During that discussion my I got the bug for doing some math and created myself a nice spreadsheet to plug in numbers and spit out the data I was looking for.
I want to continue this and check occasionally with fresh sample sets just to see what the current trend is among respondents. i know it's self selecting, and going to be limited but i'm curious to see if I can get a sample of data from at least 2000 games out of this thread.
For my part i have my stat data for ~250 games. What I request is that you post the number of times you have comes across each map since stat tracking started.
All i really need is for you to go here: Map Stats
and then list the number of matches for each map like so:
If you keep them in order I don't need anything more. Once I have a few respondents i'll run the numbers and post them here in the OP, and then update occasionally as more come in. i hope you'll help me out.
Edited by Agent of Change, 14 March 2013 - 01:03 PM.