MischiefSC, on 08 March 2013 - 07:20 AM, said:
I have a drastically better idea. Less damage, faster speed, less maneuverability, no missile warning. ECM slows but doesn't block locks. TAG and NARC become information warfare tools (making TAGed or NARCed mechs show up different in all allied huds for a period of time and increasing missile hit percentage and location) and suddenly....
TAG should last 5 seconds. NARC should last 30 seconds. ECM shouldn't work as team stealth shield but block TAG, NARC, BAP which should be buffed to be useful. It should slow missile locks and break up the tight cluster of Artemis and make SSRMs dumbfire. Maybe have some spendy modules and pilot unlocks for ECM that hide paperdolls.... how about even have it scatter accuracy of artillery/airstrike targeting within its radius?
ECM/missile balance is broken.
Please fix it. Please.