Posted 19 March 2013 - 04:35 PM
"The Session Was Lost" crash to login screen 4x games in a row post-today's patch.
I've had this crash sporadically ever since LAST patch, but it was on the order of 2-3 crashes per night of gaming (3-5hours), not 4 games in a row. It also usually cleared itself up after an initial crash or 2, meaning after I restarted MWO clinet, and/or PC a couple of times, the error would not repeat for the remainder of the evening, or noticeably less frequently.
However, following today's patch, as mentioned, I've had 4 failed drops in a row with the error occurring about 2-5 minutes into game. I have yet to finish one game completely.
My PING is averaging sub-100, around 75avg and I have uber High-speed internet (verizon FiOS) which consistently tests as stable and uninterrupted. The same internet connection that I've had since I started playing MWO many months ago now and only since 2 patches ago have I had the SESSION LOST error. (I used to get occasional Yellow-screens or less sporadic CTD's - those are gone now, replaced with SESSION LOST.)
The error invariably happens in-game, generally within the first 5 minutes of the match (but not always).
Today I've been dropping exclusively with a Jager-DD and 4/4 matches have resulted in SESSION WAS LOST error.
Following the error, I'm booted to the login screen and I try to re-log. This results in a "Network Error" message and me having to close MWO client.
When I re-launch the MWO client, the MWO logo appears briefly on the screen, then disappears and usually nothing else happens (no game load). I then have to TASK MANAGER force close the MWOpatcher.exe program and again restart the MWO client. About 50% of the time this works, the other 50% I have to completely reboot my PC.
Yes - I've tried resetting my ISP router.
I am running on the same graphics settings as pre-patch and pre-pre-patch - the highest resolution of 1980x1020 or whatever is the highest. I have other visuals set at a mix of HIGH and VERY HIGH.
In-game I get 55-60fps consistently.
Intel i5-3570 @3.4ghz
64-bit Win 7
Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 w/ latest driver 314.07 I believe? (not the .21BETA)