I spent most of today hanging out at the SXSW Gaming Expo. While I was there, I noticed there were a LOT of F2P games being shown off. There were plenty of "meh" titles and some crappy Second Life clones, but the big names were there in force. Wargaming.net was there with a Hummer and a bunch of laptops with World of Tanks/World of Warplanes, and they were giving out cards with a week of Premium time and about $5 worth of in-game gold to people who played (plus a neat reusable tote, which was a big hit since Austin recently banned plastic shopping bags by city ordinance).
Also present? Meteor, who had Hawken running on about 4 PCs for anyone who wanted to stop by and play. They were also giving out little promo codes (which currently don't work but I'll give them an A for effort) and selling Hawken swag like t-shirts and graphic novels.
After seeing these two, I decided "well, I'm sure IGP has a booth around here somewhere! I'll check that out." An hour later, I'd found Devolver Digital, a ton of "game design" universities, some tabletop games stores, Rooster Teeth, countless iOS studios, even a booth selling custom .300 Win. Mag and .338 Lapua Magnum rifles with built-in ballistic targeting computers for over $20,000 each, but absolutely nothing MechWarrior related aside from one booth that had BattleTech rulebooks on sale. Even a booth for the Unity Engine had absolutely nothing MechWarrior Tactics related there.
Now, this has me wondering - exactly where is MWO/MWT being marketed? Of course, there's a big push to get old MechWarrior and BattleTech fans on board, but we're a very small community. The game will never hit WoT levels of popularity just by pulling veterans back in. I've seen the PC Gamer cover story, and occasionally a news story will show up on Joystiq or Penny Arcade, but the only actual ad or publicity stunt I've seen for MWO OR MWT has been this ad, which has become a giant in-joke amongst Kong:

Now, my understanding is that IGP holds a lot of the cards in this respect. My personal theory is that right now, MWO/MWT's success is supposed to be reliant almost entirely on word of mouth. That's great, but few successful games ever got as big as they did by word of mouth alone. I seem to recall MWO being shown at PAX last year with the Razer Artemis, but I'm now wondering how often MWO/MWT are hitting the trade show circuit - is it just for big hitters like PAX or E3? Are they even showing up at GDC like Wargaming.net always does? Even if they are, where are the little things that make people play the game? The WoT promo stuff I got likely cost the company very little, but people were lining up to play the game just for the bag - and playing the game will doubtlessly score them some converts.
So, PGI/IGP, where are your promotions? How are you reaching out to get new players? What about promotional things like concept art - are those being held back, along with other things? Reading and listening to Garth's posts, it almost seems like he knows a LOT of stuff we want to know, but someone is muzzling him for some reason, which is why we get things like Ask the Devs 33, which may as well have been called "The Answer is 'No'" 33. There's questions they can go into detail in answering, but someone is telling them they can't tell the public that.
For those of us who go to shows like this, have you seen PGI/IGP anywhere? What are they doing to ensure our game has a vibrant, growing userbase in the future that I haven't seen? I'm genuinely curious, and you should be too.