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P!mp My Ride {Mech Optimization Thread}

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#961 Pliskkenn D


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 10:00 AM

View PostPliskkenn D, on 11 April 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:

So, the Ultra AC/5 is great, but when it comes to using it at under 300m, I'm not so great at leading with it. SRM is great for packing that little extra smack when someone gets too close but again, leading with it is a trick I'm still learning. Half way to affording my 1C Chassis, but due to the requirement for a slightly larger engine, it'll be a while before I can make the most of it.


Slight tiny tweak to my 5N. Found that once I'd gotten the trick to firing my Ultra, I was spending ammo a fair bit quicker. I'd also been reading up on SRM and people found that 4 were usually more accurate that 6. As I'm having trouble making the most of my connections and occasionally forgetting to Override my temp in tight moments, figured this would help.

Jus tthought I'd put a little tid bit in and say I finally Mastered with this loadout. Apart from the occasional and complete durp, I do consistantly well enough in this.

View PostPliskkenn D, on 10 April 2013 - 07:49 AM, said:

I'm glad you understand my madn-I mean ambition! Cheers!

As for the 1C. I'm enjoying my mental build even if it's not ideal, but sometimes you just got to have fun.


I'm still trying to find a 1N build I don't hate.

#962 spectrefang


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:24 PM

I am currently running a BJ-1x

I'm thinking using this as the final load out


#963 Wintersdark


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 06:16 PM


Moved the two torso lasers to MPL's. You can't group fire 8 ML's anyways; your engine is already maxed. Added Endosteel to make room.

Alternatively, go Small Lasers or Small Pulse Lasers for the torso lasers, and use the added tonnage to max your armor, get another heat sink (put in the engine).

Or, a little more extreme, BJ-1X will max your armor out, drop the two center torso mediums in favour of a single ERLL for long range fire.

I should point out, if you're not interested in the extended range, using a LL in the torso instead of two medium lasers will do comparable damage as your 8ML build with less heat generation even before the heat scaling penalty is factored in. One LL is more heat efficient per damage done than two ML's. And even a regular LL gives you a bit more "reach out and touch" power.

Edited by Wintersdark, 02 August 2013 - 06:17 PM.

#964 spectrefang


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 06:35 PM

Thank you, the heat generation was a little ridiculous. I think i'll go with the LL. I don't need the range as much as the heat generation.

#965 UAC5


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:58 PM

Hello, here is my precious. HGN-733C

I am interested in any suggestions regarding ammo and ammo placement. Cheers

#966 Baozi


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:32 PM

Hey all, got two HGN-733C builds for you to look at.

Some quick notes: I don't mind having an XL engine in the Highlander (I've died to side torso explosions only a few times; the center torso is huge!), and I would prefer to have a maxed out engine in order to have the most possible twisting capability possible, but if an engine size decrease is necessary, that would be acceptable. If the XL Engine in one of them can be changed to an equivalent STD engine with no problems, that would be acceptable as well.

Oh, and at least 1 Jump Jet must be present; gotta have that mobility!

The first one is an AC20, 2MLas, 3SRM6, 2 JJ, AMS build, with an XL325. Maxed out armor.


The second one is roughly the same thing, but with 2 Large Lasers instead of the mediums to give it more of a "punch", and really get the most out of those two energy weapon slots.


There's an awful lot of empty space left in this one due to not having Endo-Steel that bugs me. Maybe I should downsize the engine?

Any help at all would be appreciated. <_<

Edited by Baozi, 02 August 2013 - 08:34 PM.

#967 The Mechromancer


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:38 PM


What I am hoping for:

-1 JJ is all I need/want

-I need to at least go 70kmph, (with speed mod)

-No armor can be removed from the torso.

-STD engine is preferred, but it sounds like the Victors are pretty safe with XL, so that's ok if need be.


Is it possible?

Edited by The Mechromancer, 02 August 2013 - 08:50 PM.

#968 Wintersdark


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:40 PM

That's conceptually very similar to my favourite 733C build. 2 UAC5's in the arm are brutally effective at all ranges; essentially a stupidly fast firing low heat PPC.

I never use anywhere near that much ammo, though, particularly the SRM ammo. YMMV, but I think you'd be very safe pulling some off. I've found I don't spend that much time up close and personal in SRM range - either my opponents or I am dead long before that.

I'd recommend trying: HGN-733C

A Large Laser instead of the two mediums because it's more heat efficient per damage done, and does comparable damage to the two mediums. Further, it has comparable reach to the UAC5's, and synergizes very well with them - the two UAC5's will get 4 shots in the burn time of the laser, and ideally 4 more right after, leaving you with a 3s CD time on the laser to go with the 5s UAC unjam.

I stripped off one ton of UAC5 ammo and 2 of SRM ammo. Moved the ton of UAC5 ammo to the CT - this is normally something the scares people, but you'll use it up first so with two UAC5's it'll be gone long before anyone strips your CT armor. Put a ton of SRM ammo into your head - you'll consume less of the SRM ammo early as it stays till close in brawling, and your head is the single safest place for ammo to be.

