Vlad Ward, on 02 March 2013 - 04:27 PM, said:
A: They are straight up inferior to the JR7-D. They are not sidegrades. They are not "viable alternatives". They are inferior.
JR7-D: 4 Lasers, 2 Missiles (up to SRM4), Jump jets, 150kph, symmetrical design
JR7-F: 6 Lasers, Jump Jets, 150kph, symmetrical design
RVN-3L: 3 Lasers, 2 Missiles (one with a NARC tube), no jets, 150kph, mismatched reticules, massive side profile
COM-2D: 0 Lasers, 3 Missiles, no jets, 150kph, mismatched reticules, significantly reduced Armor
ECM gives you something called a "Sidegrade". RVN-3L is still worse than a Jenner, build-wise, but allows you to use Streaks+ECM.
LRMs work fine. If you don't believe me, just read all the LRM whine threads in GD. They do need a damage nerf and flight speed buff, though.
A: You forgot the massive Front/back profile, as well as the medium/large side profile on the Jenner.. the Jenner was superior to the other light mechs in the combat role. However, the other light mechs had other things. Ravens being able to mount many more modules, Spiders being king of mobility.. best scout in the game currently, commandos were balanced, heavy missiles/light lasers, to heavy lasers/light(or no) missiles, with a very thin side profile.
And no, ECM does not give you "Side grade" it gives you an absolute advantage. Examples:
Obvious example: Streaks.
Not so obvious example: Raven and Jenner fighting, but have team mates to support.. we'll say they have missile boats, 1 each. Raven's supporting missile boat tears up the Jenner in 7 seconds. Jenner's supporting missile boat apologizes and grabs a bite to eat. Missile immunity =/= side-grade.
The LRM whine threads have a point in that LRMs do far too much damage for their weight and tracking ability, that deserves a nerf to damage, offset by a missile speed upgrade.
That does not deserve "Obsolescence Roulette" (If I bring a missile boat and they don't have ECM, I rule. If I bring a missile boat and they do have an ECM (or more) I should power down and get a sandwich.)