Elwood Blues, on 05 March 2013 - 12:18 PM, said:
One extra salvo means a lot in this game. Especially for big alpha strike mechs. If I use a coolant flush to speed kill your mech, I have taken you out of the game and I don't need another flush because your team is now a mech down. Burst damage is very important. Coolant allows for heavy hitters to have even higher burst damage. That can result in you having far less time to respond before you're down.
Coolant doesn't make your mech fire faster, so you can't "speed" kill anything using it. At best you avoid one shutdown in an entire match. And if someone's stupid enough to allow you to hit them 3 times in a row they deserve the death.
Coolant also doesn't allow heavy hitters to have even higher burst damage because it doesn't add anything to the burst! Jesus, get real arguments people. Higher sustained dps, sure, it'll have a slight boost, but it's not like this thing is allowing you to ultra ac/5 your ppcs.
Also, if you normally do 20 shots in a 5 minute match for 60 damage (6 ppc stalker), and with coolant you upped it to 21, guess what, you increased your total dps by a whopping .2 dps (assuming you are a perfect shot and that people live long enough to do that much damage.
There's also the entire argument that if you miss that magic bullet coolant salvo, you just basically threw away real money...so you have that going for you.
Edited by hammerreborn, 05 March 2013 - 12:28 PM.