Alaric Wolf Kerensky, on 29 June 2012 - 12:29 AM, said:
Damn... It was a serous question. I did not realise it was such a sensitive topic for some of you, sorry for the offense.
@Firefly of course I know what an alliance is (Hell I play EvE, when you have alliances of alliances things can get messy and complicated). Despite that your post was rather disrespectful, I am not going to take the bait and 'rage'. You misinterpreted my question. I know what you are trying to do with the whole alliance thing, but the fact remains that you are still claiming to be Wolf's Dragoons through being the (canon) sub-units that compose the Dragoons. Sure you can change your name to something similar as it looks your group has, but that only validates that you are the unofficial MWO rendition of those canon units. If the devs do implement the major canon units as joinable mini-factions as they have said they might, would you join them? The only reason I can see people not wanting to join the official groups would be because they do not want to give up the power they have in leadership roles (I admit that power is hard to give up, but I plan to relinquish mine when my mercenary company joins Clan Wolf in-game). However that would hurt both parties as your players would be split between the official MWO Dragoons and your Dragoons' Alliance.
Sorry if you think Firefly is trying to Rage you into a forum flame war, but he really isn't. The problem is that you are not even nearly the first to bring up the Wolf's Dragoon alliance and misinterpret it's meaning. Also, BWC isn't a unit of the Wolf's Dragoons, it's a multi-game company that's been around since 2002, starting with Planetside, where they named it after the U.S. 188th Airborne unit.
As far as merging into the faction when it releases, it really depends on how it's done. The players in my unit depend on the exclusivity to avoid getting an immature gaming crowd. The average age is around 30, but we have a full spectrum of age and experience in the group. There is little doubt that unless we can still develop as an individual unit within the dragoons, BWC will continue to be a merc unit outside of it. Not because we're power-hungry, but because we provide a certain gaming atmosphere.
Onto lighter topics, how is the website coming along Vampyr?