Be A Hero Challenge Winners And Statistics
Posted 27 February 2013 - 01:47 PM
Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:12 PM

Posted 27 February 2013 - 02:28 PM
Posted 27 February 2013 - 07:18 PM
Posted 27 February 2013 - 07:56 PM
Edited by CapperDeluxe, 27 February 2013 - 07:57 PM.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 06:30 AM
NitroDev, on 26 February 2013 - 11:44 AM, said:
Apparently I am not smart enough to see the "WTF" factor??
There are more kills then deaths because not every match did a participant die. I mean, the K/D ratio is 2.3, which could be the 151,000 more kills then deaths. That is not even considering the players not opted-in, and the groups dropped against...
Because of the nature of the competition, I would expect many more kills than deaths.
Again, "whats your Boggle?"
So after really looking at the stats here is my take: (Again, remember that I am pretty dumb)
1. The average K/D ratio was 2.30...so you needed a much better K/D ratio during this weekend in order to top the leaderboards
2. The average W/L ratio was 1.14, again, you needed to be much better to top the leaderboard.
3. Average damage per match was 300, so you should have done much better than that to win.
4. Kill Assists average was 2.25, again much better than that to be a contender.
That's not even considering Spotting or Capture (Capture was really a small part of the tourney, I think.
Sooooo....thinking back to your matches, how did you do?
I know I did at least as good as these averages, and usually much better, but I only dropped like 140 times in a period of about 12 hours TOTAL for the weekend...not enough obviously for the stamina of Broceratops and the like, but there you have it.
Armed with this knowledge, the next time I will gear up and go the distance..because I know now that based on these stats I can do it.
Questions, comments, smart remarks...smart remarks first?
Edited by Bfvmg, 28 February 2013 - 06:50 AM.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 07:18 AM
Bfvmg, on 28 February 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:
1. The average K/D ratio was 2.30...so you needed a much better K/D ratio during this weekend in order to top the leaderboards
2. The average W/L ratio was 1.14, again, you needed to be much better to top the leaderboard.
3. Average damage per match was 300, so you should have done much better than that to win.
4. Kill Assists average was 2.25, again much better than that to be a contender.
That's not even considering Spotting or Capture (Capture was really a small part of the tourney, I think.
1.) check but i don't know for sure because K/d isn't that important ^^
2.) check
3.) check (mostly more than 300, the most times less than 300 was when i was on my scout or when we did win because of a cap ^^ )
4.) see point 1.)
Anyway...kudos to the winners of the event. It was interesting to see how many matches you all did in the end.

