Ranzear, on 22 March 2013 - 01:46 PM, said:
Part of the problem is trying to fit just one weapon type, or trying to fit two of something for symmetry, or trying to fit only the largest things tonnage will allow. This is a terrible way to build a mech.
Can also adapt this build:
If your brain can't handle four weapon groups and their overlapping ranges, don't play Mechwarrior.
yes but what if i want to be the guy who specificly hunts those who are either Weak at a specific range or sub par at all ranges?
Ranzear, on 22 March 2013 - 02:01 PM, said:
Not that I disagree, but 'says the guy using case with an XL engine when he could put that six tons of ammo in legs and CT instead'.
Dual AC20 is so uninspired though. The lack of range just kills it with the advent of Desert and Alpine.
"It has six ballistic hardpoints, I must fill them" is the most noobish way to fit a mech, ever.
ummm whats the point of the hardpoints if there are ZERO viable builds for them? 3 ppc and machine guns i dont consider viable because it requires you to get in their face (which the jegars arent particiarly good at)
and any other build to use all 6 hardpoints requires gutting the engine....
while i like the mechs as a whole, i am very disppointed in the DD i wanted a Ballistics dedicated power house instead i got a mech with a weapons belt that it cant even lift.....
and no i dont mean i wanted some OP death machine, but it woudl be nice to have some viable builds that are unique to the DD and to be able to fill all its hardpoints with SOMETHING useful without gimping the mech.
before you argue Look at any other mech that focus's on one weapon type they all have a variety of loadouts that make full use of the criticals.
maybe if the AC/2 was lighter (i know i know TT fans would rage) or very least you got more ammo so you could save a few tons there. but would that break other mechs that have plenty of ballistic hard points?