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Ask The Devs 33 - Answered!

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#41 shintakie


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 06:50 PM

View PostHomeless Bill, on 08 March 2013 - 06:44 PM, said:

Honestly, I didn't expect them to answer mine. It was a bit snarky =P

Not to mention I don't actually care about ECM, personally. I think it's overpowered for its weight/criticals, but does it affect my gameplay experience in a big way? Eh, not really.

But what does **** me off is that they refuse to give a straight answer to the community. The ECM whine has been loud and consistent, they promised a Command Chair post a month ago, and they're still trying to sweep it under the rug.

I get that they want to add counters and see how that works out before detailing any other plans, but it doesn't address the real issue: ECM is the best 1.5 tons / 2 critical slots in the game. You could literally drop 5 tons of other stuff off an ECM Raven, and it would still be better than a fully-stocked non-ECM raven.

If they really think counters are the solution, I'd at least like to hear a developer say it: "We think adding counters will mitigate ECM enough that it's not overpowered. We have X more counters for ECM coming down the line in the next Y months, and we'll reevaluate where ECM stands at that time."

Oh wow, I forgot they said they'd have a command chair post about it.

Guess the sweepin it under the rug thing kinda worked.

#42 PoLaR


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 07:05 PM

Saw 3 cameo questions from Guildies, nice!

#43 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 07:06 PM

View Postshintakie, on 08 March 2013 - 06:50 PM, said:

Oh wow, I forgot they said they'd have a command chair post about it.

Guess the sweepin it under the rug thing kinda worked.

isn't it great.

#44 Umbra8


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 07:48 PM

PGI, when you say you are going to issue a command post about your ideas around the current state of ECM and then conspicuously fail to do so while also obviously avoiding any subsequent questions it makes it appear that you either do not have an answer or are afraid of the reaction you would get if you were honest with the community about your intentions. Either case makes you appear unprofessional, which is not an impression you want to engender in your consumer base when you are attempting to build a community around the game you are creating.

Someone there needs to summon the courage or common sense to issue the command post as stated or reply to the questions of the community. It's that or continue to ignore the problem and propagate the idea you don't know what you're doing or that you are so afraid of your own community you cannot engage them in honest dialogue.

#45 Deathlike


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 08:02 PM

View PostYoseful Mallad, on 08 March 2013 - 06:49 PM, said:

wow... mine was not even answered. Maybe they should put a cap on how many questions can be asked before they lock the thread. None of the really good stuff was even answered lol. I thought ALL questions would be answered?

Actually, it's realistic that they'll answer question that they prefer to answer... and some of the obligatory ones.. but not always the "same poop, every other week" questions. You'd probably be better off asking better or more clever questions...


WraithMandaka: When will we see private matches?
A: Private matches will be implemented, but not in a way players are probably thinking. We are still working out ways to make this feasible. No ETA.

I get the feeling... it's the classic Clan BATCHALL... I could be totally off on this.

That's the only useful thing that came out of these answers... I think.

Edited by Deathlike, 08 March 2013 - 08:04 PM.

#46 Critical Fumble


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 08:38 PM

View PostRyvucz, on 08 March 2013 - 06:33 PM, said:

They can't be working on Clan assets when they are working on the Urban Mech!

Urbanmech IIC

#47 CutterWolf


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 08:57 PM

DV McKenna: Initially we are told we'll get a one time transfer to the server region of our choice. Once done we are stuck there and there is no=zero ability to then play with the opposite region. Can you be a bit more specific here?

A: It’s a one way transfer. You can always create a new account in the desired region of play.

View PostFlapdrol, on 08 March 2013 - 05:27 PM, said:


Last ask the devs actually had me hopeful you'd be able to login everywhere using the same account.

This answer just floored me....... So PGI fully intends to split the community? Really?? You mean you can't just copy the sever files with the player base on it to the new UK severs?? Really?? I'm sorry PGI but this has to be your dumbest move to date. Here, I'll throw you a bone PGI, "Copy the player base from your NA sever files and transfer that over to your UK severs. Then add a "Select sever" option to your start up screen where you log in at. (i.e. NA or UK)" Now your entire player base can pick where they want to play at and not split the community.................

Edited by CutterWolf, 08 March 2013 - 08:58 PM.

#48 Joe Mallad


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:12 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 08 March 2013 - 08:02 PM, said:

Actually, it's realistic that they'll answer question that they prefer to answer... and some of the obligatory ones.. but not always the "same poop, every other week" questions. You'd probably be better off asking better or more clever questions...

