Pater Mors, on 21 March 2013 - 11:02 PM, said:
I'll admit, I was blunt to throw a bucket of cold water on the issue. That doesn't mean I was not truthful, or that bluntness was not called for.
Pater Mors, on 21 March 2013 - 11:02 PM, said:
I would be more than fine with that. I don't want any credit for this. I'm not even asking to be polled. If this resulted in them contacting some top tier players and say that, then as far as I'm concerned, this thread succeeded beyond my wildest dreams for it.
Pater Mors, on 21 March 2013 - 11:02 PM, said:
I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield so I can see how your 'top tier' status likes my lasers.
I'm an experienced player - veteran even - and I've played with and actively communicate with the top tier, but I've never once attempted to sell myself as top tier or that my suggestions should be listened to at face value. There is a reason I've not proposed sweeping LRM changes here, and instead focused on pointing out flaws or liking other ideas put forward. I'm not attempting to tell them how to balance things.
I'm pleading that before they implement balance changes, they talk to the top players and get their perspective and input first. "Nerf LRMs" would positively not be something that they would recommend.
Again, polling top players and teams is something AAA companies just do. It's expected of them. Having a few VERY top players as consultants of sorts is also very common. These ideas are not things I am pulling out of nowhere, or putting forth as a grand revelation. They are industry standard practice that would benefit MW:O greatly. That is all.
EDIT: Do you read many developer postmortems? Everytime the topic of multiplayer is brought up, inexperienced devs very often cite this kind of reactionary balance patching as something they did "wrong." They also almost never repeat the process in sequels, opting for the methods I've talked about here instead.
I cannot stress at all that inexperienced pugs doesn't mean stupid or terrible. It means they lack knowledge and insight that is required to properly criticize things they don't fully understand, based on incorrect information.
Iacov, on 21 March 2013 - 11:21 PM, said:
very good advice xD
Again, do you want the chef in your restaurant listening to the feedback of every patron that eats there, or a select few critics or other professionals? Everyone's going to have a different taste and you'll end up with a bland mishmash of crap that way.
By insuring top players are helping balance these weapons, you also insure inexperienced players have a rewarding experience to learn and improve upon, not a dumbed down one with limited options.
I'm saying to stop listening to the crowd, and start listening to the kinds of folks who memorized every unlisted spec for every weapon they use. They're the ones that have valuable performance feedback and you can filter out the "background noise."
EDIT: Also because someone has learned to get around a crappy computer doesn't mean they're somehow better (seriously?) than a disciplined and coordinated 8 man drop team.
Edited by Victor Morson, 22 March 2013 - 12:16 AM.