Postal0311, on 27 March 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:
Is it worth going to a smaller engine for more tonnage?
Looks good to me except for Artemis. Be it a bug or not, afaik, putting Artemis on a 'mech with streaks still halves their lock on time. It costs no tons or crits. Just c-bills. If you wanted you could drop a jump jet, downgrade to a 295XL to pick up an extra heatsink and the cost of a bit of jump distance and speed. Whichever fits your taste, really.
Postal0311, on 27 March 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:
Sometimes I strip more armor and throw in a CASE. However I'd rather have a third Med Laser.
3rd medium laser? Well, it'll involve stripping some armor, obviously, but it's a question of how much. You can strip a half ton off the arms and legs pretty easily. At that point it becomes a question of stripping more armor, or downgrading the engine. Both work. Stripping more armor for the left torso, that is completely empty and nobody cares to shoot at because it doesn't have your gauss in it, is really not a big deal.
Or you can keep that side torso armored and lose a couple/few KPH.
Postal0311, on 27 March 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:
I don't see any way to further improve it, please prove me wrong.
I don't see anywhere that I can just improve it, unfortunately. I think, though, that slowing it down could help it out. Dropping 10kph lets you pick up 2 more DHS, which will help a lot with trying to fire those lasers. Worth your consideration, I think. That's the best I got for it, I'm afraid.
Postal0311, on 27 March 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:
Shaving a ton of armor off the arms lets you upgrade the SRM4 to and SRM6, more firepower and you don't have to deal with them unsyncing while firing. Also, while the arms are an okay place to store ammo it's really more of a last resort. Ammo doesn't need to all be in the same place. Spreading it around really is safer. (As crazy as that might seem.)
Postal0311, on 27 March 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:
Hmm... There is quite a bit of unneeded armor on the left side of the mech. Shaving some off frees up a ton for a heatsink, maybe. Or if you are feeling brave you could shave off enough to upgrade your engine to a 265.