I get the feeling... it's the classic Clan BATCHALL... I could be totally off on this.

That's the only useful thing that came out of these answers... I think.
actually... I thought my question was a good one.

In community warfare it's been said that we will not be able to completely take out another faction or take over the whole map. And in the last ask the DEVS it was said that you may go the route of doing SEASONS.

So my question to you is: Let's say after season 1 is over, will there be a chance that all planets taken at that point and kept will then expand the boarders and give us a whole new map when season 2 roles around... In turn allowing for new planets and boarders to be fought over?

#49 Team Leader


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:15 PM

I too, fellow forums goers, am disappointed with this latest ask the devs. It's pointless, why answer all the questions they can't answer?

Why not just stack all the questions into a "no" "we can't answer" "no plans" and "no plans, but things can change" T-Chart? Would be a lot easier to process all the information. They promised they would answer all the questions in the thread with the new format... That hasn't happened either time.

#50 General Taskeen


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:53 PM

View PostTeam Leader, on 08 March 2013 - 09:15 PM, said:

I too, fellow forums goers, am disappointed with this latest ask the devs. It's pointless, why answer all the questions they can't answer?

Why not just stack all the questions into a "no" "we can't answer" "no plans" and "no plans, but things can change" T-Chart? Would be a lot easier to process all the information. They promised they would answer all the questions in the thread with the new format... That hasn't happened either time.

And still no answer to my question (which i think I've asked 2 or 3 times now) if NARC is being worked on to have its original purpose for SRM/LRM tracking... or, in general, an "actual" improvement to NARC for its 3 ton weight.

#51 Docta Pain


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 10:29 PM

No plans to balance by ECM...

I have drastically reduced my play time since the elo/matchmaking-weight-class bust, and haven't missed it. Can't say I have any hope for this becoming what I'd hoped for. Invested plenty of time in it, but apparently too much.

I cannot fathom how any sane person can have "No plans to balance by ECM" (prior AtD) given that Elo has attempted to even the playing field... since teams are more evenly skilled, the supertech makes more difference now than it ever has.

No plans? Really?

The ONLY reason I still play is to hear my friends on TS3. As soon as they roll to a new game (undoubtably)... <sound of last login>

#52 Phlyk


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 11:39 PM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 08 March 2013 - 03:42 PM, said:

Questions From: The Community
Answers: Bryan Ekman - Creative Director - Piranha Games Inc.


Jeye: Is there still a linear drop off of damage between the range of the weapon and the max range of the weapon? If not then how is the gap between range and max range weighted for energy and ballistics?

A: Beyond max range, damage drops off from 100% to 0%.

DV McKenna: Initially we are told we'll get a one time transfer to the server region of our choice. Once done we are stuck there and there is no=zero ability to then play with the opposite region. Can you be a bit more specific here?

A: It’s a one way transfer. You can always create a new account in the desired region of play.

Kageru Ikazuchi: How will what PGI learned from the Heroes event shape the future of MWO?

A: It helped us

Seems okay overall, some interesting things to come our of it, and I'm definitely looking forward to UI 2.0.

The above two (EDIT: three) quoted answers do irk me a bit though.

First Q: I'm not sure if the answer is correct, or if it the question was misunderstood. What was asked was, for a Medium Laser for example, how does the damage scale between 270m (optimal) and 540m (max). If the above answer is true, then it does maximum damage out to 540m and then immediately drops to 0, which is not at all expected!

Second Q: Well, no point in forming groups with my overseas friends then if I can't play with them on my main account. I understood from previous Dev communications that we would be able to log into any server we want, it seems I misunderstood. This could be a game-killer for me.

EDIT Q3: This is ridiculous. Did you even read the question?

EDIT again: Just tested query one in Training Grounds with a small laser for my own sanity. Damage definitely does drop off between Optimum and Max range. So the Dev answer is a lie.

EDIT 2: I have set up a thread to discuss the server split http://mwomercs.com/...6-server-split/

Edited by Phlyk, 10 March 2013 - 08:50 AM.

#53 slide


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 11:59 PM

Most of those answers were about as useful as **** on a bull.

One interperation of all of that is that we have done nothing and are going to do nothing, until we have milked all the cash we can from the player base. We shall continue to release less than usefull stuff (because it's easy and makes money) and leave the good stuff, like CW and an actual reason to play (like taking a planet) to come on the never never plan.

