My 1st point being that there are too many light pilots that take super speed for granted and bringing back collisions (in my opinion) would return balance to the light (primarily the 3L) chassis. By having collisions it would separate the skilled light pilots (you have said on many occasions that you want this to be a skill based game) from the speed happy irresponsible pilots. This is obviously just my opinion and you (PGI) will do as you please but there are MANY of us old school (closed beta and realism striving (if I wanted to play an arcade style mech game I would play Hawken, not going to EVER happen by the way) players that learned how to actually pilot light mechs because of those (not so fond) memories of running lights and getting face-rolled when we got knocked over, learned to take heed of our movements so we didn't put ourselves in a position to be/get knocked over.
Secondly, on the matter of equal tonnage drops. I have experienced too many drops where we have been on one side or the other of a ridiculously out-tonned match-up. I do however understand that lance composition has/could/will vary depending on the deployment strategy of the said unit but when there is a tonnage difference of over 200 tons it gets a little ridiculous when I pug and there is some type of expectations that we are suppose to melt 3 times our sides weight in armor off an opposing team before it is even roughly fair on a firepower to armor level (let's not even get into the "ELO" factor witch hasn't been fully explained let alone illegitimately (aka: no way to refer to what your ELO actually is) implemented).
Now in your defense I am sure that all of the issues I have voiced my opinion about are being addressed but I have dumped a boat-load of money into this game and all I have seen is catering to the rookie pilots while removing what us hardcore (fanboy, if you must use that term) Mechwarrior pilots expect after 10 years of waiting... I by no means have no intention to quit playing this gem of a game (unless you put a 3rd person view in) but until certain issues are addressed I will be abusing the free-to-play model and you will see no more of my hard earned money (something I say with the utmost sorrow in my heart because I know you all work your a$$es off to do your best to provide an epic and balanced experience to those of us that have been eagerly awaiting our "big, stompy robot" game).
Needless to say I am sure there will be some that will agree with me and some that will have valid arguments against what I have said but I ask anyone who posts a rebuttal/agreement uses some tact with well thought out responses and not just flame it up. So fellow Mechwarriors, how do you feel about the opinions that have I have brought up and what are yours? PGI listens to us so now is you time for input. I am eager to see what the pilots outside of who I usually play with feel about this.
Edited by CynicalSaint, 06 April 2013 - 03:52 AM.