First. Not much has been said about Faction Warfare, except, That it will be here in a couple months.
Second, Since we have no idea how the existing factions will effect Faction Warfare there is no way to tell how the introduction of the Clans will effect it.
Visyac Cephias, on 11 March 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:
Ok, so there is a lot of hype about how the Clans are going to swoop out of the sky on the wings of Community warfare, laying waste to everything before them in an unstoppable tsunami that leaves only the lucky and the dead to tell of their passage.
What I want to know is how a Clan planetary invasion works.
Is it just like I'd imagine a mech invasion to go?
Not sure. the Tech said it will take at least a month to fix my Crystal Ball.
Is the trial of Possession (Sarna!) involved, or is that just between Clans?
According to Lore a Galaxy would be assigned a planet. The Galaxy Commander would issue a bachal to the planet. Sometimes the planets military commander would respond stating what was there. Most of the time was to tell the invader to go to a very hot place. Comstar was giving the Clans Intel. The Galaxy commander would have Units Bid for certain objectives.
What changes do the Clans make to the planet once they are in possession of it?
In the beginning there was not much done. Maybe set up supply depot. In later year as the Invading Force and the Forces at Home grew distance more was done.
Is there a standard occupying force, or do they just blow alot of stuff up?
Why would the Clans destroy valuable resources?
Do they leave mech garrisons behind? Elementals?
Second Line Forces are used to garrison planets. Yes, there are Elements in Second Line forces.
What sort of differences are there between the individual Clans and their conduct to the planets citizens?
According to Lore the Clans were going to ComStar govern the planets for them. You would have to read up o the individual Calns on Sarna to see ow they interacted withe the capture planets.
Really, I'm looking for a general idea of what a local populace could expect to deal with. What are the odds of a planet successfully rebelling against a clan occupation, if they had the proper communications network and access to relevant resources?
Edit: To clarify, I am asking about the lore, not CW. Asking for clarification on things we know nothing about would be stupid.
While some of the Inner Sphere forces that survived the initial invasion and could not get off planet "Went To Ground" and hide. Striking out here and there. With Comstar governing the planets once the fighting was over the populace was allowed to go back to what they did before the invasion. Maybe some resistance cells did pop up. But, over all there were no large scale rebellions.
Right before
Operation Bulldog the Inner Sphere used
Bird Dog to drop forces onto Smoke Jaguar world. From waht I understand some of these forces did meet up with Rebels Cells that had been operating for the last 9 years.