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Raising Money For The Development Of Mwo

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Poll: Would you accept a commercial in exchange for better funding of the development of MWO (121 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you be willing to accept a 30 second commercial after you click the Launch button?

  1. Yes (14 votes [11.57%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.57%

  2. No (103 votes [85.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 85.12%

  3. Abstain (4 votes [3.31%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 3.31%

Would you be willing to accept one commercial after you log into your client?

  1. Yes (39 votes [32.23%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 32.23%

  2. No (66 votes [54.55%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 54.55%

  3. Maybe (16 votes [13.22%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.22%

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#41 Alois Hammer


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 07:09 AM

View PostWerewolf486, on 29 March 2013 - 04:34 AM, said:

Do you people realize that if the adds brought in $ for PGI to use toward development it would likely help them to get things done better, or quicker?

So would them getting their proctologists to help them extract their heads and get off the "3rd Person Rulez LOL/Monetize CW Into the Ground" train.

They got their money from me, and I'm frankly regretting giving'em that much. But now, IMO, the people they're catering to can pony up some funding. Let's see how much they get from the invisible, silent majority who's getting 3rd personalong with a lipstick tramp stamp.

#42 Victor Morson


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 12:22 PM

If they're going to do ads, I'll be OK with it, as long as two things are meant:

A: They aren't obtrusive. Taking small corner of the UI space in the main shell is fine.

B: Ideally, ads are made "in universe" to not be massively jarring. Amusingly several companies exist in the BTU that exist today (I'm not sure how they got away with the copyrights for all these years) so an ad for General Motors could in fact be made to be a real in-universe wink.

C: Anyone with premium time should be able to disable the ads.

Edited by Victor Morson, 31 March 2013 - 12:24 PM.

#43 Phaesphoros


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 03:07 PM

How long does it currently take for your PC to load a map? Why not show some banner ads or spots at some place of that loading screen? It'd be kind of a 30 s ad after clicking the launch button, but wouldn't add up to the time until you can start killing stompy robots.

Edited by Phaesphoros, 31 March 2013 - 03:09 PM.

#44 Victor Morson


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 07:40 PM

View PostPhaesphoros, on 31 March 2013 - 03:07 PM, said:

How long does it currently take for your PC to load a map? Why not show some banner ads or spots at some place of that loading screen? It'd be kind of a 30 s ad after clicking the launch button, but wouldn't add up to the time until you can start killing stompy robots.

I'm OK with that. I'm really in particular down on video / audio ads unless carefully crafted by the developers in particular, however, because they liked to SUDDENLY DO THIS TO THE VOLUME and won't stop, driving you crazy. Every company that has gone this route has had this happen and it's really frustrating - even Valve's ad supported L4D servers can be massively headache inducing with this.

Ads, if they're careful to do them tastefully, can be a good way to bring in revenue though that I'd support.

#45 Phaesphoros


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 04:29 AM

View PostVictor Morson, on 31 March 2013 - 07:40 PM, said:

I'm OK with that. I'm really in particular down on video / audio ads unless carefully crafted by the developers in particular, however, because they liked to SUDDENLY DO THIS TO THE VOLUME and won't stop, driving you crazy.

That issue is not new and has been addressed for TV, in the United States as well as in the EU (though I can't find useful info on the latter). Video ads have another drawback, namely video codecs / playback.

Edited by Phaesphoros, 01 April 2013 - 04:29 AM.

#46 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 10:51 AM

So having the added revenue to help develop MWO is something that a majority people don't seem to want? WTH? How can this be, you give up 30 seconds of time to get an investment into MWO for continued development, this seems like a no brainer to me. I would think most people would welcome the idea of having an outside source to help offset the costs here. Yet it's like the no's are full of vindictive attitudes toward PGI to the point that almost any idea is met with anger and frustration.

How can anything that would help the development of a genre of game we all enjoy be a bad thing, especially when it's only 30 seconds of time? Does it cause you pain, no. Does it cause you mental anguish, no. Does it give you anything, yes! How can you not see the upside to this?

#47 B15hop


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 01:06 PM

No, I will not pay to watch commercials..

As for the griping about "Everyone should be willing to do this"
How much money have you soent on this game so far?
I have spent 200 dollars, not to mention premium costs.
I have done more than my part imo..

Making me watch commercials is NOT something I am ok with.
As it is I am investing on a product, that has not returned in respect to the amount of money I have invested.
In a BETA game, none the less..

