Zabnicki, on 06 March 2013 - 10:38 AM, said:
Remember those, "Which-Way", books?
"Incoming Missiles" Betty said aloud within the confines of the mechwarrior's cockpit.
Stand there and hope it does not hit you? Turn to page 17
Take into account the probable direction of where the salvo would be coming from and hurry to the nearest cover or concealment you can find? Turn to page 18
Push you mech into full throttle and run headlong into the incoming barrage? Turn to page 17
Page 17. The volley of missiles covers your battlemech in a cacophony of small explosions as you are jostled about in your cockpit.The klaxton blares and Betty signals that your right CENTER torso is critical and you have lost all weapons on the right side.
Page 18. You pull your mech up close to a mid sized hill as you hear a rapid succession of small explosions just on the other side. You see two missiles shoot just over you and one detonate a mere 4 meters from your cockpit.
Fixed it for you. Since the last patch LRM's concentrate way too much on CT. Secondly, when the enemy LRM carrier has OP ECM to hide it's sensor signature, it's not so easy to figure out where it's coming from. Sure, it's easy early on in the match, as the enemy can only move so far from the spawn within a limited amount of time, but later on in the match this is no longer the case.
And if you don't know where the missiles are coming from, you can hide behind all the cover you want, not realizing that they're coming from a totally different angle. By then it's already too late. And 50 missiles will pop most mechs in the current state of affairs.
Even an AC 20 cat, which has way more limitations can never hope to pop a mech in a single volley. They even buffed the damage output from the TT values, even though the TT LRM's hardly ever hit with 100% of the missiles. I really feel that the very least they could do in order balance this out is to make absolutely sure that the damage is ALWAYS spread across different sections of the mech. In fact, spread across sections of the entire mech. That's legs, head, CT RT LT CBT RBT LBT.
Another thing I've noticed since the last patch is that places that used to offer good cover no longer do. I don't know if this is the flight path or what, but this just adds to the OP of a weapon that doesn't require LOS or aiming. You have to guess and hope that the cover is sufficient. Being out of sight is in no way a safe bet, and never was. You need to ensure that the angle is steep enough so that the flight path of the missiles are broken. Add to this that there are LRM capable mechs that also have JJ capability. This invalidates a large portion of the cover arguement, as the LRM carrier can suddenly shoot from a higher position, and thus get a better angle. Add to this the fact that in certain situations the LRM carrier can position himself so that you simply don't have any cover close by, and will take 2-3 volleys before having any hope of reaching adequate cover just adds to this. Yes I know, clever him, but what's the counter again? Cover? Use scouts? How many scouts should I bring? Oh, I know, let's just have a whole team of raven 3L's. That way I'm guaranteed to have enough scouts, and I'm sure it'll be great fun for both teams.
Imo the best way to balance them would be to still allow locks, but no LOS, no damage. Simple as that. I know that this would mean that there would be no indirect fire weapons, but I really don't feel we need an always hits indirect fire weapon. This should be left to long toms, artillery strikes and such. At least you would have to aim with those. Not just point and click.
Another option would be to make it so that if you shut down the missiles loose lock and will not hit. Even if there was a lock before the target shut down. This would mean that there was a counter inherent in all maps and mech configurations, just like there is with all other weapons. You know, like stay out of sight, move to make you harder to hit. That sort of thing. Point being, that you don't need a specific mech or module that costs tons/crits in order to counter one single weapon system. And there would be a distinct disadvantage to it, just like moving around makes it harder for the moving mech to aim, and staying out of sight means you can't damage the opposing mech.