Oh my , TK...
I drive a lightweight, so the chances are Im the Target, not the Killer.
So what ?
Of course, being shot at on a regular basis is all daily work to a MW, and I`d hate to lie around spectating all the time...
(oops, I do, but thats my job :-)
I suspect we all will see less TK as time goes by.
MWO stresses Teamplay as Part of the Game , and sooner or later even the worst Powergaming little Brat with poppas K K tends to realise where the best chances for laddering are.
So there will always be a few hardcore Slashplayers ?
Good. Fair gaime... we`ll TAG them. Sooner or later everything gets even...
Edited by Ranulf Magnusson, 26 February 2013 - 10:34 PM.