A no brainer? Hardly.
I don't want to be thinking about Dawn dish soap, everytime I load into a game..
That kills my mojo..

Edited by B15hop, 02 April 2013 - 01:18 PM.

#48 Alois Hammer


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 02:35 PM

View PostWerewolf486, on 02 April 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:

How can you not see the upside to this?

How can you not see that it's a way of giving more financial freedom to the current devs, which translates into more freedom for them to say "[REDACTED] what you whiners want, we're adding 3rd person, no heat, and unlimited ammunition for our imaginary friends?"

They got my money already, and in return I got told to take a flying leap and suck up whatever they decided to add.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

The trolls at PGI will bring no shame on me. Let'em dump on you, if that's the kind of thing that turns you on- I'm out.

#49 Elder Thorn


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 02:48 PM

i am a founder, so NO

#50 White Bear 84


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Posted 02 April 2013 - 06:34 PM

A list of things i hate:

1. Ad's before Youtube videos i want to watch
2. Ad's popping up when i open a website
3. Ad's popping up in my facebook and e-mail trying to sell me asian dating
4. Ad's that in any way intefere in my browsing or any activity i do.

This is an overwhelming NO from me. Ad's have their place and that is not disrupting things that a person is doing such as going to view a music clip, picture album, browse a website or play a game...

Edited by White Bear 84, 02 April 2013 - 06:35 PM.

#51 Tekadept


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 12:34 AM

We have the precursor to the ad system, at the moment i have a 2-5 minute black screen before i get to drop. just imagine the "Insert ad here" then i finally drop halfway through the match.

#52 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 12:59 AM

View PostWerewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:

I have an idea on how PGI can keep money coming in for the future development of MWO for the community to enjoy. This is an idea I had after watching the PAX video with the guys from PGI, Star Citizen and Tribes. I'm presenting this for your serious consideration and I've given it a lot of thought, then I gave it more thought on how to size it all down into a shorter version that won't make you to board to quick.

After hearing Bryan talk about the cost of developing 1 mech (he stated it's about $60,000) and how much 1 map costs to create (he stated this costs about $70,000 to $100,000) it got me thinking what would be a way to help them raise money for the continued development of MWO that the community could accept. Seriously think about how much of a positive affect this could have on development of game. If they could double the resources for development this could increase the speed at which things come down the pipe line, could open up more servers, could also result in a drop in MC pricing. So without further adieu...

The ideas: One 30 second commercial spot after you press the launch button, commercials for things like Newegg, Tiger Direct, Dell, and ASUS for some examples. Things that make sense to the community, not adds for tampons, Centrium Silver, Cialis.


Idea number two: An add spot that plays one time right after logging in to your client.

Personally I feel this should be the future of online gaming in an effort to reduce the cost load on the community and to stabilize the funds to the development of a game. Remember, the more commercials they play the more funding they have, so having one before each drop means way more money!

Thank you for reading and voting,

With all due respect, I hate this idea. You are suggesting something I abhor, I absolutely hate commercials. If I wanted to be subjected to such mindless **** I would watch television. So I voted no on both accounts. There are better ways for PGI to raise money. (not flaming you OP but this idea grates)

#53 The Schwartz


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:34 AM

If there's a commercial after every time you hit launch two things will happen. The first one is the commercials wont be done right and will lock people up right before the match starts. I'm not poking fun at the devs on this one but, the people who put the ads together usually aren't considerate of proper formats or double checking compatibility/conflicts. The second one is the people who play the most often will become very annoyed with having to wait an additional 30seconds to the already 30s-1min time for the match to start. If there was a benifit that the users could see as a compromise it might work... like more paint options for c-bills instead of mc. Personally, I know it'd annoy me and I've played some FPS that use this and I just don't anymore because of this annoyance.

For the second part on the initial login screen, sure go for it. It's alot less annoying than the first one to the players. My suggestion would be to use that space on the home screen to scroll ads.

Maybe outside the box here but, you could do paintschemes all NASCAR like on the mechs. It'd throw some variety of mechs and get some more product placement. I'd pilot a M&M Spider.

Or for funsies, losing team has to watch ads. Yes, they are torturious to everyone when you see the same one 20 times a day.

#54 Flint N Steel


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:38 AM

Heck NO I wouldn't accept ads on this game. I already paid for a legendary founders pack and got screwed over by them. I suppose it's my fault for not paying attention, but legendary members didn't get anything other than 3 extra founders mechs, none of which have as good of a bonus as the hero mechs. Until they can quit introducing bugs with every patch, fix all the issues with getting stuck on various terrain objects, they won't see one more penny from me.

