Werewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:
I have an idea on how PGI can keep money coming in for the future development of MWO for the community to enjoy.
well, they should make more maps fast.
Werewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:
After hearing Bryan talk about the cost of developing 1 mech (he stated it's about $60,000)
but don't we have enough mech variants right now? i think so. i'm new, think about the people who are new to the game, not all you elite founder ribbon cutting ceremony people. think about the people who are JUST turned on to this game. there are an expletiveTON of mechs to work on and play with and purchase. stop making a new variant = $60k saved. problem solved.
Werewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:
1 map costs to create (he stated this costs about $70,000 to $100,000)
i find this almost unbelievable. but guess what, give the community a NWN2esque toolset and blammo, problem solved. MAPS MADE FOR FREEEE!!! and more than you could shake a stick at. the player would have to be responsible for downloading it for it to even find him a match for it (perhaps) that way not everyone would have to have maps they may or may not want. maps could even be rated, and ones that get a really bad rating would be deleted after x amount of ratings and or days. and oooh, here's an idea, they could charge per DL of a map, oooOOoooh, or DL for maps period. "This map is 1,000MC"
$100k saved, problem solved. possibly a fast way to make more money without making us sit through commercials.
Werewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:
If they could double the resources for development this could increase the speed at which things come down the pipe line, could open up more servers, could also result in a drop in MC pricing. So without further adieu...
i feel ya.
Werewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:
ugh, no, while you have a good sense of humor, i strongly disagree with you. i already hate the leadins there are right now. i like to be able to click on my MWO shortcut and BLAM, there is my login screen.
especially after i've had 5 game lockups, ctds, whatever, i
really dont care to sit through the game makers little cinematics.