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#241 Fenix0742


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:56 PM

To post on topic here, I think I'm really insulted and offended by how that was worded.

"We really want people who participate in this to be as engaged as possible. And we'll probably require them to have a premium time account, as a kind of dedication level."

I paid the full price of a new, feature complete game while it was still in beta, and I'm not engaged? I'm not dedicated? I haven't yet received a feature complete game, and you want more money? Perhaps the game will have launched by then, but I still should be able to enjoy all of the content for the price I paid, especially when it's supposed to be a free game!

#242 D34K


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:58 PM

Just when we're done hating PGI for a hundred other hideous mistakes, they *face-palm* hard enough to decapitate themselves.

This is a team game and they've done everything possible since launch to make it impossible for a bunch of friends to just get together and play. Should I count the ways? And now we have to pay to experience actual meaningful team-based gameplay?

Their playerbase is hanging on by a thread and they're trolololing whilst think of new ways to make us hate them for ruining this franchise.

#243 Cur


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:01 PM

View PostBuddahcjcc, on 29 March 2013 - 03:52 PM, said:

Oh hell, K-town came HERE
Isnt this backwards?

You mean the lead developers stating multiple times for the public that it's a core part about how they're making the game without certain "features" due to balance/p2w and that the game is F2P only because IGP was the only publisher that would touch PGI with a 10foot pole?

Then have them go back on everything they said and try to cool it down with happy faced stickmen on a blackboard cartoon to help you understand that it's ok what they're doing and that you will like it.... isnt backwards in itself?

At the current rate of $10 a skin, $5 a color and up to $30 for premium mechs currently, $50 for a clan mech + repairs every match with hard to find parts because "clan mechs are speshul!" seems spot on. I could be wrong tho, they could aim for $70 per clan mech. Maybe even go for a $120 "super commander hero" clan mech with golden heat sinks, regenerating coolant flush and bling in the cockpit!

#244 KuruptU4Fun


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:02 PM

View PostFenix0742, on 29 March 2013 - 03:56 PM, said:

To post on topic here, I think I'm really insulted and offended by how that was worded.

"We really want people who participate in this to be as engaged as possible. And we'll probably require them to have a premium time account, as a kind of dedication level."

I paid the full price of a new, feature complete game while it was still in beta, and I'm not engaged? I'm not dedicated? I haven't yet received a feature complete game, and you want more money? Perhaps the game will have launched by then, but I still should be able to enjoy all of the content for the price I paid, especially when it's supposed to be a free game!

They are discussing paying for an option, not a complete game itself.

Otherwise you need to look at your $120 purchase more the following:

What is needed is people who understand they are consumers, but have the mentality of investors. Give them your money because you see the potential of a growing product, then give them the room to build that product to fit a mass audience..

#245 Palmtree


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:02 PM

If the article is accurate PGI has gone insane. I'm hoping that someone "misspoke" so I'll reserve judgement until an official statement is made.

Edited by Palmtree, 29 March 2013 - 04:04 PM.

#246 Merrik Starchaser


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:03 PM

View PostVulkan, on 29 March 2013 - 12:49 PM, said:

In fact, I would flat out boycott the game. Worst business practice I've heard of.

This and the original proposal to have consumables be pay to win were the only times I have threatened to quit and I will put it in BOLD

Pay for cosmetics and Pay for to go faster is not the same as pay2play. This is a F2P game not P2P and if you try changing it to P2P just because you have more content you will alienate your players.

#247 ryoma


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:03 PM

Hey kid, you wanna play this team game with your friends? Not till you enter your credit card info.

#248 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:04 PM

View PostKuruptU4Fun, on 29 March 2013 - 03:53 PM, said:

At what point has Bryan said anything about us paying for Merc Corps content that no one else has access to? So far the only thing stated is that someone will have to pay a fee to create a group consisting of multiple people. Other than that he has implied there may be a monthly fee associated with that group creation for undisclosed reasons.

he said so here but not for content, just to establish a merc group.

I still want to know whether community warfare will be 1st Person View only.

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 29 March 2013 - 04:05 PM.

#249 BlackBeltJones


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:04 PM

I wonder if PGI bought up all the old payphones that used to exist and plans to sell them to MWO subscribers as the Coms system - 25 cents for 5 minutes of talk then 25 cents for each minute after that.

#250 Zylo


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:04 PM

I was thinking about other ways to drive an increase in premium subs without making them required. The big issue right now is lack of a good C-bill sink to encourage the use of a premium sub to help offset the costs of running more expensive equipment.

So the question I have is this:
How many of you who are against restricting CW to premium subs only would accept the return of repair/rearm ONLY in the CW games? This would still allow players to run CW matches for free and they could easily grind C-bills in normal random matches to offset the repair/rearm costs in CW.

Those who choose a premium sub would have less to worry about in terms of the cost to operate mechs in CW. It wouldn't be true pay-to-win and it wouldn't exclude free players from CW.

The other concern I have is that PGI may consider more consumables that cross the pay-to-win line if they can't increase premium subs in some way.

#251 SNobleJr


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:06 PM

If this turns out to be actually true and not just Bryan putting his foot in his mouth, well... bad move. Very bad move.

