Bluten, on 21 March 2013 - 10:00 PM, said:
Crap damage is fine if you can actually FIRE THE GUNS.
DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE ECM ALREADY. Make the user of a BAP ignore ECMs. Then you'd make this device worthwhile and balance that one at the same time! Shocking, I know!
I'd be in favor of increasing the TAG range to 1000m. It's an acceptable way to break ECM (BAP actually helps considerably if you combine it with TAG to get locks - the synergy basically means the TAG breaks the ECM and then the BAP gets a far faster lock, allowing you to get shots easily) but 750m is tough. That's why I was utilizing fast medium platforms before the nerf, because it would allow you to stay in the "sweet spot" between minimum and 750 and deliver TAG+Artemis rounds that'd hit for a ton of damage. Indirect fire in the last patch seemed almost like a waste without a gimmick 'mech.
EDIT: Speaking of ECM, I do have a huge problem with the "double dip" advantage against LRMs. Confusing targeting is bad, but also shutting their lock down entirely (not even wire guided) the second ECM is nearby is just plain frustrating and bad. It's also among the biggest drawbacks to LRMs and one more reason they are in the trash pile.
Hammer Hands, on 21 March 2013 - 09:59 PM, said:
What do you consider serious league battles? 8 Mans staged against other clans? Yep, done it and pounded them into scrap. It's not a one shot win, it adds to the overall strategy and tactics of the unit using them. It forces the enemy to do what you want and can easily be used to direct them the path you want because you block avenues they would try to use. Granted it's better on some maps than others. River City is just a *****. Right now, though in the upper battles its all about the ECM. Which is a whole other room of killer bees to bring up.
Though your replies to my posts prove you aren't some addle brained elitist rage screamer.
I was thinking more ranked battles in some sort of ladder or league, than a skirmish. I will note that occasionally LRM 'mechs can be an effective sucker punch in the previous patch (probably even in this one), to throw one in being totally out of character for your team and catch them unprepared.
It's still a pretty wild gamble and I don't think most units would be inclined to do that if they had anything on the line, though, aside from just another fight.
ECM is a big reason for it too, though, like you say. ECM causes problems on most maps, really.
PS: Do you still feel your tactics are viable now that LRMs do a notable amount less damage than they did when you used them last?
Edited by Victor Morson, 21 March 2013 - 10:08 PM.