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Server Downtime - April 5Th, 2013

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#41 xCico


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:19 PM

This hotfix was failed, i cant shoot srms and cant make damage my mech keep turning off and on without my permission also if I stop with mech he teleport from example h7 to a6 and back WTF!!

#42 EvangelionUnit


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:34 PM

worked well for about 10 games, then everything became laggy ... for my whole team ?!
the others seemed to be fine, that makes things even worse ...

#43 Zerwikaptur


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:41 PM

Last patch should have been totally rolled back and not hot fixed.
Game is totally unplayable: FPS dropped by 20%, lags, dropping connection and now during the weekend special I cannot connect at all (Network Request Timed Out).
I just don't get it how can you release something like this, really unprofessional.

Edited by Zerwikaptur, 05 April 2013 - 03:53 PM.

#44 jakucha


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:42 PM

Like bindletorc mentioned, try deleting your shader folder, might help.

#45 Zerwikaptur


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 03:56 PM

I reinstall the game with every patch just to have bigger chances for a playable game so that's not the issue but thx for the response.
Paying customer says sayonara till next patch (again!).

#46 xCico


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 04:14 PM

i delete shaders and didnt work, so when we will expect next hotfix? for three-for days or later?

Edited by 19cico96, 05 April 2013 - 04:14 PM.

#47 Arcticfox9


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 04:19 PM

Frame rate issues continue to persist. This patch has had a modest improvement. But rates are still down 45% since the April 2nd patch was implemented.

#48 Vincian


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 04:38 PM

My team and me experienced extreme rubberbanding, warps and some sessions lost in the mechlab to a degree, it made the game unplayable.

That isnt nice... From a hotfix I promised me more. ;)

#49 Filth Pig


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 04:45 PM

When can we expect a fix for the Texture bug that a lot of us are experiencing with the CN9-A. Where mechs appear to be solid grey or white. It really makes it quite difficult on certain maps, not to mention very annoying.

#50 Wildstreak


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:20 PM

Someone has an Atlas picture in a topic, all white.

Patched, tried Testing Grounds twice, both time I still have the issue where weapon recycle rates are odd, Large Lasers recycle as fast as Mediums and both faster than SRMs.
FPS, usually I get 14-16, after April 2 I was getting 4-6, now I get 6-9 dropping to 4 when firing.

Other issues I have not checked because I am not sure I want to enter a match right now, since April 2 they include:

- Ping time went up. Usually I run between 30-65 except rare moments of 100+ when I hit TAB but more often 30-65. Since the last patch, I am now running about 175.
- I experience mini-teleports from when a match starts.
- I see myself shooting people but at game end no damage recorded. Just yesterday on Forest Colony, I am shooting 1 of 2 Atlases attacking a K2, somehow I am taking damage but I see no one shooting me. I saw shots of mine hit but no damage.
- Sometimes certain keys do not work. R for targetting, Z for zoom, B for Battlegird are some most used that are not always working.
- I am not sure but I think the Heat Scale is a bit bonkers. I could alpha 2 Large Lasers, a Medium and 3 SRM4s, not only did I have the strange recycle rates but when they finished recycling my heat would be 0%. The heat cause by an alpha strike of these weapons seemed off too, lower than I expect for an Alpha.
- Controls for moving appear a bit sluggish than before the patch.
- Sometimes I Click to Spectate, nothing happens. Other times if I click one of the arrows to change who I am spectating, nothing happens for several clicks.

For some reason, the Ping time makes me think I got moved to another server.

Edited by Merchant, 05 April 2013 - 06:21 PM.

#51 RapierE01


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 09:07 PM

Framerate okay but HUD Bug is not solved.

#52 Erasus Magnus


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 05:20 AM

can it be that some of your serverfamrs went broke, pgi? a lot of peeps have extreme issues with lag spikes and gerneral unusual high ping, like myself.
last time i encountered this was in wow some years ago. same probs, turned out someone fell over the power supply cables of the regional server farm.
huge packet loss on their side with extreme lagspikes at the users end as a result.



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Posted 06 April 2013 - 07:22 AM

So when is this going to be fixed. Ping used to be 35 ish now its 50 ish. FPS went down the tube. I very seldom get weekends off. I reinstalled the game and still does not help. I understand we are in some type of beta. (Usually dont pay for beta). And the lack of communication is horrid from the devs.

