Moonsavage, on 23 March 2013 - 11:15 AM, said:
Raven is still too tough imho - I went at a Raven, aiming purely for it's legs, with my 90pkh 3xSRM6 2ML CN-9A and by the time I had stripped the leg armour from the Raven, I had no arms, no shoulders and one of my legs had gone.
It's not just about damage output, it's also about how little damage the damn things take from most weapons.
Still with the hitboxes.
Sorry, but you must be missing your shots. Not to mention that all missiles are weak right now.\
Also the fact that the last patch added a slight lagshield effect back into the game. I figured that out fighting 1v1 in my 4X Vs a spider. Had to aim about 1 mech length in front of it to land hits.
I die in my ravens(NOT just the 3L i take my RVN-4X out just as much) pretty regularly. Like if i swerve wrong and give someone a straight shot on me i die, or lose a leg, almost instantly. I get one shot by SRM, LRM, and large caliber AC's. But don't get me wrong, i still put out significant damage. And people who miss their shots on me? They die in short order, or i am harassing someone else while they try in vain to catch up.
Want to kill ravens? Stay with your team or buy a Jenner.
If you are trying to 1v1 a light while you are in ANY OTHER WEIGHT are doing it wrong. They will out-maneuver you, and wear you down and kill you, every time. Well...if the light pilot is any good that is.
All this QQ about Ravens....can't wait to see the rage when Flea's start owning Atlai.
Edited by Xendojo, 23 March 2013 - 11:41 AM.