I know you've all been waiting for it, so here is...
cue music.
Lets take what we know.
Yes we are currently working on a 3rd person option for MWO.
Offers up a different style of gameplay and tactics.
With that being said, any speculation or suggestions that it be training grounds only or UAV (any variation thereof) are totally nullified. This is GOING to be in the game, it will be as much of an option as a Joystick or Full screen/Windowed mode.
You can't have a different style of gameplay/ tactics in the training grounds unless it seamlessly translates into the game. What would be the point of learning to pilot your mech in 3PV in the training grounds only to have to RELEARN how to pilot your mech in 1PV once you actually get in the game?
You will have the following options as a player:
Play against 1st and 3rd person players.
Play against 3rd person players only.
Play against 1st person players only.
Players can set their preference in the options menu, or during the launch phase before matchmaking.
We understand players may be concerned about matchmaking and further segmenting the player base. So are we. Before going live with a 3rd person option, we plan to investigate and solve any potential issues further fragmentation may cause.
So, again, out of the Training grounds and out of UAV (why would you set your sync to avoid people using a UAV, it would be like setting your sync to avoid people using Cap Accelerator).
To Bryan's credit, he did give them an out, saying that they are concerned about the fragmentation of the playerbase that this may cause. They have used this reason for not wanting to include TDM as a matching option.
The irony is, that they don't want to put in a feature that the
core community wants because it will fracture the playerbase, but they are willing to pursue a feature that the
core community doesn't want, which will do the EXACT same thing.
Now, to the accusations of lying/misrepresentation. Look, I get it, the game evolves and sometimes you have to go back and reevaluate your stance on a position. So, I'm not in that camp. What's bothering me is how completely schizophrenic this message is coming out. You have this post from Bryan saying "This feature is happening" but you have posts from staff members saying "This will be a camera option in Training grounds" in response to "Tweetgate"
You (as a company) have created so much confusion on the topic with contradictions and by being beyond cryptic with your plans for it, it's no wonder that (for once, I understand why) the community is apoplectic. Add to that, making an announcement before you have to abandon it for the weekend, leaving it unguided and over-moderated until your return from PAX is just plain irresponsible. If this is supposed to be your baby, you just forgot it at the hospital when you drove your wife home. Should have said, "We have a major announcement about this (in regards to Tweetgate) that will be addressed when I return from PAX". Let the forum speculate, not rage, in your absence.
The analysis on those who voted, showed that the majority of votes came from a very narrow demographic of our player base. And while they represent some of core players, they did not necessarily represent the opinion of the general user base. The majority of our players never visit, post, or read the forum content, so the poll could be considered weighted in favour of a specific demographic.
Since the majority of players who have an issue with 3rd person come generally from the core players, we elected to address this issue via this forum post to collect all of the concerns and ideas that this group faces or has with 3rd person.
So, we know you don't want it, but help us figure out how to implement it?
We did an analysis of our data and found that players in general were having a hard time learning how to control their BattleMechs. We spent time studying their behaviours, observing, and then formulated a series of improvements. You have already seen some of them (new user controls). We did some market research, looked at the target demographic that we engaged initially but did not retain (played a few matches and left), and found that many players were not able to easily grasp the concepts of their `Mech, especially movement. 3rd person will help solve some of these issues, along with a new UI, training and testing grounds, and other features coming down the pipeline.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to get in touch with those players, since they would be the demographic you are targeting with this? I don't know, maybe you have and you're trying to get a consensus of what would bring people (back) while not alienating your
core community. From what I see in the polls, these are for the most part, mutually exclusive camps. On this topic, you are a pilgrim in an unholy land. Those who are against 3rd person are VEHEMENTLY against it.
Honestly, I don't see how you're going to pull this off by making 3rd Person a usable feature that doesn't drastically segment the matchmaking pool. I used to be a Pollyanna Cheerleader for you guys, but the way this is being handled, I now have my doubts.