#55 Kekkone


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:47 AM

Voted no to both, because of this:

View PostVictor Morson, on 31 March 2013 - 07:40 PM, said:

I'm OK with that. I'm really in particular down on video / audio ads unless carefully crafted by the developers in particular, however, because they liked to SUDDENLY DO THIS TO THE VOLUME and won't stop, driving you crazy. Every company that has gone this route has had this happen and it's really frustrating - even Valve's ad supported L4D servers can be massively headache inducing with this.

Ads, if they're careful to do them tastefully, can be a good way to bring in revenue though that I'd support.

Knowing the wonderful mind that is marketing, they will not do it tastefully, The only reason we're limited to audio volumes that only break our speakers is, that somebody in the ad-departments heard that increasing the volume would kill off the customers, thus reducing revenue.

#56 Calamus


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:26 AM

I'd pay a $15 monthly fee before I put up with commercials.

I got rid of cable and use Netflix now for the simple reason that it has no commercials. I'm not about to put up with it from video games.

#57 MaddMaxx


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 10:28 AM


Not ads for Centrum Silver or Cialis.

Now I am just offended. Why leave out such a large chunk of MWO's over-all demographic? ;)

#58 blinkin


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:06 AM

View PostCalamus, on 03 April 2013 - 08:26 AM, said:

I'd pay a $15 monthly fee before I put up with commercials.

I got rid of cable and use Netflix now for the simple reason that it has no commercials. I'm not about to put up with it from video games.

and it's cheaper and you get everything on demand and you get far more selection.

cable and satellite have been made very thoroughly obsolete by this one simple service.

#59 Victor Morson


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:21 AM

View PostPhaesphoros, on 01 April 2013 - 04:29 AM, said:

That issue is not new and has been addressed for TV, in the United States as well as in the EU (though I can't find useful info on the latter). Video ads have another drawback, namely video codecs / playback.

On TV, sure, but not on the internet. They continue to be annoying as possible because the internet has no FCC equivalent nor do they have any measurable control over it.

Not that I'm complaining. The FCC held TV and thus culture back for years, and it will be a dark day when the internet DOES get regulated, but right now we're on our own hoping companies are careful about which ads they allow.

You're aware there are two threads talking about this?

tl/dr: If they implement ads into the browser, don't give them audio capability by default and maybe even try to make them fit into the universe (in particular with in-universe companies that also exist IRL)... that's fine by me. There's no reason non-premium accounts can't get an ad in their UI.

No forced video clips though. They always load awkwardly, have volume issues.. just bad.

#60 BoPop


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:18 PM

View PostWerewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:

I have an idea on how PGI can keep money coming in for the future development of MWO for the community to enjoy.

well, they should make more maps fast.

View PostWerewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:

After hearing Bryan talk about the cost of developing 1 mech (he stated it's about $60,000)

but don't we have enough mech variants right now? i think so. i'm new, think about the people who are new to the game, not all you elite founder ribbon cutting ceremony people. think about the people who are JUST turned on to this game. there are an expletiveTON of mechs to work on and play with and purchase. stop making a new variant = $60k saved. problem solved.

View PostWerewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:

1 map costs to create (he stated this costs about $70,000 to $100,000)

i find this almost unbelievable. but guess what, give the community a NWN2esque toolset and blammo, problem solved. MAPS MADE FOR FREEEE!!! and more than you could shake a stick at. the player would have to be responsible for downloading it for it to even find him a match for it (perhaps) that way not everyone would have to have maps they may or may not want. maps could even be rated, and ones that get a really bad rating would be deleted after x amount of ratings and or days. and oooh, here's an idea, they could charge per DL of a map, oooOOoooh, or DL for maps period. "This map is 1,000MC"

$100k saved, problem solved. possibly a fast way to make more money without making us sit through commercials. :ph34r:

View PostWerewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:

If they could double the resources for development this could increase the speed at which things come down the pipe line, could open up more servers, could also result in a drop in MC pricing. So without further adieu...

i feel ya.

View PostWerewolf486, on 27 March 2013 - 12:14 PM, said:

The ideas:

ugh, no, while you have a good sense of humor, i strongly disagree with you. i already hate the leadins there are right now. i like to be able to click on my MWO shortcut and BLAM, there is my login screen.

especially after i've had 5 game lockups, ctds, whatever, i really dont care to sit through the game makers little cinematics.

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