Pale Jackal, on 27 February 2013 - 12:21 PM, said:
If it has ECM, I'll buy it. ECM, with 3 or 4 energy hardpoints and 2 missile racks... well, it'd be roughly on par with the Raven 3L, though missile hardpoints would make it superior to any other Cicada variant if it also has ECM.
So if it has ECM, I buy it, and I have a fast 'mech with a bonus to C-bills. Good. However, it'd be the best Cicada variant in the game, and only available via MC. Bad.
Still might be worth buying if it lacks missile hard points and has ECM.
This will not have ECM, for two simple reasons
1. The 3M has ECM
2. ECM on Hero Mechs == P2W
I'm going to go a step further and say that if they ever did put ECM on a hero mech, it wouldn't be on a chassis where there was an ECM capable variant to begin with. I suspect we will never see a hero mech with ECM on it.
Edited by hargneux, 27 February 2013 - 06:32 PM.