Tice Daurus, on 25 March 2013 - 07:32 PM, said:
You see I was around at the near beginning when they told us that and new once they announced that they would have to do everything from scratch with an all new engine. I remember the first couple of weeks with the constant problems of games dropping every couple of games and if we could go at least 4 games without the game crashing that was on a GOOD DAY. Since then it's taken them a long time to correct those bugs. And then on top of that, they added new content weekly, along with the bug fixes. Problems with speed issues aka going over 140kph. Mechs causing memory leaks and crashes. Weapons not working right. Does anyone here remember flamers being OP? I do.
I can see why at first it's take so much money for them at first because of the constant roadblocks and problems they've had in the past. It hasn't been easy for them but so far, they're doing alright for the 98 pound weakling trying to take on the 800 pound gorillas in the room.
Now can they do better? Yes. But I think they know this and I'm still game to see how well they do.
Code and map texture/terrain assets are completely different things. Unless they had to reuse the old assets for maps and retrofit then yes it would be painful but really, why would you do that? I would re-use backend, game mechanics, frameworks, etc code if I really had to but that wouldn't extend to the graphics.
Having said that I think you should re-read the history of MWO and PGI. PGI were developing a Mechwarrior reboot themselves so it's not like they were handed a solution from somewhere else and had to understand it from stratch (I refer to the Dev 0 blog post).
Anyway we are probably off on the wrong tangent. I listened to the vid and interpreted it as it costs us this much NOW to produce this content. And not so much as it cost us THAT much back then due to rehasing and integration problems by using a hand me down half finished game as described by yourself.