Kahoumono, on 24 March 2013 - 07:50 PM, said:
Everything is about boating in this game and I think that is where they are going about it wrong. Anything over 30-40 missles should travel in such a tight pack they should be easily taken out by AMS or they need to launched sequentially in salvos. The same applies for point and aim weapons, there should be an optimal range for weapon convergence anything other than that the weapons should hit slightly different marks. Those two suggestions may be hard to implement so like I have suggested in quite a few threads just introduce diminishing damage for stacked weapon fire. This will allow for longer and more intense battles and those with skill to manage multiple weapons.
I;m using a Bucket-J, with a LRM 15 (+ Arti) a ER large and 2 medlas. +Tag
Assuming I don't corner directly into an atlas, i'm averaging about 300 damage a match.
Only 2 tons of LRM ammo... most times I don't even use all of that. Not too bad fro a medium mech.
I usually hang near heavies/assault. soften baddies up and run backup.
I've found recently that lights often get focused on the big fatty targets, or end up in circle duels at cap points in CQ.
It is pretty easy to be outside 150 and shoot in on them. So I sit behind the fatties, or I trail scouts to first cap points in CQ.
If they turn on me, the person I'm with can shoot them up the same way.
I'm not much for lobbing missiles over things. I prefer to shoot down on stuff. The arm LRM launcher on my bucket-N is great for hitting people when I'm going at a dead run.
I'm Ok where LRMs and SRMs are now,
They work ok with a mix of weapons. Which is where the game should be... not the how many LRMs/SRMs can I stack on my boat game.
Edited by Traigus, 24 March 2013 - 08:20 PM.