Galenit, on 26 February 2013 - 05:27 AM, said:
If you use numbers it should be more consistent.
Please type your statement again, try to say clearly what you want and give the source of the numbers you use for it, then we can talk again.
I do not assume any numbers. My point is...
If PUGs are the majority (90% PUGs to 10% premades etc.) then even with the matchmaker we had in closed beta that was dropping 8 man premades vs 8 PUGs, the percent of games a PUG player will be stomped by premades is very low - 10% tops if ALL premades are groups of 8 which of course isn't true and about 2% tops if 1 out of 5 groups is full 8-man. With matchmaking we have now part of those premades are doing 8 vs 8 drops that have its own separate que, which means that percent of PUG-stomps is even less and is not an issue at all. If somebody is getting stomped in his games he has only himself and other PUGs to blame for it.
If neither PUGs/premades are the majority (50% PUGs to 50% premades etc.) then there is a almost a certain chance that both teams will have premades on their side. If 20% (again 1 of 5) of premades are full 8-man premade then there is a 10% chance to run into a full 8-man premade (still haveing some sort of premades on your side). Chances of full 8-man premade dropping vs 8 solo players are negliable, thus chances of getting a PUG-stomp are again very low.
If premades are the majority (90% premades to 10% PUGs)(unlikely I know but lets cover this too) then all stomp-games are one premades stomping another premades, and such thing as PUG-stomp does not exsist at all.
In all situations chances of true 8-man premade stomping true PUG team do not exceed 2-3%. If a solo player is getting stomped in more then 2-3% of his game he can not blame premades for it, he can only blame himself, other PUGs, his luck, whatever. The whole 'premades keep stomping us' cries are based on assumption that every time you are getting stomped you are stomped by premades, while in truth most of PUG-stomps are PUG teams stomping PUG teams.
A valid point was made that when a full 8-man premade drops against a team that is not a full 8-man premade chances of them winning are almost certain. But again, people are working together and training together to achieve victory over people who do not work together. I can not understand why is it unfair.
Their win/loss ratio might be astronomical ... but so what? Who cares about it? It means nothing, true skill or lack of such for organized units will be seen by everyone when community warfare comes out.
A lot of solo players accuse premades of caring bout their KRD and win/loss ratio while it truth it is themselves who care about it. Only way to achieve ridiculous KDR and win/loss ratio is to be part of a unit. Solo players do not want to be part of it (and it is their right, organized units respect that right), yet same time they are jealous of those high KDR and win/loss ratio. Because if they weren't jealous, then why would they bring KDR and win/loss ratio up in the first place?
In short, the message I am trying to state here:
- True PUG-stomps are happening in 2-3% of games tops.
- If a solo player is getting stomped in more then 2-3% of his games, then premades (sync-dropping or not) has nothing to do with this rate being more then 2-3%, thus they have no right to complain about premades ruining game for them.