Padded the SRM ammo in the LT with two DHS. There's one more DHS than your build, BTW - it does the same damage, generates less heat and dissipates more.

Cut the leg armor a bit. Nobody wastes time legging HGN's.

This allowed the following benefits:
More defensive piloting time, more heat efficient, more long range firepower without hurting close in combat ability. It's a beast <_<

My variant: HGN-733C sports 2 LL's along with the UAC5's, for a lovely potential 58 damage in 1.1s. I drop down to SRM4's and shave more left arm armor to accomplish that, so I do focus more of the mech on it's right side - which is both an advantage and disadvantage - you can better use the SRM side as a shield, but you're vulnerable to RT damage.

But... those UAC5's and LL's really wreck ****.

Edited by Wintersdark, 02 August 2013 - 08:46 PM.

#969 Wintersdark


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:56 PM

View PostThe Mechromancer, on 02 August 2013 - 08:38 PM, said:


What I am hoping for:

-1 JJ is all I need/want

-I need to at least go 70kmph, (with speed mod)

-No armor can be removed from the torso.

-STD engine is preferred, but it sounds like the Victors are pretty safe with XL, so that's ok if need be.


Is it possible?

Erf, if you must run 3 LPL's, remember not to alpha strike with them. You're capped at two large laser weapons (LL, LPL, ERLL), with 3 you'll generate a whole lot of extra heat unless you chain fire.

You could do this: DRAGON SLAYER

I don't think it's a strong build, really, but meets your requirements. It'll be really hot, and you'll be chainfiring those LPL's most of the time.

Note that I'd move the armor much more front-facing, reducing the rear armor - I just never bother adjusting front/rear ratios in smurfy's.

#970 PureGremlin


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:26 PM


This is what I've been using, once I decided I had to try out using an AC/20 on my FB. Is there something more efficient than the AC/2 for engaging beyond AC/20 range, which I call about 500m? I've tried it with 4 MLs for backup, but settled on the 2 MPLs for now.

#971 Royalewithcheese


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 05:32 PM

View Postlimedisease, on 09 August 2013 - 05:26 PM, said:

Is there something more efficient than the AC/2 for engaging beyond AC/20 range, which I call about 500m?

PPC maybe? Bonus: just enough tonnage and slots for another DHS ;)


#972 PureGremlin


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Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:54 AM

OK, thanks for that tip. I was kinda ignoring the PPC b/c they just make me think of heat issues, but it was ok. I find I really just dont like the XL engine on the JM6 platform, I find I get LT/RT too much.

I'm trying this out now, and I like it after a few drops. FIREBRAND-2PPC,2LL,2MG
Once I get some PPC hits in and soften up the target I like to close and just open up with LL and MGs. I chose not to bring ER PPCs b/c of heat and it forces me not to use them at point blank, which means I don't overheat. If I swap the PPC for LPL, will I get a heat penalty if I fire them in pairs, or is it just for being installed together?FIREBRAND-2LL,2LPL,2MG

#973 NikitaCrocuta


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:51 PM

Hello, I am rather pleased with my current setup, she runs well for me, but often I have this nagging of "Am I doing it wrong?" in the back of my mind, especially after pathetic losses, any input would be appreciated.


#974 Wintersdark


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:59 PM

I see your hunchie, and I give you:
Sporting increased cooling efficiency, slightly more leg armor and higher speed.

Artemis is of debatable value these days, because it no longer extends the "useful range" of SRM's.  They spread to whatever their maximum spread will be inside around 50m.  It does tighten that spread, but not a whole lot.  

You'll struggle to use 3 tons of ammo with two launchers, and Hunchbacks are already kind of slow for mediums.  You really don't want to be any slower than you have to, so I'm very strongly of the opinion that you're better off with a STD260 as the very first thing you put on the mech.

If you're really set on Arty, you can drop a pair of DHS for it... But I'd keep the 260.  You need to get in and out as fast as possible.

Edited by Wintersdark, 11 August 2013 - 07:03 PM.

#975 NikitaCrocuta


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 07:16 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 11 August 2013 - 06:59 PM, said:

I see your hunchie, and I give you:

Thank you, its been a while since I actively played, and only just came back a few days ago running my old build.
I was unaware Artemis had been changed and will try to find the info on pros/cons of using it and I'll def. look into the faster engine as well, I always assumed a few kph difference wouldn't matter and never looked at it.

As for so much ammo, I tended to miss.. a ton, lol.. Though these days it seems easier to hit things, so I'll try to let go of some of the explosives :(
-edit: I will also limit myself to a two tons on my current hunchie, and make sure I'm okay with so few shots-

Edited by NikitaCrocuta, 11 August 2013 - 07:23 PM.

