Vassago Rain, on 09 March 2013 - 06:13 PM, said:
And sometimes you get a full team with decent players, but you have to battled synched goons. Oh well.
I did that before Elo. Was my favorite match EVER. Frozen city. We all saw it was an 8 man goon drop, they were trash talking in chat. We dropped south base and everyone just freaking clicked. Formed up in D5, calling out our loadouts on the way. In less than 2 minutes we were in position and a well oiled machine. Charge the hill, atlases first, call targets. Focus fire right to left, biggest to smallest. If it's snipers and LRM boats divert to 6 line to fall behind the little n/s ridge. If it's brawlers go left into the buildings down to G, then back right.
We rolled them 8 - 0 pug rush FTW. I probably picked up more tactics in that 5 minute match than in any other 5 hours of playtime. They were 3 3Ls, a splatcat, 3 atlases and a stalker. We covered each other, focused fire like a ****, watched each others percentages. I lost a torso and was red CT and the other 2 assaults on my team just stepped between me and enemy fire, I fell back and supported. Was probably the best game I ever played. Cemented my respect for hardcore pugs - we kicked a$$ because we stuck together, read the play second by second without voip to help.
Goons don't bother me now. Pugs stomp people when they are motivated to work as a team. Voip is for fun, not necessity. That video of the trial mech challenges showed that, I think there were 3 useful sentences between all 4 games.
I have some friends I drop with sometimes who are very cool. In the end though nothing makes me happier than dropping on a team of solid pugs who just gel into a killing machine. It's a hell of a rush.
p00k, on 09 March 2013 - 06:19 PM, said:
next tournament. winner has the most deaths in a 2hr span.
i wonder what would happen? not like i have the foresight to anticipate what might happen, so the only way to find out is to try it and see right?
That would be amazing. Flamer, TAG, NARC and MG builds all around. 'You kill me!' 'No, you kill me first!' 'Kill me or I'll cap you out!'
I can just see it turning into a leg-shooting contest, trying to cripple the other team to keep them from capping you if they refuse to kill you. Either that or finding the guys on the other team who are NOT in the tournament and lining up to get head-shot by him.
Actually, that tournament would be stupid-funny. I'd love that.
Adrian Steel, on 09 March 2013 - 06:19 PM, said:
Just like the Scrub Tier Ghetto! Those were the good old days.
I miss it. I really do sometimes. Currently my Elo in a heavy or assault tends to put me in/against a lot of premades. Sometimes I get some amazing pug games but it's about 50/50 silent premade teams where 4 teammates just split off like a little row of ducks, ignoring what the rest of the team does. A little 4-man squad of lights going tunnel.... I watched an Atlas/Cataphract team just quietly go do that today, Frozen Colony tunnel. Whole rest of the team was going D7 ambush... This leads to losses as much as wins and if we win it's more 'in spite of' than 'because of' the go-do-your-own-thingers.
The Scrub Tier Pug Ghetto. I miss it.