I've never used an lrm boat before tonight.
Tonight I got my stalker and heh, yeah....
Whilst it does have some drawbacks going almost all LRM's, namely I'm screwed once caught out by any mech, it is devastating against any enemy in the open even without artemis.
(I have not tried artemis on it atm)
The game I just had on alpine was a slaughter.
I would support a reduction in dmg, however I guess I would also prefer an increase in cooldown.
Or maybe somehow limit it so you can only fire 1 launcher at a time, at 1 or 2 sec
(or higher) intervals with no dmg reduction.
(you could have it so different size lrm's have different waiting periods also, or firing an alpha requires a longer waiting time etc)
I don't know what I would really do, what I do know is against uncoodinated teams the other guys are generally just food it seems.
(most 4man premades seem to handle it fine, the ones I have faced so far that is)
If the other team doesn't have ecm they are double screwed
(I have tag but at least I cant target them all at will if they have it), and it feels sorta cheap using it.....
Edited by Fooooo, 06 March 2013 - 10:11 AM.