#54 SteelLynx


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 11:17 AM

As my g/f downloaded a patch for another beta test with a different game, I thought it would be no great deal. I experienced lag spikes, the team not moving (but shooting) and the like. Sometimes I couldn't even move, because I still had the start screen with the teams etc. on my display.

But well, the DL has finished for a while now. Nothing else running in the background. I joined another game, alpine peaks. And for the last few minutes, no one of my team has moved, they are standing still or running on the same spot. Ah, okay. I am in the enemy base now, beamed over. Now they are still running all on their spawn points. Weapons fire (at least lasers), but don't do damage. I can still move around (although I stood still at the beginning, don't know how I got to their base).

I don't know what happened there. But it is impossible to play.

My Highlander is trapped in that game, still. So I decided to configure a CPLT-A1. After finishing that, my Highlander still trapped, I decided to try the Cat out in a game. Worked fine for a couple of minutes, now the same thing again, all mechs running on the spot, missiles/ballistics not firing anymore.

What's going on there?

#55 Wildstreak


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:58 PM

Check your options.

After the April 2nd patch, I noticed my Options were reset, changed a couple of key bindings I had to redo.
Today I noted my graphic settings were off, set to default Medium when I use Low. Changing back to Low gave me some FPS though not as much as I used to have but playable.
Ping is close to where it should be.

#56 KableGuy


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 04:24 PM

View PostSteelLynx, on 06 April 2013 - 11:17 AM, said:

As my g/f downloaded a patch for another beta test with a different game, I thought it would be no great deal. I experienced lag spikes, the team not moving (but shooting) and the like. Sometimes I couldn't even move, because I still had the start screen with the teams etc. on my display.

But well, the DL has finished for a while now. Nothing else running in the background. I joined another game, alpine peaks. And for the last few minutes, no one of my team has moved, they are standing still or running on the same spot. Ah, okay. I am in the enemy base now, beamed over. Now they are still running all on their spawn points. Weapons fire (at least lasers), but don't do damage. I can still move around (although I stood still at the beginning, don't know how I got to their base).

I don't know what happened there. But it is impossible to play.

My Highlander is trapped in that game, still. So I decided to configure a CPLT-A1. After finishing that, my Highlander still trapped, I decided to try the Cat out in a game. Worked fine for a couple of minutes, now the same thing again, all mechs running on the spot, missiles/ballistics not firing anymore.

What's going on there?

short answer, the server crashed.

#57 Wildstreak


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Posted 06 April 2013 - 06:53 PM

Sent these into Support, seems Forest Colony is really bugged for me, worst map of all.


I recently added the April 5th patch, I still see a couple of issues after trying the Testing Grounds a couple of times.
- The one about the recycle times of weapons is still happening.
- Forgot to mention after the April 2nd patch, my FPS according to F9 was about 4-6, usually it is around 14-16. After the April 5th patch, it is about 6-9 going down to 4 when I fire.
Thanks for your time and attention.


Played some games today. On most maps, there are still problems but not as bad though they could be improved.
- Ping time is now between 60-80.
- a few really short teleports (rubberbanding).
- Sometimes get stuck on Death Screen, other times it takes a few clicks to change Spectating view.

Did discover since the April 2nd patch, my Options got reset to Default including Graphics and a couple of key binding changes. Graphics were reset to Medium, when I changed back to Low (my usual setting), I got some FPS back so now I am at 9-12 but it should be 3-6 higher.

Also had 2 more of those problems on Forest Colony both times. Shot enemies but no damage recorded, once I took damage but did not see anyone shooting me, when I was killed I was somewhere else than where my display said. I think Forest Colony is really bugged for me, I never get this on other maps. Other problems become really bad on Forest Colony also.

#58 Wildstreak


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:03 PM

More support email sent in, PGI will be busy reading email come Monday in Montreal.

EDIT - What is this 'delete Shaders folder' I read about?

Edited by Merchant, 07 April 2013 - 03:04 PM.



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:14 PM

View PostMerchant, on 07 April 2013 - 03:03 PM, said:

More support email sent in, PGI will be busy reading email come Monday in Montreal. EDIT - What is this 'delete Shaders folder' I read about?

the default directory is C:/games/pirhana games/mechwarrior online/ user/shaders

deleting the entire 'shaders' folder (without the game running) may help with some issues(the folder is recreated when you restart the game). not most of the bugs currently available for your enjoyment though.

#60 Wildstreak


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:55 PM

Well, that didn't do squat.
Still couldn't see people shooting me, couldn't target anyone, etc.
Pointless to play until fixed.

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