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Why Splatcat Ruins Games Beyond Being Gimmicky.

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#81 Franchi


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:36 PM

View PostInviticus, on 25 February 2013 - 12:30 PM, said:

If the Cat packs SRM4s rather than SRM6s, they'll have much more consistant performance at any range other than right in your face. For some reason, at logner ranges those SRM6s always miss a few missiles..

Non artemis SRm4's preform as well as Artemis SRM6's (what I run) at 100 beyond the 4's are superior the problem with the 4's and yes I have used them, is that you lose to much alpha. As soon as you spring your ambush in a SRM cat EVERYONE on the enemy team wants your head on a platter, It is important that you dump as much damage as possible in the 1-3 shots you have before you have to run like a little girl.

#82 Dishevel


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:37 PM

View PostGevurah, on 25 February 2013 - 12:15 PM, said:

Side note, getting a kill shot on a kamikaze splatcat who is working their a** off to kill you is probably the most satisfying thing in the world TBH

In yet another note ...
Working my *** of to get into position without getting eared to put 1 or 2 90 point alphas into a target is fairly satisfying as well.

#83 sC4r


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:38 PM

mount 2 of these
instead of catapult ears :)

#84 Novakaine


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:38 PM

I use the KTQ technique for Splatties and R3L.
Kill Them Quick.
Stop shooting at that damn spider.
If ya aint a light, dont go chase the rabbits.
Gank dat splattie!
Put a hurtin on dat Hunchie.
Give that damn Raven the old what for!
But the real secret is ya gonna need a little help.
Call those targets out and kill-em quick.
Gank-em fast and move on.
Where the hell is my Fozzie Bear bauble for my cockpit.
I want it now.

#85 QuantumButler


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:39 PM

View PostNovakaine, on 25 February 2013 - 12:38 PM, said:

I use the KTQ technique for Splatties and R3L.
Kill Them Quick.
Stop shooting at that damn spider.
If ya aint a light, dont go chase the rabbits.
Gank dat splattie!
Put a hurtin on dat Hunchie.
Give that damn Raven the old what for!
But the real secret is ya gonna need a little help.
Call those targets out and kill-em quick.
Gank-em fast and move on.
Where the hell is my Fozzie Bear bauble for my cockpit.
I want it now.

So you admit the splatcat is so powerful it takes multiple mechs to focus down a single one.

#86 xRatas


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:39 PM

It is actually rather hard to play well in A1. Only thing that actually makes it powerful, is the fact that people are actively degenerating every battle into a free-for-all brawl. It is that chaos, where A1 is the king. Any organized battle, and A1 has very slim chance of surviving long enough to do any real damage.

And A1 is fun to play. It is satisfying to sneak in the middle of enemies and start blasting them apart. I generally dislike brawling, and this was the last catapult I bought, mainly to see if it truly feels OP when piloting it myself (never thought they were before). I still not consider it OP, and I find it equally fun to either drive A1 or picking them apart before they get too close.

It sure is the death incarnate when it gets close, but many times I've just felt completely useless for the team, when enemy is lined up and only way to get there would be charge across the open. And it is not the map, it is how the battle is organized. I've killed most of the enemy team in the Alpine, and been completely useless in forest colony. Only real difference being, if enemy bothers to actively guard it's six or not.

Personally, I would increase SRM spread quite a bit to match tabletop hit numbers (so that full salvo would rarely hit completely), and would remove ECM completely until it is fixed, both would mean harder times for A1. But at least it could then use some LRM effectively too.

#87 Gevurah


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:41 PM


#7 - splattapults XD

#88 Franchi


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

Ok to all you cheese mongers one simple question, whats a non fail and non cheese build for an A1?

#89 QuantumButler


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

View PostxRatas, on 25 February 2013 - 12:39 PM, said:

It is actually rather hard to play well in A1. Only thing that actually makes it powerful, is the fact that people are actively degenerating every battle into a free-for-all brawl. It is that chaos, where A1 is the king. Any organized battle, and A1 has very slim chance of surviving long enough to do any real damage.

And A1 is fun to play. It is satisfying to sneak in the middle of enemies and start blasting them apart. I generally dislike brawling, and this was the last catapult I bought, mainly to see if it truly feels OP when piloting it myself (never thought they were before). I still not consider it OP, and I find it equally fun to either drive A1 or picking them apart before they get too close.

It sure is the death incarnate when it gets close, but many times I've just felt completely useless for the team, when enemy is lined up and only way to get there would be charge across the open. And it is not the map, it is how the battle is organized. I've killed most of the enemy team in the Alpine, and been completely useless in forest colony. Only real difference being, if enemy bothers to actively guard it's six or not.

Personally, I would increase SRM spread quite a bit to match tabletop hit numbers (so that full salvo would rarely hit completely), and would remove ECM completely until it is fixed, both would mean harder times for A1. But at least it could then use some LRM effectively too.

All MWO battles degenerate into chaotic brawls eventually just by nature of the map design, even Alpine peaks usually ends up in a big brawl near one cap point or the other, MWO *IS* chaotic brawls: The game, making the Splatcat excellent overall.

#90 Commander Kobold


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

View PostBanky, on 25 February 2013 - 11:31 AM, said:

You're right - it's not hard to aim with a splatcat. But then it's not hard to land shots with anything inside of 300m... It's like making a layup - when its the only shot you can take...

maybe not but most other weapon loadouts won't one shot you at 300 meter

#91 ElLocoMarko


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM

View PostSerapth, on 25 February 2013 - 11:36 AM, said:

And this goes back to the real piece of #@#$@#$ in the MWO world...

ECM. If theres ECM, suddenly that radar doesn't identify anything, including weapon load out. A splatcat under ECM can sneak up and blow it's load on your face.

