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Every Single Assault Basecap I've Seen Today Has Been By Premades

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#41 hammerreborn


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:21 PM


If you don't like people capping, either stop whining or defend your base. No one cares about the premades hurting your so valuable feelings and your ever so elite skills with your "awesome" K/D ratios. You lost and now you're crying, so even that 0 damage spider is laughing at you.

The fact that you brag about your spider and cicada K/D ratios then QQ about cappers only tells me youre the type of terrible player I would never want on my team, because you're awful.

#42 Edwyndham


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:22 PM

Hah, I remember you bitching me out in game about this. You made a thread about it? Okay.

Well, speaking as a member of one of those filthy awful premades:


every single time more than 1 solo light goes for a base cap, it's done by a premade.[/color]

I have often had random pugs follow me on to a cap, and many times been the random pug playing solo who decides to cap with others, be they other pugs or premades. Your observation is not true 100% of the time.


what im seeing now all of a sudden are premades that intentionally dont fight and just go for base caps. it happened maybe once or twice earlier today (no big deal. shrugged it off), but now i just hit 2 matches in a row where 2 different premades didnt fire a single shot and went straight to base.

We didn't go 'straight' for the base. Myself (COM-2D) and the other 'light' (a Cicada) I was with scouted all the way out to the D5/D6 (nearish where Kappa/Theta would be) area on Tourmaline when we started on south side, which is where the majority of fights on that map end up taking place by our observations, and we surprisingly found not a single enemy. We later found your entire group hugging the east side of the map (what were you doing there? Maybe making a huge push on our base?), based on intel from our main line. Enemy base and main line were equidistant from our location at that point, and your main line was somewhat between us and our main line. So the two of us scouts decided '**** it' and hit the enemy base, hoping to pull enemies off of your line to come deal with us, which is the main tactical point of hitting the enemy base in many situations.

Unfortunately for you, you alone decided to come back and got stuck in a 2v1 situation.


Maybe if you as a light had done better intel and actually scouted, you'd have seen us coming? Tourmaline has lots of ludicrously high spires that are easily accessible to JJ spiders. They even have invisible walls to protect you!

Maybe if you had noticed that your base health was decreasing faster than normal for one capper, you would have realized that, gee, there was more than a single enemy on the base? And you could have told your team and asked them to help, instead of rushing into a 2v1 situation?


i know nothing will come from this post but if someone who runs a premade that base rushes happens to open this up, do me a favor and explain to me why you prefer showcasing your complete lack of skill over using the fact that you're a premade to do things like play tactically.

This may come as a shock to you, but hitting the base is actually a tactic. You and your team's response to that tactic was very poor, and it cost you the game. Oh well.


do you honestly have fun booting up the game and then not playing it?
is this just a glorified mech driving sim to you and not a mech combat sim?

If you think I run a base-cap game in literally every match I play, you are mistaken. If you choose to ignore the concepts of tactical scouting and tactical disruption entirely, and just try to pew-pew it up in your spider, all the more power to you. But don't think everyone is going to play by the unofficial, unspoken rules you made up in your head.


i myself (especially when skilling up my 5k and 5v..) have been known to run to the enemy base in an attempt to split their forces if i know my mech isnt exactly combat-capable. but using it as a distraction and then escaping to the main battle is one thing...sending an entire premade group of mechs to the base with cap modules is something else entirely.

It was half our premade group. The other half was with the main force.


I don't play to cap. I play to win, and if I have to cap to stop a landslide slaughter or massive teammate incompetence, I'm going to do it. I stopped TRYING for caps when they adjusted pay to be primarily based on damage and kills, independent of win/loss.[/color]
That being said, there is a "base..." sure, it's some stupid drilling rig/weather machine (the thing has lightning effects, wtf else is that supposed to be?!) but it is there for better or worse. Stepping on the enemy pad will do one of two things: the enemy will come to you, thereby splitting their force or turning their backs on your frontline buddies....or they will politely ignore you until the timer runs out.[/color]

All it takes is one arse to stop a cap win. I've been that guy, zig-zagging on one side of the drill/weathermachine while the enemy tried to shoot me for as long as it took for my team to get back. I've also been cut down and they cap won anyway. Point is, if I CAN make it back to defend, I probably try.[/color]

You have every right to call the capping mechanic stupid, and out of place, and ignore it entirely. You also have the right to lose when that happens.[/color]

Look at it this way - if they ever find a Repair/Rearm system that isn't massively exploitable and worthless...and a living economy in CW, capping will become much more tempting. The pay is far lower, but the lower repair fees, wasted ammo, and potentially destroyed weapons you cannot immediately re-buy due to a hammered economy, may all balance out to show you that you need to defend that square.[/color]


(FYI it is a cappuccino machine, they are drilling for caffeine in the desert.)