Posted 28 February 2013 - 08:01 AM
Bfvmg, on 28 February 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:
I know I did at least as good as these averages, and usually much better, but I only dropped like 140 times in a period of about 12 hours TOTAL for the weekend...not enough obviously for the stamina of Broceratops and the like, but there you have it.
Armed with this knowledge, the next time I will gear up and go the distance..because I know now that based on these stats I can do it.
Questions, comments, smart remarks...smart remarks first?
I was average on everything but KDR where I was a tad higher. I would expect this with running an assault though, not any reflection on myself.
You (and a lot of others) are missing the point though. I did not do very well, but I tried. I fell short. I see a lot of people saying they topped the boards at 50-100 games in...or, like you...after 12 hours, etc. None of these things even come close to representing an endurance challenge.
The challenge does not lie in the stats or being uber there...most of us on the forums can do that. The challenge is in the duration. I can tell you that I stuck it out with about 7 hours downtime total (starting 7PM friday tourney time) and by sunday...no one...and I mean no one..was playing even close to how they were the first 100 games. You can't simply say I did XXX in XXX hours and multiply it for the duration. Fatique is a HUGE factor.
The fact that Broceratops and I had about identical playtimes and rest periods (coincidental) speaks volume for the dedictation to get 200 more matches in than me while maintaining stats close enough to mine. Sure, it was a grinding challenge, but in order to average those stats under an extremely fatigued condition over a very extended piece of time shows skill.
I don't care what anyone says...there is no one on the leaderboards that are not skilled. Does grind = skill? Of course not. Could an un-skilled player win? Equally of course not. This challenge required both. Kudos again to everyone..don't let anyone take anything away from your achievement.
Mr 144
Edited by Mr 144, 28 February 2013 - 08:03 AM.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 12:11 PM
Mr 144, on 28 February 2013 - 08:01 AM, said:
The challenge does not lie in the stats or being uber there...most of us on the forums can do that. The challenge is in the duration. I can tell you that I stuck it out with about 7 hours downtime total (starting 7PM friday tourney time) and by sunday...no one...and I mean no one..was playing even close to how they were the first 100 games. You can't simply say I did XXX in XXX hours and multiply it for the duration. Fatique is a HUGE factor.
Mr 144
Mr 144.
Agreed. I guess I am still pretty dumb, cause I didn't express myself very well. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the winners (really anyone that made the top 50 or even 75 in any category), and I do not want to take anything away from them, I am just trying to plan for "Next Time".
I hope in the future, based on my 12 hours of play, that I have the endurance to do as well as the winners did.
To restate my post, you had to have done AT LEAST as good as the average, and maintain that over the long haul.
I do remember how bad I got (and some of my Corps mates) at the end, and that was not even close to what the winners had to go thru.
So yeah, it took both skill AND endurance to come out on top. One without the other would not win it for anyone, IMHO.
And at the end, I know how it was because I saw it with the leaders. You entered a match, did what you could, and when you died you exited, chose a different mech, and continued on. I was doing it, and I saw almost everyone doing it by Sunday "Pre-vening" (yes, I am a Big Bang Theory fan). I figured it out by Friday midnight and started doing it then...That was really the only way to get so many matches in so quickly.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 12:47 PM
Would love to see more stats though. I wish they had some leaderboards where you could go and compare stats. As in ongoing stats, not just for a tournament. Kinda like a top gun board or something.
W/L - K/D - Dmg - Supporting stats
Would especially be nice if they broke it down into individual mechs and variants, lol. I know they can't do everything at once but if some people got behind it I think they would do it.
Edited by Bl1tzcrank, 28 February 2013 - 12:48 PM.
Posted 28 February 2013 - 09:18 PM
Posted 28 February 2013 - 10:02 PM
Cest7, on 28 February 2013 - 09:18 PM, said:
I thought this was beaten to death already. Only a small portion of the total players participated, so these stats only represent that portion. Given that this was a contest billed as determining the best players of different mech classes, it's unsurprising that all of them together had a higher win/loss ratio than the general player population.
Though, I suppose the general win/loss ratio might be greater than one. Saying that it's 1.0 assumes that an equal number of people win and lose in each game. However, since drops are sometimes uneven and since the side with more mechs wins almost all of the time, that might throw off the numbers a bit. That's neither here nor there though.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 05:59 AM
Next time maybe less silly TOURNAMENT not how many games you played.
But how good really can You use the mech in let say 30 games
how effective pilot and gunner can You BE.
Than i be happy to see statistics like:
-kill death ratio
-damage done
-what weapons make biggest damage
-and all others...
Posted 01 March 2013 - 09:27 AM
They called it challenge because they knew it is grind ...
Posted 01 March 2013 - 11:05 AM

Posted 02 March 2013 - 11:03 AM
Dunno why people keep insisting that it was only a grind. There was definitely some skill involved too. My stats prove that the person who played the most games didn't necesarily win. I played less games than many of the other top players on the assault leaderboard and still got #1. Why? Because I played better than they did and got higher match scores. So yes it was a bit grindy, but saying it was only a grind is completely false. You had to play a lot of games and you had to play them consistently well.
Congrats to everyone else who won or placed in the top 25! Don't let these people diminish your accomplishments because of their own inability to keep up.

And thanks to LethalRose for the awesome stats!
Edited by Khobai, 02 March 2013 - 04:12 PM.
Posted 02 March 2013 - 02:05 PM
Posted 02 March 2013 - 05:32 PM
Posted 02 March 2013 - 06:10 PM
Well anyways. I'm miGu #3 light and proud of it with my 12+ hours of sleep. Also I've seen a lot of these Battery/Red Bull messages and I would just like to say I drank 0 energy drinks and 0 cups of coffee during the weekend.

Not surprisingly I had a Raven 3L. My setup was as follows:
285XL, BAP, ECM, 2x ssrm (2ton ammo), 2x mlas and a tag.
When I wasn't too sleep deprived I tried to play as follows:
1) Tag, tag, tag!! Those LRMs need targets.
2) Light mechs buzzing around? Kill them!
3) That Atlas has no armor left on CT? Hunt it down!
4) Oh that poor LRM boat is all alone? You know what to do.
If there was a waiting game I would often run in the middle of the enemy to give my team time to advance. That worked pretty well. Also during these boring capraces I would try and defend our base till death since who cares if I died at that point.
Overall I would prefer a way shorter tournament.. Like 8h so it would reward skill rather than 'who can play the most'. Anyways had fun.. First and last time I play that much in a weekend.

Edited by miGu, 02 March 2013 - 06:12 PM.
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