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P!mp My Ride {Mech Optimization Thread}

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#401 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:05 AM

View PostWilklaus30, on 02 April 2013 - 06:50 AM, said:

yeah I like the idea of the better laser, but occasionally I will use up that ammo, not often, but sometimes so it'll have to be a judgement call but I think ill pick up that laser only because when those ECMs come in i can only shoot the laser and it really weakens me.

just so ya know, if you do put in an ecm, you can set it to disrupt the effect of other ecm mechs, letting you use your ssrm, you think ecms are cheap (i do 2) so why not stop everyone from use them?

i recommend trying out the laser then making the decision, nothing beats good ol trial and error

#402 Xumed


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:36 AM

How about this Jenner? JR7-D


I initially bout it to try as a harrassing LRM light as I was killed by one quite nicely and so I though I would try it. But correct me if I am wrong but the missle only shoot 4 at a time even if you ahve a LRM 15.

So I thought to try the annoyance upclose with Streaks. Noone likes to be smacked around by missles while they are turning to chase a Jenner.

Thoughts? I couldn't see a good way to use all the tonnage...

#403 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:46 AM

View PostXumed, on 02 April 2013 - 07:36 AM, said:

How about this Jenner? JR7-D


I initially bout it to try as a harrassing LRM light as I was killed by one quite nicely and so I though I would try it. But correct me if I am wrong but the missle only shoot 4 at a time even if you ahve a LRM 15.

So I thought to try the annoyance upclose with Streaks. Noone likes to be smacked around by missles while they are turning to chase a Jenner.

Thoughts? I couldn't see a good way to use all the tonnage...

well, the number beside amount of missile hard points is how many missiles each launcher can shoot at once, so you can launch up to 8 missile at once with 2 launchers, so if you put in lrm5 launchers, there would be 8 missile then another 2 coming out of the mech

anyways, with that set-up i can do this:
moved ammo into the legs and removed case, so now you have 1 ton to play with for more ammo and stuff(if you are getting shot in the legs without any armor on, your done anyway)

took a little bit of armor off

#404 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:51 AM

hm, managed to put in a 205 engine, but it won't let me put in another double hs :/
since it wont let me put in another hs, for the same heat eff, you could put in a 210 engine

#405 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 08:02 AM

View PostXumed, on 02 April 2013 - 07:36 AM, said:

How about this Jenner? JR7-D


I initially bout it to try as a harrassing LRM light as I was killed by one quite nicely and so I though I would try it. But correct me if I am wrong but the missle only shoot 4 at a time even if you ahve a LRM 15.

So I thought to try the annoyance upclose with Streaks. Noone likes to be smacked around by missles while they are turning to chase a Jenner.

Thoughts? I couldn't see a good way to use all the tonnage...

exactly, you should take off the ferro armor (its not like a jenner has that much armor weighing it down) and put in an xl engine
runs cooler, faster, or you can always go back down to a 200 engine and put in stronger weapons or something

#406 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 08:11 AM

meant actually, not exactly

#407 Xumed


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 08:29 AM

Great improvements on the other 2 mechs guys. thanks!

Here is amy Raven with ECM... I am not sure about this one as 1 Missle is (6) and 1 Missle is (1)

So do I put a SRM 6 and a SRM 2 or SSRM 2?

Also Do I go for a large laser or Medium is best bang for buck/ton?



#408 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 08:32 AM

View PostXumed, on 02 April 2013 - 08:29 AM, said:

Great improvements on the other 2 mechs guys. thanks!

Here is amy Raven with ECM... I am not sure about this one as 1 Missle is (6) and 1 Missle is (1)

So do I put a SRM 6 and a SRM 2 or SSRM 2?

Also Do I go for a large laser or Medium is best bang for buck/ton?



ill take a look,just for reference, medium laser has a better dmg per to ratio then large laser, since 5 mediums weigh as much as a large laser, i only recommend larges when you either want a longer range weapon, or you just have that much tonnage to play around with, like you would with an assault mech

mediums are often considering the best all around weapon ammo/tonnage/heat/dmg wise

#409 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 08:55 AM

View PostXumed, on 02 April 2013 - 08:29 AM, said:

Great improvements on the other 2 mechs guys. thanks!

Here is amy Raven with ECM... I am not sure about this one as 1 Missle is (6) and 1 Missle is (1)

So do I put a SRM 6 and a SRM 2 or SSRM 2?

Also Do I go for a large laser or Medium is best bang for buck/ton?



that 1 missile at a time thing would make it a little awkward for an srm6, so i put in a streak, a bigger engine, and another heat sink
if you don't want the streaks, or feel you don't need them, you can remove the streak and put in bigger engine/more hs
here it is with my basic changes over your design
4.5 tons to play around with, as well as more critical slots, and i removed everything from one arm and reduced the armor down to 16 just so it can absorb some dmg for you, you should bring back up some if you put a missile launcher or something in there

up to you what to do from there
remember, alway choose xl engine over ferro armor in a light mech, they don't have much armor, but they have a lot of tonnage taken up by the engine, and an xl engine takes up less space then ferro

#410 Xumed


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:37 AM

And now for the Jaggerbomb


I don't know if I should drop the Lasers for more Ammo or not. I could always switch to 4 x Ultra AC/5s...hmmmm


