I recently got the same yahoo account hacked after i joined Mechwarrior online (about 4 days) - the thing is that I use 'semi-throw away' yahoo accounts for certain things. the password was unique (pretty random) and only used on about 2 other pages and of course mechwarrior online.
The thing is, I want to buy some Mc's but after this incident I'm not sure its safe to enter my details - I have avg, spybot search and destroy and malewarebytes antimaleware installed on my machine so its pretty secure (weekly checks and updates)... oh yeah i tracked the hacker to Chile but yahoo refuses to give me his I.P adress without a court order for an investigation.
Anyone else had suspicious incidents? and if Piranha games are reading this, got anyone in Chile who has access to your databases?
Edited by Sir Ratburge, 20 March 2013 - 02:22 AM.