514yer, on 13 June 2012 - 04:46 AM, said:
Tell me that means you can have more than 3 ballistics... Like take off the AC fit in as many crits worth of smaller ballistics you can or can you ONLY fit 3 ballistic weapons there?
Like a bunch of MGs (in this case) or only 3?
cause if its only 3 no matter what then theres really little point IN customizing them
Guess its a way to get rid of the laser boat issue though
Yep, based on how it appears from screenshots, the number of hardpoints limits the number of weapons.
The result of this is that you won't be able to take off weapons and put on large numbers of smaller weapons. However, you may be able to take off weapons and put on equal or smaller numbers of larger weapons.
So you can't replace an AC20 with 10 machine guns, but you may be able to replace a single machine gun with an AC20, if that panel has enough critical slots available. This isn't confirmed though, although I'm not seeing anything in the mechlab that seems like it would prevent it.