Mack1, on 07 March 2013 - 05:03 AM, said:
LRM boats have never been a problem to a good player, they will always be a problem to a player who has not yet realised how to defend against them. The big problem was that the ECM was a total 100% block to LRM's when it first came out and all the noobs would just press the big ECM button and then forget about LRM's for the rest of the game. I was a very vocal protestor to this as it ruined the tactics of MWO and replaced them with a button.
Fast forward to today and the slow nerfing of ECM is starting to show and the same old people are starting to complain about LRM's. What you people need to do is L2P and I don't mean that as an insult, I need to L2P against certain weapons, we all need to L2P in some aspect of our game. LRM's to me are so easy to avoid, probably because I spent a month as an LRM boat so I know all about how to counter them.
So my advice is play a Missile Boat for a bit then you will see that you don't need an ECM to counter them, just common sense, a few hills or buildings and good use of the on/off switch. People that walk towards an LRM boat die in under 10 seconds then cry's all a L2P issue.
Finally I will ask you this, do you want an exciting game with different classes such as LRM artillery, snipers, Tankers, support classes and even some OP classes? I do because this adds excitment and variety to the game. If you continue to cry nerf just because someone has a bigger gun than you the game will just end up with everyone the same, all dmg the same and we all meet in the middle of the map and pew pew till one team dies.
This is an excellent post all around.
I love LRMs, both as an LRM users (and no, I don't boat them, my main mech has 2 PPCs and 25 LRM tubes and only 3 tons of ammo, best LRM build I've seen so far IMO), and from a tactical standpoint.
LRMs help define the battlefield, just like sniper weapons do. They turn open spaces into kill zones and covered positions as safe zone, and make moving from point A to point B on a map a more meaningful (and sometimes difficult) tactical question. In short, they add depth.
And as suggested above, try and use an LRM boat for a bit to learn how to defend from LRMs, and also how LRMs aren't necessarily an "easy button". Better yet, try to use them in 8-mans, where everyone actually DOES know how to use cover. There's a reason LRMs are almost never used in 8-mans (though they're finally making a more reasonable comeback, I think).
Once you know how to defend against LRMs, they're not really a major problem. Yes you can get torn apart if you screw up, but the same could be said of any weapon system. The main difference is you have to be more careful (since LOS is not required)... but conversely you also get this big warning and plenty of time to find cover (and if you find yourself far enough from cover that you can't get there in time, then you really screwed up).
Edited by Itkovian, 08 March 2013 - 06:38 AM.