That's conceptually very similar to my favourite 733C build. 2 UAC5's in the arm are brutally effective at all ranges; essentially a stupidly fast firing low heat PPC.
I never use anywhere near that much ammo, though, particularly the SRM ammo. YMMV, but I think you'd be very safe pulling some off. I've found I don't spend that much time up close and personal in SRM range - either my opponents or I am dead long before that.
I'd recommend trying:
A Large Laser instead of the two mediums because it's more heat efficient per damage done, and does comparable damage to the two mediums. Further, it has comparable reach to the UAC5's, and synergizes very well with them - the two UAC5's will get 4 shots in the burn time of the laser, and ideally 4 more right after, leaving you with a 3s CD time on the laser to go with the 5s UAC unjam.
I stripped off one ton of UAC5 ammo and 2 of SRM ammo. Moved the ton of UAC5 ammo to the CT - this is normally something the scares people, but you'll use it up first so with two UAC5's it'll be gone long before anyone strips your CT armor. Put a ton of SRM ammo into your head - you'll consume less of the SRM ammo early as it stays till close in brawling, and your head is the single safest place for ammo to be.
Padded the SRM ammo in the LT with two DHS. There's one more DHS than your build, BTW - it does the same damage, generates less heat and dissipates more.
Cut the leg armor a bit. Nobody wastes time legging HGN's.
This allowed the following b
More defensive piloting time, more heat efficient, more long range firepower without hurting close in combat ability. It's a beast
My variant:
HGN-733C sports 2 LL's along with the UAC5's, for a lovely potential 58 damage in 1.1s. I drop down to SRM4's and shave more left arm armor to accomplish that, so I do focus more of the mech on it's right side - which is both an advantage and disadvantage - you can better use the SRM side as a shield, but you're vulnerable to RT damage.
But... those UAC5's and LL's really wreck ****.
Edited by Wintersdark, 02 August 2013 - 08:46 PM.