Pretty much every good point against this concept has been made already by various people, so I'm not going to repeat them all, just state my agreement that this could potentially drive away a huge percentage of serious players. The one-time setup fee is one thing, and more or less understandable, but what is essentially a subscription fee for what has long since been advertised as the meat of the game? No, that won't fly.

#252 Morgana


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:07 PM

Had this come out on Monday, I would have said, "Hell of a nice April Fool's joke", but my calendar still says March......

#253 Fenix0742


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:07 PM

View PostKuruptU4Fun, on 29 March 2013 - 04:02 PM, said:

They are discussing paying for an option, not a complete game itself.

Otherwise you need to look at your $120 purchase more the following:

What is needed is people who understand they are consumers, but have the mentality of investors. Give them your money because you see the potential of a growing product, then give them the room to build that product to fit a mass audience..

Oh, I fully understand that my $60 purchase was not for a game, but for 20,000 monopoly monies, 3 months of xp boost, and a blue atlas skin. That's not the point. The point is that they're crazy to think that I'm going to buy more monopoly money so I can play a free to play game the "way it was meant to be played"

#254 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:09 PM

One time fee for corp setup...ok. Premium to play in it.... :D this feels wrong. Though, I will reserve judgement until we have a post from the Devs detailing their plan. How about that PGI ? Tell us early, rather than letting another shitstorm develop on the forums.

#255 Cur


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:09 PM

View PostJosef Nader, on 29 March 2013 - 03:54 PM, said:

I've dropped between $300 to $400 on this game. I would have dropped more.....

And to think for $80 10 years ago you could have got a complete game, with over 50 mechs in it, with over 80 skins. Faction warfare was done for free by communities and the ladder's were competative as hell.

Now you get the game for free and can pump upward of $1000 into it and still never get all the content out of it.

Please refrain from boasting about how much money you pulled out of your wallet and burned/tore up/gave to the homless guy on the corner.

I regret being entranced by the origional vision of what this game could have been and sinking $120 into it.

P.S - I have been told that all these pay to win decisions come from IGP and not PGI themselves, something about the downside of selling their soul for $$. Unsure if i believe, but would be interested to see how much better PGI would be if they had of launched through kickstarter. Planetary Annihiliation is looking very nice.

Edited by Cur, 29 March 2013 - 04:12 PM.

#256 Denno


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:09 PM

"We've identified three kinds of players," Piranha Games creative director Bryan Ekman adds. There's the lone wolf, "the guy who doesn't care about role playing, being a part of any organzational structure whatsoever."

This guy just wants to play, he can join a group of friends, play as a group on a world where control of that world is not recorded. The F2P moniker is earned here...

"Then we have factions, and factions are NPC factions. They belong to the universe, they're a part of the lore. These are the great houses of BattleTech."

You can join a House, list yourself as competing for control of a border world, play with friends under your House logo, gain some benefits for playing by getting some bonuses from your House. Again, F2P works well here, I can see a lot of players who want to buy cosmetic stuff only, or maybe some Premium time subscribers as well.

"And then you have the Merc Corps. These are the guilds, these are the clans, these are the guys who come together, band together, fight together and play together and actually want to control as much territory as they can through their actions."

These guys are here for the love of the game, of playing BIG STOMPY MECHS, they've recruited their friends to play, they've made some friends on the forums. They may not like everything that's going on the game provides, but the good outweighs the bad. And they want this game to succeed.This is the group who will have no problem ponying up a small amount of money to support the game they enjoy, not only on the stuff they want personally. But a few extra bucks to bid on contracts and earn a few extra C-Bills and XP maybe.... "

I don't mind a small monthly sub, but that last sentence worries me the most. Pay money to bid on contracts, sounds like. Pay rl money to win lucrative contracts. Pay money to win. Pay to Win something...

#257 Vhetra


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:10 PM

As a person who paid 120$ to see this game completed under the pretenses that they laid out from the beginning(That F2P does not have to be P2W), only to hear that a lot of that money was used to fund an entirely different game on top of them forcing you to pay money and hold a premium account to access 90% of the game? This is absolute **** and if they go through with it I would have absolutely wasted a good chunk of my hard-earned paycheck.

Edited by Vhetra, 29 March 2013 - 04:13 PM.

#258 Kell Commander


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:11 PM

I have to agree with Nick Carlyle here. Why can't a Dev take a few minutes to log onto the forums and say something? ANYTHING?

#259 Kaspirikay


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

Guess I'm staying a lone wolf for the foreseeable future.

#260 pjnt


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

Last month IGP were looking for a person that could help them monetize their titles. I posted that this would lead to the very thing we are discussing here. I got told off by players and mods alike.

Here is the post:
This thread = served up crow.

When will people wake up and realize that money is the sole goal at this time? How much history of IGP/PGI/MWO must people ignore before the light goes on?

Too many have paid over twice what a full working bug free game would cost. Then some have paid many times that. Yet they want more. Leeches and vampires. What else can become so greedy?

Please give us the game and then ask for more money. If the game is good, I will give more. Thankfully for me I have only invested about $50. A fraction of some others who must really be feeling used and betrayed.

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