Edited by zwanglos, 28 March 2013 - 09:25 PM.

#43 DegeneratePervert


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:23 PM

Capping is boring. Unless we're talking Conquest. Then capping can be fun. Otherwise what's the point, other than being a ***.

#44 Mavairo


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:25 PM

View PostDegeneratePervert, on 28 March 2013 - 09:23 PM, said:

Capping is boring. Unless we're talking Conquest. Then capping can be fun. Otherwise what's the point, other than being a ***.

So your idea of a good time is standing around doing nothing on either side of a ridge going "hurr hurr hurr watch me pop tartz hur hur hur"?

#45 Corwin Vickers


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:42 PM

View PostFranchi, on 28 March 2013 - 07:27 PM, said:

Nothing warms my heart more than being called a "bundle of sticks" by the team who refused to defend their base.

Or a cigarette?

View PostFranchi, on 28 March 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:

I am willing to wager I have a higher KDR, W/L ratio and EXP per match than you.

View PostFranchi, on 28 March 2013 - 08:09 PM, said:

Want to compare overalls so we can find out who's is really bigger? That's an attempt to humorously point out how stupid this is if you didn't get it.

You started it.

#46 Franchi


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:50 PM

View PostCorwin Vickers, on 28 March 2013 - 09:42 PM, said:

Or a cigarette?

Yes, funny how that is the first slur all the ragers seem to use.


You started it.

Actually he started it in post 7 claiming

View PostVividos, on 28 March 2013 - 07:33 PM, said:

he apparently doesn't care about c-bills, xp, playing the game, or anything really. he plays the game for the sole purpose of being worthless and annoying.

My KDR and W/L ratios are logical counters to this, him cherry picking his two best stats on two separate mechs was to good to pass up, especially as my two best using the same method are better.

Edited by Franchi, 28 March 2013 - 10:05 PM.

#47 Teralitha


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:08 PM

View PostVividos, on 28 March 2013 - 08:23 PM, said:

and im SURE those are with SPIDERS amirite? get over yourself. you already admit with your first post in this thread that you have no skill. and now you're trying to come back and tell us how awesome you are? give me a break. running with a premade that base caps and kills the 1 person who comes to defend, your right, means nothing. it will inflate a k/d ratio. my stats were given with nothing but PUGGING.

holy crap did i get off topic.

try running a spider in a pug. oh that's right, you won't because you have no balls.
my bad

I have been preaching all along that assault mode is for the lower end the the skill curve when it comes to tactics. I havent been proven wrong yet.

I find this whole topic funny and sad at the same time.

Edited by Teralitha, 28 March 2013 - 10:08 PM.

#48 Teralitha


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:15 PM

View PostVividos, on 28 March 2013 - 08:50 PM, said:

1) there is no defense against a premade group that base rushes. especially if they have cap modules.

2) premades are the only people i've seen successfully base cap today. that's kind of what the title of this thread says.
but hey, we cant all afford things like an education. so i forgive you.

Premades want TDM, since they cant get it, instead they grief everyone in assault mode by capping.... ? I know I would.

#49 Ghogiel


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:16 PM

View PostTeralitha, on 28 March 2013 - 10:08 PM, said:

I have been preaching all along that assault mode is for the lower end the the skill curve when it comes to tactics. I havent been proven wrong yet.

Oh great and tactical conquest mode, no one can disprove your existence as leetskill mode, therefore you exist as the leetskil mode. There is no burden of proof to be had from the chosen ones!

#50 jakucha


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:25 PM

View PostFranchi, on 28 March 2013 - 07:33 PM, said:

I'm taking the game too seriously.


Edited by jakucha, 28 March 2013 - 10:26 PM.