Axe ECM and the Splatcat, StreakRaven and various other cheese mechs can be more easily dealt with.

You don't need radar to know what that CAT-A1 is carrying. If it is charging you... those are not going to be LRM.

And OMNI directly above.. Have you played an SRM yet? It doesn't one-shot anything at 300 meters.. even with artemis. It's dangerous around 50m.

Edited by ElLocoMarko, 25 February 2013 - 12:50 PM.

#92 QuantumButler


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:43 PM

View PostFranchi, on 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM, said:

Ok to all you cheese mongers one simple question, whats a non fail and non cheese build for an A1?

There isn't one, the catapult itself is pure, concentrated cheese, and you have to gimp yourself into uselessness to not feel dirty after driving any cat, except maybe the C1.

#93 Suki


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:45 PM

View PostShadowsword8, on 25 February 2013 - 12:32 PM, said:

I started playing a bit with a splashcat (my Stalker still remain my favorite), and while I agree it does a bit too much damage and doesn't require good aim, it is also massively fun. Not if you go in a standard direct confrontation. That's just one more shotgun-like weapon then.

But if you manage to sneak undetected behind the enemy group...

I did it a few times in the last days, and I'll tell you this: there nothing more adrenaline-pumping in MWO than trying to get right in the back of an enemy mech, so close you shadow is melding with his, and unleashing a salvo that will outright kill a cataphract or a stalker, then going into the back of the next one, wondering how many seconds it would take before the enemy team would start to realize something's wrong. When I kill 3 undamaged heavy mechs in barely 20 seconds, I start giggling evilly.

So far my record with a splashcat is 5 kills and 1521 damage. Previous was 1200ish damage, 5 kills with beam stalker.

If the enemy team is blind - they deserve to die. As You showed splats are evil when the enemy is a real fool. If they saw you earlier - you're dead.
And more, I guess any gauss-autocannon-laserboat-LRMboat can one-twoalfa enemy mech in the back. But they all can do it from much more range than splatcata. Don't see any cheese here.
As for about, I don't drive splats, just streak and LRM ones. Tried but didn't like it's kamikaze playstyle. :)

#94 Ghogiel


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:48 PM

View PostFranchi, on 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM, said:

Ok to all you cheese mongers one simple question, whats a non fail and non cheese build for an A1?

In the future, there is only cheese.

I wish I could rename my A1.. 'Gorgonzola'

#95 silentD11


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:50 PM

View PostElLocoMarko, on 25 February 2013 - 12:42 PM, said:

You don't need radar to know what that CAT-A1 is carrying. If it is charging you... those are not going to be LRM.

And OMNI directly above.. Have you played an SRM yet? It doesn't one-shot anything at 300 meters.. even with artemis. It's dangerous around 50m. Do what I did. Buy a splat, run it for a week. They aren't so tough.

Exactly this, it only has missiles. If it's moving towards you the gig is up, you know what it has.

#96 Suki


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:50 PM

View PostQuantumButler, on 25 February 2013 - 12:35 PM, said:

To make boating unfeasible you'd have to nerf every single weapon system so far into the ground we'd essentially be shooting eachother with spitballs, if you "Fix" [read: nerf so hard that they're useless on any mech usuing less than 6 launchers] srms, the catapult will just move on to boating the next good weapon system, rinse and repeat until every weapon has been nerfed into the ground.

The chassis is, has been, and always will be the problem with the catapult, it's a 65 ton mech that in unquestionably better than any other mech in it's class, as well as being far better than the awesome. you say it has less armor, but it's only 50 points less armor max than an AWESOME, a freaking assault mech.

Yeah, you killed the splatcat so easily it took you in a streakcat and a buddy in a 4x to kill one single 65 ton mech, I repeat,. it took TWO MECHS, ONE OF WHICH WAS ANOTHER CATAPULT TO KILL A SINGLE 65 TON MECH. Imbalance =/= mean it is literally invincible, it means it is TOO POWERFUL FOR IT'S WEIGHT CLASS.

Man, if You're shurely blind and can't read normally it's not my problem, so stop overusing capslock.

#97 FerretGR


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:51 PM

View PostOrzorn, on 25 February 2013 - 11:29 AM, said:

When I did, it was hilarious to see them on Alpine, where everyone would focus them down and they'd end the game with nearly 0 damage. :)

Indeed... I killed one hilariously on Alpine: ran away from him in my TBT-7K, going 98kph, turning around and blasting him every time I got to 280m or so, and then running again for a bit. Alpine is trouble for the Splatcat pilot who's spoiled by the hiding and sneaking in the cities!

Splatcats are bad things to stumble upon, but they can be dealt with.

Edited by FerretGR, 25 February 2013 - 12:52 PM.

#98 QuantumButler


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:56 PM

View PostsilentD11, on 25 February 2013 - 12:50 PM, said:

Exactly this, it only has missiles. If it's moving towards you the gig is up, you know what it has.

I love how you all live in a fantasy land where all A1 pilots just kamikaze charge into the enemy team blindly without using their superior jumpjet mobility to abuse cover to get in close safely.

If all A1 pilots really were blithering morons like your strawman arguments indicate then yes, they wouldn't be a problem, sadly, in the real world, most of them have more than half a braincell to rub together and know how to not get caught in the open, and by the time you really discover their location they've already melted one or two of your teammates, or you.

View PostSuki, on 25 February 2013 - 12:50 PM, said:

Man, if You're shurely blind and can't read normally it's not my problem, so stop overusing capslock.

Then you're either lying or they were complete and utter ****.

#99 Serapth


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:56 PM

If you have a 60 ton mech that standard tactics say you need to focus fire on it, ignoring the nearest assault mechs... something is broken in the game.

#100 Ghogiel


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:57 PM

All this talk of melting people with SRMs is making want to play..

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