be delayed till mid next year thats fine, ill quit and come back then. But string me along on one of the main features, really the only reason i bought into this game, and you will never see me again or any of my money, for this or any other PGI/IGP project.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 02:46 AM
Rifter, on 14 December 2012 - 02:33 AM, said:
Yeah this is my issue as well. Why lock a post discussing a furure feature it makes zero sense.
Just tell us whats going on and let us make out own decisions about waiting it out or moving on.
I can tell you one thing right now. As of today 90 days after OB is still the timeline, im going to assume that this is still on track as no one has said anything about it being delayed.
If it gets to be jan and its not out thats cool, sometimes things take a little longer.
However if its gets to be feb and still no word or they then deicde to tell us at that time its going to be Q3 or Q4 im gone and never coming back, stringing people along just to keep them from leaving is not cool.
If they announced tommorow thats its going to be delayed till mid next year thats fine, ill quit and come back then. But string me along on one of the main features, really the only reason i bought into this game, and you will never see me again or any of my money, for this or any other PGI/IGP project.
Not to mention that there are bigger and better games coming out all the time. Star Citizen (if all goes according to schedule) will be going alpha late next year, State of Decay will be out some time early next year. Lots of Kickstarter games will be completed. All of those things will be taking away from this game and those were just things I could remember off the top of my head. Yeah we can all play multiple games, but it is still time away from THIS game, and time is money (if you play less, you are less likely to spend money).
Posted 14 December 2012 - 03:05 AM
Lonestar1771, on 14 December 2012 - 02:20 AM, said:
The closure answer is kind of unfortunate. To me it just looks like they want to keep speculation at a minimum by not letting discussion create false expectations or made up release dates. Maybe not the best approach if people are already worried. Maybe its also a part of keeping the community focused on the current changes at hand, just like PGI is going to start focusing on CW as soon as the current feature set is in place.
I have the impression that the mile stone has been pushed back by quite a bit, together with open beta being pushed back a bit. This does not means anything is broken or wrong with CW. For me the community concerns post is enough to not expect it within the next 2-3 months. It is a huge and important feature and with the current issues at hand they can't move the necessary manpower into it.
Edited by Taizan, 14 December 2012 - 03:05 AM.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 11:55 AM
Rifter, on 14 December 2012 - 01:48 AM, said:
I dont thik they can fix the netcode though thats why i said that. I dont understand why anyone thinks they can fix the netcode. PGI did the multiplayer for Duke Nukem Forever and its netcode has been ****** since it launched over a year ago and still is not fixed.
Why does everyone assume MWO is going to be any different?
why do they put such huge quantities of faith in this company? Other than picking up our favorite IP I dont see what theyve dont that justifies all the faith people put in them
Im hoping for the best but fearing the worst on this one.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 11:59 AM
Taizan, on 14 December 2012 - 01:55 AM, said:
yes fix the netcode; fix the MM, but hey give us a heads up. ANY NEWS AT ALL about if CW is still looking to get into the game. ANY KIND of approximate number of months would be good; hell preface it with "this is an estimate, not set in stone at all but it should possibly be..." so even when ppl link back to it its obvious that it was JUST A GUESS.
Taizan, on 14 December 2012 - 02:08 AM, said:
I want CW as much as anyone else but currently the game itself still has too much basic issues going on which I'd rather see diminished before such a huge feature gets even announced.
it already got announced, back in august. It was supposed to be in the game at first in december then they says 90 days after OB. Thats why Im trying to get any info on it.
One estimated time is passing currently, the other is in 5-6 weeks. I just want an update on that last set of info given back then
Edited by Mechwarrior Buddah, 14 December 2012 - 12:03 PM.
Posted 14 December 2012 - 12:07 PM
Rifter, on 14 December 2012 - 02:33 AM, said:
Yeah this is my issue as well. Why lock a post discussing a future feature
an already announced future feature that is the main draw for many of us here. I didnt come here for world of tanks style mech combat, I came here for CW
Posted 14 December 2012 - 12:07 PM
That is also why we lock threads that have been answered.
The official answer is from Niko Snow:
Niko Snow said:
Posted Today, 12:59 AM
Closing this thread. I love Community Warfare as much as the next person does but this has already been established as being further than the immediate roadmap.
Closing thread guys. As the answer to the OP has been given. You can create a thread about what you might expect when it comes out, etc.
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