#51 Prophetic


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:31 PM

We ran our premade all night and specifically avoid capping or defending cap. We just don't care if we lose to cap. We go for kills stay together and level our crappy mechs with 2xp weekend. Hell if we lose to cap it just lowers our ELO which no one minds at this point. If anything it has been our other 4 players either pug or premade that run off and like to cap.

#52 Dakkath


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:07 AM

Cleaned up some posts.
Guys please refrain from insults / CoC violations..

#53 Voidcrafter


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:27 AM

5v3 game. Stept on the enemy base with 2 PUG(we were the only ones left alive) fellas and stood there till it had about 10%.
"Leave it" - I said - "They got the point, lets die with honor."
Then we stept out.
Then we hunted them down and killed all 5 of them.
Glorious. :P
EDIT: higher rewards come with actually shooting at stuff. I think it's discouraging enough for a sane person to go that way instead of caping for no reason(reason: he left alone and this is the only way he can achieve the most of that fact).
For the others(not "that" sane) well... Could be something else, even worse, you know :P

Edited by Voidcrafter, 29 March 2013 - 06:29 AM.

#54 0X2A


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:48 AM

Solution? Don't play assault.

Really, it's the poorest game mode ever conceived. (Imo)

They need some new game modes pronto.

#55 Franchi


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:50 AM

View Postjakucha, on 28 March 2013 - 10:25 PM, said:

You don't get the obvious movie refrence?

Alright maybe it is a bit obscure, its from Any Given Sunday.

#56 Mavairo


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:52 AM

View PostVoidcrafter, on 29 March 2013 - 06:27 AM, said:

5v3 game. Stept on the enemy base with 2 PUG(we were the only ones left alive) fellas and stood there till it had about 10%.
"Leave it" - I said - "They got the point, lets die with honor."
Then we stept out.
Then we hunted them down and killed all 5 of them.
Glorious. :P
EDIT: higher rewards come with actually shooting at stuff. I think it's discouraging enough for a sane person to go that way instead of caping for no reason(reason: he left alone and this is the only way he can achieve the most of that fact).
For the others(not "that" sane) well... Could be something else, even worse, you know :P

I don't think they got the point actually, like at all if they didn't come to you.
You're just giving them what they want when you leave the cap to go kill them. They didn't want to peel off the main engagement, because ''this is more fun derp!".

And when they whined in all chat, you should have said "then don't be idiots and defend your base. GG"

Edited by Mavairo, 29 March 2013 - 06:54 AM.

#57 Noobzorz


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:52 AM

I am concerned that this topic is a stealth qq about capping, based on some of the posts I've seen in here.

If you want to let the world know that "I do not like getting stomped by premades" that's fine, but don't try to sneak in "I do not like that people play the objective."

Edit: Also, higher per match rewards come with 8 minute slugfests, but a 4 man capping you before the second minute has elapsed on river city is going to have a high CBill/time and EXP/time ratio. Begrudging them doing this is stupid. Instead, complain that the stupid matchmaker pairs four dudes who have a plan going into the game with the 8 total strangers on your side.

Edited by Noobzorz, 29 March 2013 - 06:54 AM.

#58 Mechteric


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:53 AM

You know there's often some pretty good battles in Conquest mode. If it really bothers you to lose from a cap so quickly give that a try.

Edited by CapperDeluxe, 29 March 2013 - 06:54 AM.

#59 Noobzorz


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:55 AM

View Post0X2A, on 29 March 2013 - 06:48 AM, said:

Solution? Don't play assault.

Really, it's the poorest game mode ever conceived. (Imo)

They need some new game modes pronto.

Yup. There it is. 0X, I think you're a smart guy, but this looks a lot like stealth QQ to me.

Edit: Whoops. You are not OP. Disregard the above.

I think that King of The Hill mode someone brought up in Teralitha's topic would fulfill exactly the same purpose without needing to add a bunch of dumb and complex external features. It would likely be a colossal assault vs. assault slugfest, but I'd probably play it every so often.

Edited by Noobzorz, 29 March 2013 - 06:57 AM.

#60 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:58 AM

Yo Capper, fellow NC'in.....

And yea, Conquest is an undervalued mode imo. I've had more "great" matches in Conq than Assault frankly, as the game mechanics change much of the tactical thought for many players.

Of course, tbf, I've had some absolutely awful games in the past where getting the team to not scatter to the winds to cap all the points at once (at least that's how it looked) was like trying to herd angry cats and led to terrible losses.

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