Nicholas Carlyle, on 05 April 2013 - 11:29 AM, said:
No seriously, there were 3 or 4 HUGE threads theory crafting and think tanking ways to make ECM and Information Warfare function properly.
Go look up Livewyr's thread, It was epic. Had a ton of feedback from a lot of posters.
What you are talking about is the people who exploded after PGI said "Screw you guys" after all that hard work for the last 5 months.
I will have to go back and look at that. Sounds interesting, must have been when I was boycotting the forum for some reason

Having said that, I'm not ready to say that PGI has taken your work and chucked it out the window I'm just saying... until I see more from IW, I'm going to say that ECM is basically fine, as it's the cornerstone that the rest of IW (allegedly) is going to be built around.
You have to have a benchmark to build everything around, otherwise your WHOLE system will end up flawed. If you look at, "Ok, this is what ECM is" now we can discuss what to do with the rest of it. An inch is an inch, you don't change the inch to make more of them fit into a foot.
Now, Rofl came up with a good plan, but that's not going to happen, so lets take what ECM is and make IW better around it.
I don't see it EVERYWHERE like the QQ threads claim, I don't have trouble hitting them with LRMs when the counter on my team switches to jam and keeps them targeted. In my world ECM isn't the problem that it's been made out to be.
I don't really think twice about it when I'm PUGging, I have a different role. I don't think about it when I'm on a team, I have a different role. I see my mini-map jam, I know there is one around me, and I announce it to my team, but I'm not breaking off to go chase the squirrel, I focus on my job. Sure you get the 4 ECM troll lance from time to time, but it's rare and I shrug it off like a CAP rush on Assault.