#976 Wintersdark


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Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:31 PM

View PostNikitaCrocuta, on 11 August 2013 - 07:16 PM, said:

Thank you, its been a while since I actively played, and only just came back a few days ago running my old build.
I was unaware Artemis had been changed and will try to find the info on pros/cons of using it and I'll def. look into the faster engine as well, I always assumed a few kph difference wouldn't matter and never looked at it.

As for so much ammo, I tended to miss.. a ton, lol.. Though these days it seems easier to hit things, so I'll try to let go of some of the explosives :(
-edit: I will also limit myself to a two tons on my current hunchie, and make sure I'm okay with so few shots-

It's a good habit to get into, really, to fire less often but with shots that are more likely to hit. Hold your fire, take good shots rather than hope-and-prayer shots.


1) You conserve ammo. Less tonnage in ammo = more of something that's useful
2) You conserve heat. This means you have more heat capacity available for when you need to sustain fire. This is what wins you brawls - the guy who hits heat cap first (and god forbid, overheats) loses.
3) You don't announce your presence unnecessarily. Other enemies who can't see you may see your missile fire and converge to assist their friend/hunt you quicker; and it's obviously better whenever possible to have your foe become aware something is amiss because he's being hit rather than seeing missiles explode around him.
4) It's a mindset that really helps defeat defensive piloting. If you're used to firing whenever you might hit someone, you do a lot of damage but little useful damage. You spread damage all over your opponent instead of where it needs to be. This buys them time to cut you down.

One of the best things that improved my gunnery was taking only 2 tons of AC20 ammo per AC20 on my mechs. It really made me buckle down and aim.

#977 ZeProme


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Posted 30 September 2013 - 10:42 AM

Hello all!

I'm back again with another build I wish you all to consider. Recently, I was in a drop with Koniving with his ROFLPULT so I wanted to spice things up and help escort his ROFLPULT in battle.

With this, I present to you all this RVN-3L build: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...7bf0b03f6b14af7

Here's my reasoning with this build.

LRM 5 will help drain the enemies' AMS making it futile for the enemies to withstand Koniving's volley of fire. After a series of launching the missiles, the enemies should have little to no AMS ammo left.
TAG will obviously help the ROFLPULT because the ROFLPULT has all missiles with no energy hardpoints. It is essential that I help him accurately lay supressing fire on the enemy.
AMS to protect both me and Koniving cause his ROFLPULT has barely any armor which is close to the amount the Commando has.
2MLs for close to mid range protection against an other light mechs.
ECM for stealth so that other LRMs can't aim at us :)
Streak 2 just for added protection against pesky lights :)
XL 265 cause that's the only available engine I have ATM.

Tell me what you think about this build. Thanks!

#978 tib3r


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Posted 30 September 2013 - 11:19 PM

Here are my three, the Bad Neighbors as my friend IRL jokingly calls them:

JM6-A "Ace"

JM6-DD "Dog"

JM6-S "Shark"

The armor distros are not the same as they are on there haha.

View PostZeProme, on 30 September 2013 - 10:42 AM, said:

Hello all!

I'm back again with another build I wish you all to consider. Recently, I was in a drop with Koniving with his ROFLPULT so I wanted to spice things up and help escort his ROFLPULT in battle.

With this, I present to you all this RVN-3L build: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...7bf0b03f6b14af7

Here's my reasoning with this build.

LRM 5 will help drain the enemies' AMS making it futile for the enemies to withstand Koniving's volley of fire. After a series of launching the missiles, the enemies should have little to no AMS ammo left.
TAG will obviously help the ROFLPULT because the ROFLPULT has all missiles with no energy hardpoints. It is essential that I help him accurately lay supressing fire on the enemy.
AMS to protect both me and Koniving cause his ROFLPULT has barely any armor which is close to the amount the Commando has.
2MLs for close to mid range protection against an other light mechs.
ECM for stealth so that other LRMs can't aim at us :o
Streak 2 just for added protection against pesky lights :P
XL 265 cause that's the only available engine I have ATM.

Tell me what you think about this build. Thanks!

Drop the FF and you will be golden.

Save you some money!

#979 Moonraven83


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Posted 01 October 2013 - 01:18 AM

tib3r those C.A.S.E. won't save your ***. If your ammo explodes your complete ST goes boom and
with it your XL-engine. C.A.S.E. just prefends the explosion to move to your CT.

JM6-A "Ace" MKII
JM6-S "Shark" MKII

reallocated ammo
shifted armor more to the front
removed C.A.S.E., saving on tonnage used to get bigger engine

Edited by Moonraven83, 01 October 2013 - 01:20 AM.

#980 Shaftronics


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Posted 01 October 2013 - 02:15 AM

Try this catapult...


Direct Fire with an indirect fire support. Try not to change the weapon loadout, because if you were to reccomend Large Lasers instead...

Then it would be this; CPLT-S1

Just wondering if people have any opinions on what they would switch or change.

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