- Host State Rewind leads to more accuracy and the mech is cored quite faster than before.
- OP-Builds are well known by the community (especially alpha-builds/boats)
- Disparity between experienced and new players has grown
In the end, from my point of view a pug doesn't last as long as it should do. I've played a lot of games where a clash lasts about 45 seconds. after this, either one team is completely down or there are some lights left who are being hunted easily by the whole winning team.
I think this is not what a "Mech-War" should be. Even an Atlas is being cored quite easily in a short period of time with some builds.
Don't get me wrong, it still should (and will) be necessary to stay in cover and to stick with your team!
Particularly with regard to newbies a single wrong move, when a OP-build with a good player is able to shoot 2 well aimed alphas, can result in 3 second death, even when he was at 100%.
So I vote for increased armor or durability at all for ALL mechs. Though this could have advantages for PGI as well:
- Money sink (because matches last longer)
- Alpha-/OP Builds become weaker and less dangerous
- This leads to a better balance
- Alternative builds become more interesting and competetive.
- New players have more chances to realize what they did wrong instead of dying almost instantly without having a clue what was going on)
This is not a whining thread, it's only about having no fun to stomp or being stomped (not that often