Livewyr, on 02 March 2013 - 03:28 PM, said:
See.. here's the big problem with that.. a system is not balanced if it requires having the same number of that system on either side of a match. If a system can only be balanced against itself, it is not balanced.
(Example: Missiles Pre-ECM: whichever side had more missile boats typically won. Example: Gauss pre-nerf/pre PPC buff: whichever said had more Gausscats typically won.)
Warrax, you should search my ECM balance thread (you can look in my profile if need be) and check out the quote at the bottom of the OP. You can read the whole thread if you like, in order to get a handle of a viable solution as we discussed our way to it.
LRMs aren't more engaging to play.. they're more: I hope we have more ECM than them.
---------------but aside of that:
Perhaps you would like to give it a con for this pro?
Ok, I read your thread. There is some good stuff there, but it's too long and too technical for me to discuss point-by-point the things that I agree and disagree with. I'll try instead to clarify my viewpoint.
You talked about it a bit in the other thread, but streaks are the #1 issue that has to be addressed before ECM can be toned down. They should be desirable as a tertiary weapon system, but undesirable as a primary/boated system. No one but crazy people want the streak cat to come back.
Any changes to ECM also have to keep LRMs from becoming easymode again. LRMs are pretty close to good right now, and I like that.
I also try to think in terms of what the detractors and defenders of ECM actually want.
People who defend ECM for the
wrong reasons want:
To continue running easymode ECM builds.
No LRMs on the field.
*People who want to the game to be all-brawling, all-team deathmatch all the time.
People who
dislike ECM for the wrong reasons want:
LRMs to be easymode again. These are the ones that think an LRM equipped mech is supposed to sit in one spot 999m away from the fight and think that getting 600dmg from 12 tons of ammo is a good thing.
People who want automagic-aimbot-streak-boats to be viable again.
*People who want to the game to be all-brawling, all-team deathmatch all the time.
*I put this in both categories, because any sort of well-implemented role/information/electronic warfare runs contrary to this method of thinking. I agree with Vlad Ward that the current ECM implementation has actually made LRMs fun and engaging to play.
I agree that the current dynamic of "whoever has the most ECM is at a huge advantage" is a bad dynamic, so something does need to be done. But I also think that trying to go back to something closer to TT rules (which you referenced heavily in that other thread) would just bring back the issues that ECM was designed to stop in the first place, i.e. guided missile dominance.