The DRG has an LRM-10 lock on the CPLT at range 57, minimum range for IS LRMs is 180m. CBT rules state its more difficult for a successful hit for every 30m below minimum range. How will this be translated in MWO? Will the missiles hit if the DRG fires?
I would prefer seeing the successful lock symbology over the target instead of the torso reticle. I still don't know what those 6 squares next to the aiming reticles are for.
The inclusion of a compass to the HUD. Nice, plain, simple. Shouldn't the compass reading of 33<->350 read as 330<->350 instead? Or does it mean 33 degrees west of the torso facing of 350?
I would also like to see a different HUD design for each mech especially since they are from different factions. Something that would add some flavour to each mech. A sense of immersion if you will. Comparing current real world fighter aircraft from different countries might provide some inspiration. Might also provide inspiration for the sensor/ecm/los concept as well, which is what CBT tried to emulate.
Additional information: The CPLT is nearly cored and appears to be jumping out of harm's way in the direction where its CT is masked from direct fire by the 2 DRGs and the AS7. The CTF appears to be jumping in the direction of the invisible blue team mech in the distance to the north/north west and there appears to be a red team AS7 in the distance behind the blue AS7. However, if you look at the sensor map, the CTF appears to be charging the DRG in the woods and the mech behind the blue AS7 is confused.
Edited by Tarmak, 31 May 2012 - 09:39 PM.