Hope and expectations are tenuous things and based mainly on information. PGI are currently treating everyone like mushrooms and my hopes for this game are plummeting faster than and Atlas without a drop pod. We need some useful info on WHEN CW is coming and what it's going to look like. Continually aluding to solutions coming in CW and then saying nothing about it is completely wasting everyones time.

PGI need to admit that they can't get CW out for another 6 months or more and give people the option to put the game down with an informed descision and come back later or rage quitting and never coming back.

Sorry Paul I like your work but you screwed the pooch on this one.

#54 Deathlike


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 12:29 AM

Phlyk, the distance listed in your weapon in combat is the optimum range (the distance before damage starts to change for the worse). So for medium lasers, 270m is the furthest you can go before damage drops linearly. The max range for energy weapons is always DOUBLE the optimum range... which in this case is 540m. If you shot the med laser @ a target 405m away (this is literally the midpoint distance between optimum and max range), then you would deal half its normal damage.

It's really that simple and it has been mentioned before many times in many different guides.

If you try to shoot the medium lasers past the specified max range, no damage occurs, even if you believe the lasers hit its target (this is more noticeable with people using large lasers past 900m).

View Postslide, on 08 March 2013 - 11:59 PM, said:

PGI need to admit that they can't get CW out for another 6 months or more and give people the option to put the game down with an informed descision and come back later or rage quitting and never coming back.

The current mech release timeline is once per month, so it is literally that much longer before they stop adding new mechs and clan warfare is to be expected... 5 mechs are in the pipeline (1 of which is being released in about 10 days from now), so unless they release a new mech to the list, July/August genuinely is the realistic ETA.

#55 Kageru Ikazuchi


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 12:33 AM

Regarding the damage drop-off question, I think it has been addressed in previous ATDs, that it drops of linearly ...

Small Lasers for example (damage 3, effective range 90, max range 180) ... 3 damage up to 90m, 2 damage at 120m, 1 damage at 150m, 0 damage at 180m.

But the answer was very poorly worded.

(Edit: darn forum ninjas ... :unsure: )

Edited by Kageru Ikazuchi, 09 March 2013 - 12:34 AM.

#56 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 12:38 AM

As far as I understood from a post a while back the NA/Euro region will not be seperated from each other, ie british and euro friends will be able to play with NA friends? It's unclear where this new reply leaves us, but I wouldn't get too hasty people. Still, as someone whos unit is half NA/Euro, creating 2 seperate accounts is most obviously ridiculous, nevermind that we've been playing with these people for 20 years with no issues.

Im also curious how CW is supposed to go down with divided regions, is PGI going to run 3 different versions of the same universe?

imho we really need to be able to swap regions at will.

I thought the comments on private tournaments "but not like we are thinking " was interesting. I wonder if this game is ever going to let us just drop 8v8 vs our friends or setup tournaments etc, I certainly hope so. It's the worst and most lacking feature to not have lobbies, or a solid ingame chat community in a game making big claims for "community warfare", but not having any community support or chats outside the forums and in the matches.

#57 EarlGrey83


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 12:43 AM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 08 March 2013 - 04:24 PM, said:

Uh did you ignore all ECM questions? Or did I miss it on my phone?

This was really bad for a 2 week wait by the way.

Its not only ecm, its also all clan related questions that where comform to the rules (one single, clear question) where ignored.
Slight dissapointing ATD, less answered questions than last time, most of them got a simple: no

On the bright side, St. Ives Pact, yay. Never understood why those guys were not in yet.

#58 Rubidiy


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 01:28 AM

total disappointment...

#59 Kyone Akashi


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 02:52 AM

Well, have to say I was a bit disappointed with both the questions picked and many of the answers provided. The community split is especially disheartening and easily the worst news for me. I do not cherish the thought of ( a ) having to make a one-time-choice between which friends I am to play with, ( b ) having to create half a dozen accounts just to protect the uniqueness of my character name and ( c ) having half a dozen different versions of the Inner Sphere running simultaneously and with conflicting strategic data. :unsure:

We'll see how it goes, I guess.

View Postshintakie, on 08 March 2013 - 06:50 PM, said:

Oh wow, I forgot they said they'd have a command chair post about it.
Personally, I'm also still waiting on the 2nd info update on SSRM2 reviews that was announced to come three months ago.

Edited by Kyone Akashi, 09 March 2013 - 02:52 AM.

#60 POWR


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Posted 09 March 2013 - 03:28 AM

Thanks for the answers :unsure:

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