LordBraxton, on 26 March 2013 - 01:26 PM, said:
THE POLL WAS LIKE 5000 AGAINST and only ~300 FOR 3rd person.
If this was IGPs doing tell us so we can hate them rightly instead of you.
You have a misconception of what the "entire community" is. These forums are not the "entire community".
And even if these forums were the "entire community" (which it is not), that poll is still not the "entire" forum.
Want to see history repeating itself?
From last year:
DirePhoenix, on 19 November 2012 - 10:35 PM, said:
Merovigian, on 19 November 2012 - 07:22 PM, said:
>That totally explains the 91.5% saying no to the idea.
>Immediately, people start lining up to suck **** for the 3rd person.
>First page on this thread, not the last 2 95+ page threads, will be treated as the "fans' response".
>Prove me wrong.
First the 91.5% you are getting from the opinion poll only represents 1% of the total playerbase (~4,000 inputs from a playerbase of ~400,000 registered users). So 91.5% of 1% of the playerbase has polled (this isn't a vote) with a negative opinion of third-person views in this game. 8.5% of 1% have voted otherwise, while 99% haven't voted at all. "Representative Samples" don't mean squat here. You can't even get anything close to a representative sample in a poll where people can elect to take part or not. Selective polls like the ones you see on these forums DO. NOT. represent anything other than the people that participate in them.
That being said, *I* do not want a third person combat view. However, I am not closed off to ideas on how to create solutions for the problems people seem to be having being stuck in a first-person in-cockpit view. I've already stated elsewhere a method to employ a non-combat, in-game third person optional view that would allow users to see their 'mech and get their bearings (as well as take awesome screenshots of themselves), that would not "break the game".
However, all of this is probably useless anyway, as Garth said several times already (and people keep ignoring):
Garth Erlam, on 19 November 2012 - 02:51 PM, said:
A: Apparently not, as we said we're looking at whether or not 3rd person would work, and people took that to mean not only had we already decided, but that we're actively adding it now. [Garth]
EDIT: As of this posting, 23% (157) of the 686 posts in this thread come from only 18 individuals. You may want to check where the posts are coming from in those other "huge" threads. Thread size and post counts do not necessarily correlate to "popular opinion", even among just the forum participants (which like I said earlier do not necessarily represent the actual community).
And then again:
DirePhoenix, on 21 November 2012 - 08:25 AM, said:
Sound Reason, on 20 November 2012 - 09:41 PM, said:
Actually, yes. Only the "superhardcore nerds" even look at the forums, let alone post in them. Take another look at that poll: Less than 4000 people gave inputs. Look at the total amount of registered players: ~400,000. That means only 1% of the total playerbase has given an opinion on this topic. That 90% figure that you cling so desperately to is only 90% of 1%. Or rather, 0.9% of the playerbase have polled negatively against a third person view, 0.1% have polled otherwise, and 99.0% of the playerbase has not given an opinion at all.
As I've said elsewhere in this thread, the polls you see on these forums are absolutely useless for any type of statistics. There is no such thing as a "Representative Sample" when it comes to polls that people can choose whether or not they participate, or are even aware that they are being polled (the simple fact that they are aware that they are being polled can create bias). Let me say this another way that will hopefully be clearer:
Self-selected samples are almost inevitably biased and are, at best, a form of entertainment. They CANNOT be trusted as a source of information about the population as a whole.
And that was not even considering that not all players of MWO are showing up on the "Total Members" display. So there are more people than are even showing up in this figure that aren't even using the forums to be counted as "registered users". What does that mean? It means that the 1% of registered users even participating in that poll is actually EVEN SMALLER and LESS REPRESENTATIVE than an already non-representative poll can even show.