#411 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 02:23 PM

with htose weapons, not much optimization can be done

but, for the tonnage of the mediums you can actually put in 4 small laserz, which are stronger then regular mediums, and they would work well since dual ac/20 jagers tend to get in close anyway
i removed the ams, not worth it right now after the patch imo, and i added one hs (heat eff went down still because of the 4 small laserz) as well as another ton of ammo the mech is slower by 1.4 kph, but has higher max and sustained dps, as well as a higher alpha
i also took off some armor here and there

keep in mind the small laserz have a shorter shot duration then mediums, so you can get in the dmg faster, and they also recycle faster
only real downside of going to 4 small laserz are more heat and shorter range

#412 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 02:28 PM

View PostXumed, on 02 April 2013 - 11:37 AM, said:

And now for the Jaggerbomb


I don't know if I should drop the Lasers for more Ammo or not. I could always switch to 4 x Ultra AC/5s...hmmmm


imo, 4 uacs would be really heavy, and would also chew through ammo like crazy, i wouldnt recommend it, unless you want lots of missing armor, a really slow mech, and probably many more comprimises

#413 Aelinarius


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 06:01 PM

Hello world :P

So, the HBK-4SP is my first bought mech. I've spent all my C-Bills earned with it thrice, once for across-the-board upgrades, twice just trialing different fittings. Before I do that again, I want some feedback!

This is what I'm currently running as a brawler. Has a fairly harder punch than stock but am I sacrificing too much for Artemis?

Prior to the above build I tried to go pseudo-ranged with 2x LLas. It didn't turn out so well. However, once I've gotten the 4P variant I'll want to switch back, but have weapons of all ranges. Something like this (SSRM primarily for lights):

Edited by Aelinarius, 02 April 2013 - 06:09 PM.

#414 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 06:51 PM

View PostAelinarius, on 02 April 2013 - 06:01 PM, said:

Hello world :)

So, the HBK-4SP is my first bought mech. I've spent all my C-Bills earned with it thrice, once for across-the-board upgrades, twice just trialing different fittings. Before I do that again, I want some feedback!

This is what I'm currently running as a brawler. Has a fairly harder punch than stock but am I sacrificing too much for Artemis?

Prior to the above build I tried to go pseudo-ranged with 2x LLas. It didn't turn out so well. However, once I've gotten the 4P variant I'll want to switch back, but have weapons of all ranges. Something like this (SSRM primarily for lights):

the one with Artemis is pretty much fully optimized
the usefulness of Artemis is up to you, how close do you tend to be to your target, if really close, imo you should put the tonnage else where

as for the large laser/ppc one, heres what i did, simply took out a hs, which made room for ferro armor, which gave you the spare tonnage to put in a bigger engine, which not only made you faster,but also had 1 more hs then the older engine, so nothing was lost

i would only use the er large laser if you regular engage people at greater then 450m ranges, the er version is pretty hot

#415 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 06:55 PM

also, unless you like the instant dmg of the ppc, you could swap it out for another er large laser, that actually has better range then the ppcs, as well as being lighter, it will be a little weaker, but only by 1 point of dmg, and it would run cooler

#416 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 06:58 PM

spare tonnage is yours to play with, and you can always change other things, such as weapon sset-up, armor balance, etc i just gave you some suggestions and basic improvements

#417 Skadi


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:00 PM

Have at it: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...309a6eef3e58c9f (Please note, im aware SRM6's are abominably bad atm, and the artemis is intended for the extra range and tighter spread, play along with them as im hoping they will be buffed soon in terms of dmg.)

Edited by Skadi, 02 April 2013 - 07:03 PM.

#418 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:03 PM

View PostAelinarius, on 02 April 2013 - 06:01 PM, said:

Hello world :)

So, the HBK-4SP is my first bought mech. I've spent all my C-Bills earned with it thrice, once for across-the-board upgrades, twice just trialing different fittings. Before I do that again, I want some feedback!

This is what I'm currently running as a brawler. Has a fairly harder punch than stock but am I sacrificing too much for Artemis?

Prior to the above build I tried to go pseudo-ranged with 2x LLas. It didn't turn out so well. However, once I've gotten the 4P variant I'll want to switch back, but have weapons of all ranges. Something like this (SSRM primarily for lights):

also, you can take out the medium in the head and small laserz in the arm, then just put 2 mediums in the arm, it will be doing less dmg at close ranges (1 less dmg at ranges below 90m, also have a slower recycle rate) but you will be doing more dmg at other ranges, so it still something to consider, they will also run cooler

#419 ChexGuy


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:04 PM

I'm also messing around with a 4SP, this is what I've come up with:


Is there anything I could be doing better?

#420 Just wanna play


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:07 PM

View PostSkadi, on 02 April 2013 - 07:00 PM, said:

Have at it: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...309a6eef3e58c9f (Please note, im aware SRM6's are abominably bad atm, and the artemis is intended for the extra range and tighter spread, play along with them as im hoping they will be buffed soon in terms of dmg.)

i wouldnt say they are bad, i have dual srm 6 launchers on my phract, any ways

View PostSkadi, on 02 April 2013 - 07:00 PM, said:

Have at it: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...309a6eef3e58c9f (Please note, im aware SRM6's are abominably bad atm, and the artemis is intended for the extra range and tighter spread, play along with them as im hoping they will be buffed soon in terms of dmg.)

wtf is the mech im looking at right now?!?!? jump jets, 90 tons, dafuq??

ohhh, its a highlander XD nvm

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