Kristov Kerensky, on 09 April 2013 - 12:44 AM, said:
Yes, you can clearly see the expertise of the writers at FASA back in the day, ECM only works when you are real close to it, as opposed to how it works in the real world, where it works miles and miles out....
So PGI made ECM in the game work more in line with reality instead of the silly way FASA originally had it work, and I don't have a problem with that.
Ah, except your logic fails you - this is a video game based on a system in which FASA created for balance. Changing their system in one way but leaving the rest of it the same creates massive imbalances -- like we have. Real life war is not a game, and it isn't balanced. I wish I could ask the insurgents we smoked when ECM like the DUKE protected us from their IED's how much fun they had playing with our ECM, but alas my KDR is higher than them, and respawns were turned off.
Edited by DocBach, 09 April 2013 - 06:26 AM.